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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Building of new rural museums and expositions
Aims: - Building and running of new rural expositions specialized on local cultural heritage, significant personalities or folk - memory - creation and publicity of virtual „roads of traditions and cognition" - mutual cooperation, cognition and transmission experience - education of persons involved in regional development
Up - to - date position: This project was already made by 3 LAGs (LAG Hranicko and LAG Mohelnicko on Czech side and LGD Kraina Dinozaurów on Polish side). Project is authorized for financing and obtained 90% dotation on Czech side. Unfortunately Polish managing body disapproved the project. So that is why we try to find other foreign partner that would be able to ensure dotation confirmation by its managing body till the end of July 2012.
Planned activities by each partner: - building reconstruction, purchase of equipment, furniture and exhibits for 1 or more new rural museums (LAG Hranicko 2 exposition, LAG Mohelnicko 2 exposition, LAG xxxx - ?? expositions) - promo – 3 versions of leaflet in common graphic design, integrated web presentation on 3 webs, original large - scale – format stamps - board game for whole family, vest - pocket guide and set of stamps: "wandering up museums by virtual roads of traditions and cognition" (board game = assignment of informations about museums, call of interest to visit, collection stamps to the printed guide = obtaining advantages/wildcard for board game, offer tourist packet „visiting expositions") - 2 educational seminars - inauguration of new expositions + reciprocal field trip
LAG who could accept main activities written above. It is possible to do the partial changes in project, but not radical. We prefer LAGs from Germany, Austria, Hungary or other member states of EU.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France
Czech, English
Community development, Culture, Education, Promotion, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Rozvojové partnerství Regionu Hranicko - FRANTISEK KOPECKY