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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Nature Activity Day (European year of the volunteering 2011)
2011 is the European year of volunteering, therefore the department of Flevoland is seeking a transnational project concerning volunteer activity in nature. We have decided to focus on our national nature activity day on Saturday, November 5th 2011. This is also a Leader-project in the department of Flevoland. Landschapsbeheer Flevoland (LBF, an NGO): flevoland@landschapsbeheer.net https://www.landschapsbeheer.net tel. 00331 320 294 939
Landschapsbeheer Flevoland (LBF, an NGO) is aiming to realize the Leader Cooperation offer with the goals of: 1. Delegation of knowledge between different LAG- regions in terms of commitments/coordination of volunteers in small-scale nature/ landscape (how do you organize volunteers?) 2. Interchange of knowledge concerning effective implementation actions (eg. Making walls for sand-martins, stakes of branches etc.) in nature/ landscape.
The realisation of the idea is split into 2 phases: • During phase 1, LBF wants to find out whether LEADER regions are willing to participate in this idea to share knowledge and are interested to participate in this project. In this phase there are no implementation costs involved. • Phase 2 concerns the realization of the international nature activity day. In the end of February it will be decided if there is enough interest to start phase2.
LAGs from all EU MS
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Dutch, English
Nature/environment/land management

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Flevoland - INGRID HENZEN