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Détails de l’offre de coopération


STAR = Sea, Towns And Rivers
The project aims to develop solutions for small µ scale tourism enterprises located at the coast or islands & tries to reach areas where tourism is an important sustainable & rural economic activity, but not yet developed into an industry. It also aims to reach areas where the tourism development is carried mainly by SMEs. The combination of these factors is influencing the development possibilities of these enterprises & that common solutions can help to maximise our economic improvements.
Lapland needs to attract more tourists & should be able to offer diverse services, natural attractions & cultural events. The archipelago has a rich cultural heritage, though the common problems it has to face are: lack of tourists attracted into the region by large scale tourism of which SMEs can benefit; no visibility of the region generated by mass tourism; no large scale marketing campaigns to reach a wider public (expensive for SMEs); SMEs‘re unable to develop extensive services & products.
The aim is to: ensure that the sea bay of Bothnia & Lapland has a year-round tourism in a long-term; give support to SMEs; give particular importance to the extension of the tourist season to year-round; activate or install regional tourism offices; train tourism companies in “free marketing” & how to find business opportunities; offer a think-tank for innovative tourism product & services ideas; facilitate product & service development through cooperation with other tourism enterprises.
LAGs that are: - from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Scotland (other suggestions are welcome, the idea is that the climatologically and geographically as well as economically the circumstances are somewhat similar); - Located at a coastal area preferably with islands included; - Where tourism is driven by small and micro scale tourism organisations; - That have a potential interest in tourism development projects.
United Kingdom, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Peräpohjolan Kehitys - SEIJA ARGILLANDER