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Details zum Kooperationsangebot


The exchange of experiences and best practises between public administrations of different countries as regards saving in ICT- investments is one of the projectual targets. Field of activities: Entrepreneurship, networking of educational, entrepreneurial and public administration sector,open source innovativeapplications
As the rural areas face very similar threats in service production, general connectivity, educational sector in which solutions could be for instance teleteaching, virtual classes, different low cost open source based applications. The project aims also to develope collaboration between enterprises of rural areas in ICT- area& the developing& identifying new technological open source based /integrated solutions which can create& to be tested in network internationally forming living test labs.
The project aims to identify useful new technology ICT-applications basing to Linux which promote different fields of activities being extremely innovative source of collaboration. The rural ICT- Linux network connecting different actors and enterprises to work better together between European rural area communities and create thus competition advantages and the possibility to live in sparsely populated countryside areas.
LAG can participate from all EU MS
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia

 Bei Interesse an diesem Angebot wenden Sie sich bitte an: Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta - JUHA VANHAPAASTO