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The European Commission

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Social Protection

Social Protection Committee

Adequate and Sustainable Pensions

Health Care and Care for the Elderly


Improving the portability of supplementary pension rights
second stage consultation of the European social partners. (SEC/2003/916 adopted by the Commission on 12/09/2003)
Available in PDF in : deenfr
Streamlining Social Protection
Commission adopts proposal for better and more visible co-ordination of social protection at EU level
Available in PDF in : deenfr
The social protection systems in the 13 candidate countries (25/3/2003)
Studies carried out for the Commission by GVG - Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V.
The contents of these publications do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs.

(pdf format / max 800 kb)
  • Bulgaria en
  • Cyprusen
  • Czech Republicen
  • Estoniaen
  • Hungaryen
  • Latviaen
  • Lithuaniaen
  • Maltaen
  • Polanden
  • Romaniaen
  • Slovak Republicen
  • Sloveniaen
  • Turkeyen
International Conference on "Modernisation of social protection systems in Candidate Countries" (20/1/2003)
The International Conference on "The modernisation of social protection systems in Candidate Countries: new opportunities and challenges for the European Union", took place in Brussels - at the Hotel Bedford on the 5th and 6th of December 2002.
Read the news article.
Social Protection in Europe 2001
The Social Protection Report 2001 analyses the trends in social expenditure over the 1990s and describes from a comparative viewpoint the most relevant reforms implemented since 1999. The Report is in line with previous reports, published by the European Commission in the 1990s. For the first time the Social Protection Committee supervised the draft by the Commission, and the text reflects the inputs of the Member States.
available in PDF format in de en fr
Improving the portability of supplementary pension rights first stage consultation of the European social partners.
(SEC/2002/597 published on 27/05/2002)

available in PDF format in de en fr
Voluntary health insurance in the European Union: study prepared by the European Observatory on Health Care Systems and the London School of Economics
available in PDF format in  en
The future of health care and care for the elderly:guaranteeing accessibility, quality and financial viability (Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions; com (2001) 723 final)
available in PDF format in   da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
Objectives and working methods in the area of pensions: applying the open method of co-ordination. (Joint report of the Social Protection Committee and the Economic Policy Committee November 2001)
available in PDF format in   da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
Supporting national strategies for safe and sustainable pensions through an integrated approach (Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee) (com362/2001)
available in PDF format in   da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
Adequate and sustainable pensions: A report by the Social Protection Committee to the Göteborg European Council on the future evolution of social protection (June 2000)
available in PDF format in   da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
The Future Evolution of Social Protection from a Long-Term Point of View: Safe and Sustainable Pensions (Communication from the Commission to the Council, to the European Parliament and to the Economic and Social Committee (11/10/2000)
available in PDF format in   de en fr
Report on social protection in europe 1999 (com 163)
available in PDF format in   da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
A Concerted Strategy for Modernising Social Protection
Document drawn up on the basis of COM(99)347 final adopted on 14 July 1999
available in PDF format in
  da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
Commission Report on the implementation of the Recommendation 92/441/EEC of 24 June 1992 on common criteria concerning sufficient resources and social assistance in social protection systems (COM(98)774 final)
available in PDF format in
  da de el en es fr fi it nl pt sv
Modernising and improving social protection in the European Union COM(97)102 adopted on 12 March 1997
available in PDF format in
  de en fr
