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Détails de l’offre de coopération


European Network for the Transfer and the sustainable development of rural areas close to big cities
Develop a networks of European regions where there are similar territorial features and to foment action aimed at fostering synergies and minimising problems between rural areas and nearby urban areas.
In a region, which is not very large and contains some towns and villages with a clearly urban profile and others with an essentially rural nature, the fundamental objective is to develop cooperation between European regions where there are similar territorial features and to foment action aimed at fostering synergies and minimising problems between rural areas and nearby urban areas. The need to take advantage of endogenous resources, increase opportunities, assess the areas with low density
-To create networks of European regions interested in fomenting synergies and minimising problems in rural areas near to large cities; - To foment investment linked to sust. rural tourism taking into account the needs of the citizens in the nearby towns and cities; - To transfer knowledge and resources aimed at assessing the natural and cultural wealth, taking advantage; -To encourage revaluation and competitiveness of traditional agricultural and food products, ecological sector..
LAG from the areas of influence of European cities, as well as other regions in Spain with similar territorial characteristics.
Community development

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Aranjuez-Comarca de las Vegas - LAG MANAGER