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Détails de l’offre de coopération


European Oral Singing Traditions-Research, preservation and revitalisation of old forms of oral singing, Ethno Music Festival
This preparatory project aims to make contacts & prepare co-operation between European research institutes & folk music festivals, which have similar idea & function as Juminkeko in Finland. Juminkeko is seeking partners to a network of similar institutes &/or festivals. During the first year partners could join seminars & maybe arrange some presentations of their own music to the Sommelo. In the future there could be more co-operation, first in the frame of Leader and later in other programmes
Runo song tradition, on which the Kalevala is based on, still can be found in Kainuu and Viena Karelia (near Kainuu, on the Russian side). Juminkeko (www.juminkeko.fi) has organised research and preservation of the runo song tradition, and is organising an Ethno Music Festival Sommelo. Juminkeko is seeking European partners to a network of similar institutes and/or festivals.
Activities in the preparatory project should take place in autumn 2010 & in spring 2011. Representatives of Juminkeko would visit the potential partner in autumn or winter. The partners are invited to take part in a seminar in Kuhmo in October 8-10 2010, where they can see the scope& perspectives of cooperation. During the first meetings preparatory agreements between partners could be made. In summer 2011 small projects can be started& in case of good results larger scale cooperation
LAGs and similar structures from France, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, Croatia
United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Romania, France

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Elävä Kainuu LEADER - PIRJO HEIKKINEN