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Détails de l’offre de coopération


European (primeval-) forest trail
A trail that connects people and places around Europe is sustainable if it is walked by young and old people. Hikers wish experiences with nature just as meeting with people. At the same time they would like to find out and exchange about changes in the environment as well as about social and technical developments which are relevant for the regional living conditions.
Peripherily low mountain regions rich in wood in Central Europe and East Europe are areas with the biggest inhabitant's losses to be expected. Today above all the timber economy in these regions carries a large part of the economic added value. Forest death and other environmental damage lead to a conversion in the forestry to more stable mixed forests. With the reconstruction of primeval forest cells living spaces are created for the preservation of the biodiversity. In the Carpathian woods there are the last preserved original primeval forests of Europe.
Development of a (Primeval-)forest trail as a European footpath to treasures of the forest nature and to timber competence centers - Learning and Transfer of knowledge among forest regions - Networking significant actors (eco-tourismn, intercultural/environmental-pedagogic organizations, timber economy, forest management and other relevant regional institutions/enterprises) - Development of qualification material and infrastructure along the trail (polyglot hiking guides, lodging places, timber competence centers)
LEADER regions from Europe with a high share of forest area, this includes: - municipalities of local action groups, - forest authorities and/or agricultural schools? - tourism agencies, - forest informations centers, - cultural associations, - forest-/woodprocessing companies, - forest rope-parks? - managements of primeval-forest cells, - operators of biomass district heating sites, - forest fairs and exhibitions
Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Germany
Czech, German, English
Culture, Nature/environment/land management, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Donau-Böhmerwald - KLAUS DIENDORFER