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Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006

Transnational Exchange Programme

In 2002, under Strand 2 of the Community action programme on social exclusion, the Commission launched a Transnational Exchange Programme. Its objective is to promote and support the organisation of exchanges and promote mutual learning between Member States, candidate countries and EFTA and EEA countries. It is one of the two main vehicles for promoting transnational exchange and cooperation under the Community action programme. The other main vehicle is a programme of peer reviews examining specific policies being implemented by Member States.

The Transnational Exchange Programme is being implemented in two phases: an initial preparatory phase of 9 months followed by the main phase of up to 2 years. Following an open Call for Proposals (VP/2002/010) last year 64 transnational exchange projects were selected to take part in Phase I. Actions under this phase are for 9 months and most started in December 2003. During Phase I the selected projects are expected to concentrate on: taking stock of existing knowledge and policy developments in relation to the issue projects have chosen to investigate; fostering the development of a transnational and multisectoral partnership which will provide the basis for longer term co-operation and exchange; and defining objectives and developing proposals for a clear programme of further work for up to two years.

Phase I is thus intended to both allow for the preparation of an application for Phase II and to result in learning which will contribute to the implementation and further development by Member States of their National Action Plans. Projects are expected to produce concrete outputs such as seminars/short studies/literature reviews, whose results will have to be adequately disseminated already in the context of the first phase.

Compendium of the 31 selected projects VP/2003/023 call for proposals - Transnational Exchange Programme Phase II (in PDF format).

List of selected projects under the VP/2002/010 call for proposals - Transnational Exchange Programme - Phase I - 2002-2003 (in PDF format).

Phase II, the focus of the 2003 restricted call for proposals, will build on work undertaken in Phase I. Only partnerships selected to participate in Phase I are eligible to apply for Phase II of the programme. Under this call the partnerships can apply for funding for a maximum period of 2 years. Projects selected for the Phase I are concerned with fostering co-operation and exchange both on particular policy areas and on the development of institutional approaches which can underpin social inclusion policies. Applications for Phase II are expected to continue and build on the topic that they selected for Phase I.

Guidelines of the restricted call for proposals VP/2003/023 - Transnational exchange programme - Phase II - 2003-2005
deenfr (pdf format)

and instructions for the applicant:
deenfr (pdf format)

last update: 19/04/2004