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Détails de l’offre de coopération


European study tour : « Together to preserve water »
As our LEADER program is about environmental actions and sustainable development, we chose to organise a trip about on the theme “How to preserve together environment”. We want to cooperate by doing a study tour at first because we hope to find innovative solutions of local topical issues by this way. If possible, we would like to focus on water measures because it is a local topical issue. In fact, regulation is changing with the application of the European directive about water.
We are members of the LAG called “Syndicat Mixte du Pays d'Avre, d'Eure et d'Iton”. We are based in North-West of France, in region Haute-Normandie. We are close by Paris (2 hours by car). However agriculture is very important in our LAG (mainly based on cereals). Many people are impacting by new measures. Farmers are particularly impacted. Local authorities have also to change there working methods. For example, they have to improve individual wastewater systems.
Main objectives : - To help to develop new (economic) activities to preserve environment; - To raise awareness of water preservation methods in Pays d'Avre, d'Eure et d'Iton; - To involve European citizenship: we want to cooperate with another Member State of the European Union; - To help habitants of Pays d'Avre, d'Eure et d'Iton to better know each others and also to build easier common projects. People concerned : River unions, farmers, elected representatives, civil servants, industrialists of Pays d'Avre, d'Eure et d'Iton. Possibles actions : - animation - trip - communication, promotion
A territory/ territories where local actors (government and corporate bonds) developed innovative water preservation solutions. Advantages of the cooperation for the partner : Or the partner(s) can find economical advantages to cooperate with us. For example, he/ they can develop operations of formation or sold us technological material… Either, he/ they can be interested in one of our strengths, for example, to learn more about our agricultural system called “agriculture intégrée”. We are pioneers in this method which allows good yield and environmental preservation at the same time. In this case a study return trip can be done.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia
English, French
Agriculture, Nature/environment/land management

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Pays d'Avre,d'Eure et Iton - MICHEL DESNOS