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Détails de l’offre de coopération


To give and to have
The project “To give and to have” wants to underline two aspects of Bettona’s life. To give: Vanitelli gave us the church and Hermans the organ. To have: two Dutch composer from the time the church was built, Hellendaal and de Fesch (both died in London) came to Italy to study violin and composition: De Fesch is a pupil of Corelli, Hellendaal is a pupil of Tartini. (who improved his playing the violin when he found asylum in the Holy Convent in Assisi).
Bettona might become in short time the most international town in Umbria. It can boast 3 an-cient organs preserved in as many churches: S. Crispolto, Passagio and S. Maria Assunta. The suggestive church of S. Crispolto, built by Vanvitelli’s pupil, treasures inside an ancient organ, of Flemish influence. This organ has a very baroc sound, differently from the other two whose sound is more modern.
The project’s objective is to organise an organ concert every year about a specific theme using The Dutch organmusic, the German organmusic, and the French organmusic. It will show how much the cultures of North and South are linked. Bettona is also committed in the project "libri salvati" (rescued books).A reading room contain-ing all the rescued books will be built. The books will be in German, French, English. Dutch, Fri-sian and Turkish.
LAGs (from the Netherlands)
English, Italian, French

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Media Valle del Tevere - MONICA ROSSETTO