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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Project management in Europe
We would like to participate in an exchange and development for project managers within the LEADER program. The participants shall together create a guide for cooperation projects. Participants in the project will travel to each other’s areas, visit and evaluate projects and attend a one day seminar in each country during the visit abroad. During that seminar there will be discussions on similarities and differences in project management between the countries. The project managers shall also keep a lecture about their local project. At home each country will have a seminar to discuss conclusions and look at cultural differences and new ideas. Through cooperation via internet the participants then will make a joint project management guide for future cooperation projects.
Timråbygd is a small LEADER territory in the middle of Sweden situated between two cities with 18 000 inhabitants and a territory with both coastline and wilderness. This is our first LEADER period and we are working to develop the skills for project managers. Sweden is a rather informal country and here a project manager works together with everyone else to reach the objectives of the territory. Most of our project managers are from the nonprofit sector and work in the project for small money or totally nonprofit. Our project managers are driven by a passion for rural development.
• Objective: Create a mutual base for further cooperation projects through the active projects managers in each area. Evolve the skills for rural project managers and create and understanding and an interest for transnational projects. Create a network between project managers in different countries. • Target group: Project managers in rural areas • Activities: Exchange, visit projects, seminars and make a project management guide.
Partner and participants must be English speaking, not perfect but understandable. We do not like our partner to be a too big LEADER area, since the differences between us will be too huge. Since this is our first period in LEADER, we would like to find partner in that similar situation or have understanding for it. We always do our projects at very low cost and would like to do so even here. It is a low budget project and each country stands for their own participants travel costs and the arrangements for a day seminars and a tour to visit different projects. Contact: info@leadertimra.se
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Education, Products(non-food)

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Timråbygd - LENA LILJEMARK