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Détails de l’offre de coopération


LEADER 2012_European and local partnership- change for an employment (50+ and ethnic minorities)
Carring over the work experience in the grame of the human resources and employment between LAG Podlipansko (MAS Podlipansko) and the foreign organization for the purpose of increasing efficency and innovation methods in employing disadvantaged groups (particularly people 50+ and ethnic minorities). Creating a pilot use of the innovative procedures and informing key people involved in regions and the general public.
Planned key activities: 1.Reserach and analysis of needs of target groups 2.International partnership 3.Employing procedure porcessing of the target groups in frame of MAS 4. Idrect verifications 5. International conference 6.Compliation Book
We are looking for partnres for International project from U.K, Ireland, Slovenia, France, Finland (LAGs which are able to communicate with us in Enlgish language). The parners also can be a University of other institutions widch have got experience with listed activities below.
Slovenia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, France
Czech, English
Community development, Economy

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Podlipansko - MARKETA POSIKOVA