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European Network for fomenting the information society among rural women
This proposal explores the possibility of using telecentros (IT centres) or centres with public Internet access in rural areas as spaces for social intervention permitting access to and knowledge of the New Information Technologies and learning.
The digital gap between men and women is even more accused in rural areas, as the use of these technologies is directly linked to employment; one of the main reasons for leaving the villages is the lack of work opportunities. The inclusion of women in the Information Society is based on aspects such as accessibility, Digital Literacy, association and the creation of networks, all of which are key elements for participation.
-To create a network of European rural territories encouraging women to learn to use IT as an instrument for development; - To promote and support the creation of innovating initiatives for women from rural areas; - To foment self-employment, telecommuting and e-work, e-commerce for women; - To increase efforts in co-operation between the various agents involved in promoting social and labour inclusion for women in rural areas in order to define and set up joint strategies which will be a ve
LAGs and public Organisations concerned with employment and social services, associations of women from rural areas, amongst others, from European countries: Spain, Portugal, France, Romania, Germany, etc.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Economy, Education, New technologies and know-how

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Aranjuez-Comarca de las Vegas - LAG MANAGER