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LEADER 2012_Recovery of landscapes from the edge of watercourses
Development of a tool (such guide) about recovery from the edge of watercourses.
Development of a tool (such guide) about recovery from the edge of watercourses taking into account: - the landscape dimension of management practices; - the environmental dimension “biodiversity” by adapting to the specificities of the local environment; - and tourism though the implementations of thematic trails.
Italian or Spanish LAG. Lags intrested in the project please contact: Pays Val De Garonne-Gascogne Emilie DA ROS 0033 5 53 64 96 63  edaros@vg-agglo.com Clément INFANTI 0033 05 53 64 96 62  cinfanti@vg-agglo.com
Italy, Spain
English, French
Nature/environment/land management

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Pays Val de Garonne Gascogne - EMILIE DAROS