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Détails de l’offre de coopération


European Country INN – ECI
This project, which represents the continuation of an initiative started during the 2000 – 2006 programming, aims to promote rural tourism and local production in the principle European cities via the construction of a representative Network of excellence in the rural world, using the rural “Inn” to activate promotional campaigns and commercial publicity for the territorial partners.
EXISTING PARTNERSHIP with : Italy: LAG Meridaunia, LAG Colline Joniche, LAG Daunofantino, LAG Piana del Tavoliere, LAG Terra dei Trulli e del Barsento, LAG Terre di Murgia, LAG Santa Maria Di Leuca, LAG Cilento, LAG Terre Aquilane, LAG Start, LAG del Coros, Goceano, Meilogu, Monte Acuto, Villanova, LAG Terre Shardana, LAG Linas Campidano, LAG Sulcis Iglesiente Capoterra e Campidano di Cagliari, LAG Sarcidano Barbagia di Seulo, Romania: LAG Bucovina Du Munte, Finland: LAG Leader Lappland
The cooperation project proposes: - the coordination, management and monitoring of the project at an international level - the creation of a logo and the ECI network of rural Inns - the selection and agreement of partnerships for the European rural Inns. The idea is to create 4 physical locations where it would be possible to find out what is on offer in general in the area and also what is available in terms of cultural tourism, the value of local traditions and the rural way of life in Europe - international marketing (promotional events to be held at the 4 chosen ECI, cul-tural events, exhibitions, workshops to generate contacts with European tour op-erators and promote educationals at a territorial level) - creation of a promotional campaign in the international tourism market for pack-age tours, using B2B and B2C models - creation of multimedia (updating of the project website with web 2.0 technology and functionality for interaction with numerous social networks) and creation of a format of VideoClip to be used during events; diffusion of VideoClips of the partner territories via web TV.
LAG in the United Kingdom and in the Central Northern Europe. Partners intrested in the project - please contact: Meridaunia LAG Laura Mariano Tel. ++39 0881912007 +39 0881966557 E-mail: segreteria@meridaunia.it Web site: www.meridaunia.it
Hungary, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia, Finland, Denmark
Central Northern Europe
English, Italian
Culture, Products(non-food), Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Meridaunia - ALBERTO CASORIA