Oppiva PK-yritys, Omatoimisuutta ja kilpailukykyä ascii version


DP Managing organisation : JTO-Palvelut Oy (FEMDI)
Other national partners : Kiljava Institute
The Institute for Management and Technological Training
EQUAL theme :Adaptability - Adaptation to change and NIT 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Industrial 
DP Legal status :Other 
DP identification :FI-23 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :15-05-2002 
Last update :08-01-2003 


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Small and medium-sized enterprises of different line of businesses are a decisive economic and employment factor in many European countries. The SMEs are an essential source of innovation and lasting structure development while they are making a great contribution to the provision of jobs and training places. The underlying problem of the participant DPs is the need to strenghten the competitiveness of SMEs located predominantly in rural areas or outside the growth centres and also to find new ways to promote employment and to encourage the development and integration of human resources. This concerns, on the one hand, particularly the recruitement and the reintegration of discriminated people in the labour market, e.g. young and women or unemployed people. On the other hand, it's also relevant to promote the development of the competencies of managers and middle managers in order for them to better integrate and promote in their companies, for example, new forms of enterprise organisation, own organisation, opennes to employees participation in decision making processes.To DP all this means working for the enhancement of:- individual competencies of workers and managers- participation of workers in the development of company activities andchanging processes- networks of companies- information transmission and exchange of experiences between companies.

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The 1st aim is to create and test new ways to train and recruite people in SMEs. The participation of the whole work community is optional but empowered. The training methods are designed to enhance the co-working between experienced people and fresh beginners - no matter do they are young, elder, different gender or recruited as a trainee participating the coursus organized by the work authorities. The value of the human resources is always tested in co-operation and trust.The 2nd aim is to ensure the continuation of SMEs. Enterprise level: skilling refers to the training of managers in SMEs to perform a variety of their tasks: strategic management, business management, leadership and operational management. Working group level: the participation of workers in the continuous development of their workplace is one of the main challenges at any workplace. Motivation refers to employees' sustainable commitment and performance in a work context. To benefit IT -performance in internal and external communication. Individual level: multi-skilled people, i.e. employees equipped with know-how of many tasks or diciplines, is the main resource of the SMEs. Lifelong learning is the only way to stay competitive. To summerize, the main pragmatic objectives are- to develop the network of productivity-oriented entrepreneurs and other promotors and associated actors- to try out a development strategy (OIVA) concisting various components- to see if a flexible company-based learning system that involves the systematic coaching of staff by consultants and supervisors at workplace, is working in SMEs- to encourage and accelerate on-the-job learning/training in the SMEs- to assimilate the practise in different enviroments, e.g. municipal organisation.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling **
Training ***
Training on work place ***
Job rotation and job sharing *
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) *
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) **
Employment creation and support **
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures *
Conception for training programs, certification **
Anticipation of technical changes **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places *
Guidance and social services *
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****
Studies and analysis of discrimination features *

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented ****
Context oriented **

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1. Activities, strategies, best practices2. Diagnosis of human resources, analysis of potentials and profiling, jobcreation, change management, new forms of work organisation, creation of tools dealing with human resources, transfer of knowledge from senior to other colleagues3. Flexible forms of employment, management strategies, staff recruitment, staff development, distance learning concerning managers and middle-managers training4. Coaching methodology concerning managers and middle-managers training5. Methods of lifelong learning, transfer of knowledge, teaching of soft skills, reconstruction of weak enterprises

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Budget Action 2

1 000 000 – 1 500 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  0.0%  0.0% 
Employed  50.0%  50.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  50.0%  50.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  50.0%  50.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  50.0%  50.0% 
< 25 year  3.0%  3.0% 
25 - 50 year  30.0%  30.0% 
> 50 year  17.0%  17.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Support to entrepreneurship ***
Other discriminations *
Low qualification *

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The staff empowerment will be carried out by group training methods with devolpment projects.


 Between national partners

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All members of national DP are committed to planning and fullfilment of Equal-project.

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 Linguistic skills

  • suomi
  • English

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 20.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
888 Passage: Exchange of differences to empower development DE EA-45117
FR PCH-2001-10970
PT 2001-152

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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 Interest in networking

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Will be presented later.


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Will be presented later.



Last update: 15-05-2002 dot Top

National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
JTO-Palvelut Oy (FEMDI) Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Transnational partnership
Kiljava Institute Evaluation
The Institute for Management and Technological Training Monitoring, data collection

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Agreement Summary

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Will be given later.

Last update: 08-01-2003 dot Top

JTO-Palvelut Oy (FEMDI)

FIN-02510 Oitmäki

Tel:+358 9 85 62 82 00
Fax:+358 9 85 62 84 41

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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FEMDI-Services Ltd.
FEMDI- Group is a versatile institute for organisation development and training programmes as well as for consultancy. It develops both enterprises and human resources in the enterprises.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Kylmälä Keijo Mr. +358 14 334 55 11 steering committee/secretary
Salmirinne Kari Mr. +358 9 856 28 276 steering committee
Sironen Pasi Mr. +358 14 334 55 19 secretary

Last update: 08-01-2003 dot Top

Kiljava Institute

Kotorannantie 49
FIN-05250 Kiljava

Tel:+358 9 276 251
Fax:+358 9 276 27 70

Responsibility in the DP: Evaluation
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ahlqvist-Tenhunen Annikki Ms. +358 9 2762 733 project implementation

Last update: 08-01-2003 dot Top

The Institute for Management and Technological Training

Vellamontie 12
FIN-90500 Oulu

Tel:+358 8 550 97 00
Fax:+358 8 550 98 40

Responsibility in the DP: Monitoring, data collection
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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The primary task of POHTO is to support and increase the competitive ability of its clients and to develop the skills of their personnel to enable these organisations to be leaders in their own field. The POHTO foundation consists of big Finnish companies (Kemira, Rautaruukki, Nokia, Stora Enso, UPM-kymmene corporation, Metsä-Botnia and Outokumpu) and major Finnish trade unions, Confederation of Finnish industry and employers, city of Oulu and Development organization of electricity suppliers.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Gallen Tiina Ms. +358 8 550 98 80 project implementation
Tuhkanen Jyrki Mr. +358 8 550 97 31 project implementation

Last update: 08-01-2003 dot Top



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Oppiva PK-yritys, Omatoimisuutta ja kilpailukykya


Text available in

Small and medium-sized enterprises of different line of businesses are a decisive economic and employment factor in many European countries. The SMEs are an essential source of innovation and lasting structure development while they are making a great contribution to the provision of jobs and training places. The underlying problem of the participant DPs is the need to strenghten the competitiveness of SMEs located predominantly in rural areas or outside the growth centres and also to find new ways to promote employment and to encourage the development and integration of human resources. This concerns, on the one hand, particularly the recruitement and the reintegration of discriminated people in the labour market, e.g. young and women or unemployed people. On the other hand, it's also relevant to promote the development of the competencies of managers and middle managers in order for them to better integrate and promote in their companies, for example, new forms of enterprise organisation, own organisation, opennes to employees participation in decision making processes.To DP all this means working for the enhancement of:- individual competencies of workers and managers- participation of workers in the development of company activities andchanging processes- networks of companies- information transmission and exchange of experiences between companies.

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The 1st aim is to create and test new ways to train and recruite people in SMEs. The participation of the whole work community is optional but empowered. The training methods are designed to enhance the co-working between experienced people and fresh beginners - no matter do they are young, elder, different gender or recruited as a trainee participating the coursus organized by the work authorities. The value of the human resources is always tested in co-operation and trust.The 2nd aim is to ensure the continuation of SMEs. Enterprise level: skilling refers to the training of managers in SMEs to perform a variety of their tasks: strategic management, business management, leadership and operational management. Working group level: the participation of workers in the continuous development of their workplace is one of the main challenges at any workplace. Motivation refers to employees' sustainable commitment and performance in a work context. To benefit IT -performance in internal and external communication. Individual level: multi-skilled people, i.e. employees equipped with know-how of many tasks or diciplines, is the main resource of the SMEs. Lifelong learning is the only way to stay competitive. To summerize, the main pragmatic objectives are- to develop the network of productivity-oriented entrepreneurs and other promotors and associated actors- to try out a development strategy (OIVA) concisting various components- to see if a flexible company-based learning system that involves the systematic coaching of staff by consultants and supervisors at workplace, is working in SMEs- to encourage and accelerate on-the-job learning/training in the SMEs- to assimilate the practise in different enviroments, e.g. municipal organisation.

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Agreement Summary

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Interest in networking

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