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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Agro-alimentary districts of quality “ Terre Federiciane” – Supply Chain of products
Based on the experience of the districts, the LAGs and the supply chain put into action in Basilicata and Puglia, the project can be replicated in other contexts, both regional and inter-national (the Balkans). It is intended to create a model of “Agro-alimentary districts of quality – Terre Federiciane – supply chain of products” in order to promote and develop agricultural products and furthermore, the territory itself and to rationalise the supply chain of products, uniting them with the Balkan model of territorial organisation and productivity.
STATE OF PLAY is advanced idea phase.There is already EXISTING PARTNERSHIP with: Italy: Puglia LAG, Basilicata LAGs, Sistema Produttivo Locale del Pollino – Lagonegrese Basilica-ta, Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità del Metapontino Basilicata, Distretto Rurale della Colli-na e Montagna Materana, Distretto Agroindustriale del Vulture, C.C.I.A.A. Foggia, C.C.I.A.A. Matera/Potenza, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche, Statistiche Università degli Studi di Foggia, Bulgaria: Camera di Bulgaria, Commercio Italo-Bulgara, Romania: LAGs
The cooperation project proposes: - the constitution of a district Task Force between the participating GAL with the aim of sharing the planning activity and the coordination of the same - to raise awareness and knowledge of the economic operators in the area; to create study seminars and/or workshops with the local operators focused on the traditional produce of the participating territories, with the stakeholders (at schools, local organi-sations, restaurants etc.) information and teaching of the operators in the field of in-structive masserie, social masserie and agri-tourism activities - the creation of district antennas in every GAL area, to promote the project to inform of the principle local initiatives and promote the globalisation of products - to develop innovative activities in production companies in the District - to diffuse and promote the planning and realisation of promotional events in the Dis-trict, in commercial activities regarding the products and the utilisation of the brand “Produce of Puglia & Basilicata” to promote products and the district quality.
PARTNERS SEARCHED: LAGs in Romania, Balkans or Eastern Europe: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia.
Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Romania
English, Italian

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Piana del Tavoliere - LAG MANAGER