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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Wetland, archery, game animals
We are looking for cooperation partners in field of building the wetland, cleaning the river system by wetland, archery, fenced game animals, (hunting and tourism involved in all of these activities). There already exist an agriculture farm and as a following step the tourism is planned to be involved in this activity. It is planned to: - build the wetland with a pumps from the river; - grow game animals in huge fenced area; - build archery training center. The track would be moving faked animal. - also there is training courses to archery, hunting, cooking gamefood etc.
Targetgroup: tourists, huntingclubs, archery shooters, schools etc. We would like to exchange experience and ides on how we could build up a transnational cooperation project around the above mentioned theme. in order that we are interested to find partnes with a territory that has similar characteristics and activities we are also planning. So if you know in your LAG area there is moving archery track or buit wetland or fenced gamefood area, please help us to contact them to find some ideas how these things/ activities are implemented. We would like to also organise a study trip to such an area.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, Finnish
Agriculture, Education, Leisure, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Karhuseutu - SALME AHTIAINEN