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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Welcome a family or a teen
This is a very simple exchange project that has a focus on letting families and/or teens in the participating areas meet and take part in another culture. Our aim is to spread the internationalisation to as many people as possible and to give people an opportunity to take part in the daily life of an other European country. The project will hopefully lead to new perspective and an improved attitude towards the participants' home community. This is a small and cheap project that can give a big return in the future. The project is made through active host families who invite a family or a youth to their family and then are able to either send their own teenager abroad or travel with the whole family. The local participants shall show the visitors the local traditions incl. local food.
Timråbygd is a small leader territory in the middle of Sweden. We have 18 000 inhabitants and a territory with both coastline and wilderness. We are situated between two cities.
Objective: This project aims to work with cultural understanding and improving the attitude toward the participants own community. This is more a pure exchange than cooperation. Target group: Families those are willing to both travel to another family and also welcome that family to their home for a different holiday. Participating can also be teens that have families that are willing to welcome another teen. Activities: Exchange between families or teens, seminars at home with all participants to make a paper over difference, ideas and how to improve the attitude towards the home community. The participating LEADER areas will afterwards work on a common conclusion.
Partner and participants must be English speaking, not perfect but understandable. We do not like our partner to be a too big LEADER area, since the differences between us in money will be too huge. We always do our projects at very low cost and would like to do so even here. It is a low budget project and each country stands for their own participants travel costs and seminars. Contact: info@leadertimra.se
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Community development, Culture

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Timråbygd - LENA LILJEMARK