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AgroTurPromo - Promoting tourism in rural areas
The aim of the project is to establish an international & regional collaboration between organisations working towards development of solutions for small & micro scale tourism. The scope of the project covers tourism enterprises located in rural and underdeveloped areas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xnxw17m02A
Our LAG operates within a rural area which is dominated by small tourism orientated enterprises such as farmhouses, guest houses etc. offering accommodation & catering. The region offers a magnitude of local attractions such as historical monuments & buildings, unique examples of flora & fauna, local folk traditions. Tourism isn't yet transformed into a well developed industry, local business can't afford expensive advertising campaigns.This results in the region being invisible to the public.
Two objectives of the project: 1. Set up an online database (DB) to accumulate tourism products/services offered by small enterprises (SE). The DB will serve as an electronic tool for holiday makers, provide a medium for SE to advertise their offers & exchange know-how. A multimedia guide will be produced incorporated into the tourism product. 2. Install regional tourism offices to provide SEs with professional advice & facilitate the process of developing their product & services.
LAGs form all EU Member States. The project aims to launch a partnership between organisations of similar profile with the prospect of organising a preparatory visit, which will enable participants to exchange ideas and know how, share good practice, combine forces and discuss facilitating tourism product and services development.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, Polish
Agriculture, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Dunajec-Biała - STANISŁAW HARAF