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Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006

Programme committee

The Programme Committee is made up of government representatives from the EU Member States. Its role is to provide political guidance to the Commission on the implementation of the Programme.
  • Members of the Committee and Committee Rules of Procedure
    • List of members of the Programme Committee
      available in PDF format in en
    • Committee Rules of Procedure (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr

  • Committee Documents
    • Annual Work Programme, January to December 2002 (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Annual Budget and breakdown of funds among the different actions of the programme (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • General guidelines for the implementation of the programme (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Financial Support to be supplied by the Community (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Arrangements for selecting actions and organisations for Community support (01/02)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Developing Strategic Priorities for implementing the programme in 2002 and 2003 (11/01)
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr

  • Committee Meetings
    • Agenda of the 2nd meeting - 25/01/02
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Minutes of the 1st meeting
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
    • Agenda of the 1st meeting - 30/11/01
      available in PDF format in en - de - fr
