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Cooperation offer details


LEADER 2012_Youth motbilisation in the European Citizenship
The project aims to: - Make aware young people (who live in rural areas) of an Europe Global view and the characteristic of european citizenship. - To develop exchanges and thoughts about young european way of life and to identify likeleness, differences in their values, opinions, experiences, everyday life in their territory, idea of the future... The method will be: -To organize a meeting between french teenegers (12-17 years old) and an other youngs group of europeans. - To help them to produce media products(video presentation, webiste, exhibition of photos, other cultural creations...) to promotion their message about their own choice.
STEP BY STEP: - To mobilize a young motivated group (in each territory) and to begin the work about notions of participation and prior engagment about an european project (autumn 2012/spring 2013) -To organize the meeting between young european, to creat elinks and to identify the common subjects so as to detail it: what actions? what organization?what needs in practical terms? In funds? (autumn 2013) -A paralel work could be invovled between "youtgh actors /structures manager" about good professional practices -In the future, the aim is to consolidate this link/exchange (between rural territories) with new young generations.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Community development, Education

 If you are interested in this offer, please contact Pays Adour Chalosse Tursan - LIONEL PETIT