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Cooperation offer details


LEADER 2012_Promotion of tourism and cultural heritage linked to the « réseaux d’évasion » (escape networks) through documentaries and "documedia"
To use media and testminoies ro realize audio documentaries and "documedie" and present these tools to the broad public. The Project aims to promote tourism and cultural heritage linked to the « réseaux d’évasion » (networks created by resistance fighters to resist the enemy during war) and especially the Shelburn network (resistance fighters network 1944) through the use of media and testimonies to create electronic aid audio reports and documentaries “documedia” dedicated to the general public.
The media (and immersive audio report "documedia") allow finding new ways to present the escape networks" History and also keeping a memory allowing everyone, locally or remotely, to immerse themselves in the heart of the event.
Promotion of tourism and cultural heritage via different broadcasting devices (audio reports and documedia). The different broadcasting devices (audio reports and documedia) provide the resistance fighters networks story with an innovative approach and make sure the archives will be kept and preserved. They will enable anyone on spot or remote to get to know and feel the event. Expected results: -Continue to transmit the historical heritage -Allow people to immerse themselves in this period of History in order to have a better understanding of it -Thanks to innovative media, create a new attractiveness center for the terrotires -Enhance touristic sites
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, French
Culture, Tourism

 If you are interested in this offer, please contact Pays de Guingamp - FRANCK LE PROVOST