
  • How to interpret the data? Comprehensive ECDB help file (PDF - 45/49 Kb):   
  • How to find information?  DP Search & TCA Search
  • How to create and validate the TCAs? Comprehensive ETCIM help file (PDF - 248/256 Kb):   
  • Additional Training material
    NB: ETCIM (EQUAL transnational co-operation Internet module) is an application reserved to EQUAL actors in order to manage the Transnational Cooperation Agreements



DP search

Full text search

Allows to make queries on the basis of any string of letters (key words) in all the data base fields (Text box: "All context"). The text box allows enquiries restricted to specific elements of a DP description (e.g. in the DP Objectives, in the DP Innovation, etc. The Refine button allows new criteria to be introduced and to search in the results of the preliminary search.The "Round" box allows to restrict the search to DPs from the first (2001) or the second (2004) round.

A series of symbols or operators can be useful for searching.

Symbol /
Description Syntax
%The percent wildcard specifies that any characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard.
Ex: Seeking the sequence "artist%" can, thanks to the wildcard "% ", bring back various results: "artist, artists, artistique, artiste, artistry, artista, artistico, etc "
_The underscore wildcard specifies a single position in which any character can occur.
Ex: seeking the sequence "_ing" brings back the results "king, sing, ring, etc.)
ANDUse the AND operator to search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of each of the query terms.Term1 AND term2
ORUse the OR operator to search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of any search items of the query terms.
E.g.: the sequence "handicap% OR disab% " make it possible to search, in an operation and in several languages, for various occurrences relating to the disability issues.
Term1 OR term2
NOTUse the NOT operator to search for documents that contain one query term and not another.Term1 NOT term2
{}Specific characters or symbols (and, or, not, %, -, _, ?, ~, |, \, &, etc) are reserved for in depth search. Use curly brackets to invalidate a string or symbol. Everything within a set of curly brackets is considered part of the sequence rather than as an operator.
Ex : "Co-operation" gives no result but "{co-operation}" gives correct results. Similarly, to find the British project : "Ukgb-70", it will be advisable to introduce the sequence: "{Ukgb-70}"

Advanced search

Basic and advanced filters allows enquiries on the basis of more precise criteria by combining various filters (Country, Theme, Activities...), at the full text search function. To activate a filter, tick the text box. For each filter a drop-down menu makes it possible to choose one or more element(s). To select several elements simultaneously, maintain the CTRL key while clicking on the various elements.

Within a filter, a logical "OR" is placed between the various elements; between the various filters a logical "AND" is placed.

When using filters, the full text search is optional. The "Refine" button makes it possible to carry out additional full text searches in the results obtained, by keeping the same filters.

Search results

According to the search criteria used, a list of DPs appears (possibly on several pages) showing the title, the number of the EQUAL theme, the year of launching of the DP and its identifier. Clicking on the latter, one can have access to the complete description of a DP.

TCA search

Only "full-text" search is available to seek information on the "Transnational Cooperation Agreements" (TCA) concluded between DPs of various Member States. Functionalities are identical to those described for the DP search.

To find a specific TCA on the basis of its identification number (TCA Id.), introduce its number followed by "%". So, to find the TCA n° 369, type "369%" in the "Full text search" box.

Search results

According to the search criteria used, a list of TCAs appears (possibly on several pages) showing the title, the year the last version of the TCA was in force and its identifier. Clicking on the latter, one can have access to the complete description of a TCA.

ETCIM training material

  • How does the ETCIM secretary create a new TCA? (zipped AVI file - 5 000 Kb): 
  • How does the ETCIM secretary create a "New version" of a TCA? (zipped AVI file - 1 000 KB):  
  • How do the involved DPs validate a TCA (zipped AVI file - 2 000 Kb ): 


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TCA Search
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