The four-way model, 4T ascii version


DP Managing organisation : Institute for Extension Studies at the University of Tampere
Other national partners : Finn-Medi Research Ltd.
Tampere Technology Centre Ltd.
EQUAL theme :Adaptability - Adaptation to change and NIT 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Industrial 
DP Legal status :Non-profit making organisation 
DP identification :FI-16 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :15-05-2002 
Last update :17-11-2003 


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The central target group of the DP are SMEs and their personnel in the fields undergoing structural change in the Pirkanmaa district and in Western Finland; especially employees with obsolete skills and competence or those whose well-being at work or work ability has decreased (e.g. due to handicap). The fields include metal, machine construction, automation, electronics, textile, footware and service fields. These fields form the backbone of the industrial life of Pirkanmaa and therefore it is essential to support the development and maintenance of the professional competence as well as mental and physical well-being of the personnel in these fields

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The central aim of the DP is to improve the possibilities of SMEs to develop their own operations in a comprehensive way. In order to maintain their competitiveness SMEs need to adapt in a flexible way to the demands of the new economy and to the anticipation of the future. This requires that the enterprise sees it as a priority to utilise the net in business actions (e.g. drafting of offers in electric form), to improve the technology skills of personnel with obsolete skills and to improve the wellbeing of personnel. The project will create a model which can be utilised later in corresponding work. The DP combines factors related to the introduction of new technology, to new types of tasks and to the work environment. By adding to the above factors the anticipation of the future, a model will be developed. The model is called 4T and the name comes from the four Finnish words – tulevaisuus, tieto, teknologia ja terveys (future, knowledge, technology and health). The 4T model means flexible cooperation where each national partner - in its field of expertise - will develop, test and make products out of the methods and tools related to the 4T model. In the model the enterprise and employees will be seen as a whole where competent, motivated and well-feeling personnel is the most important resource of the business operations. The DP aims also to create and use an evaluation model of national and transnational effectiveness. Through evaluation it will be possible to monitor the effectiveness of the 4T model in the development of enterprises and in the improvement of personnel's well-being.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ****
Training ****
Training on work place **
Work placement **
Job rotation and job sharing **
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) **
Employment creation and support ***
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ****
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures **
Conception for training programs, certification *
Anticipation of technical changes ****
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ****
Guidance and social services **
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features **

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented ****
Context oriented ***

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Comprehensive, enterprise-oriented approach, development of enterprises and personnel together, wide cooperation net work, development of tools for anticipation of the future.

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Budget Action 2

2 000 000 – 5 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  0.0%  0.0% 
Employed  45.0%  55.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  45.0%  55.0% 
Physical Impairment  8.0%  12.0% 
Mental Impairment  4.0%  6.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  33.0%  37.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  45.0%  55.0% 
< 25 year  0.0%  0.0% 
25 - 50 year  30.0%  35.0% 
> 50 year  15.0%  20.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Gender discrimination **
Support to entrepreneurship ****
Discrimination and inequality in employment ***
Disabilities **
Low qualification ****
Unemployment **

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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Empowerment with the target groups--(decentralisation of decision-making, Planning of the DP-The need for the projects and measures designed to be implemented in them have originated on the basis of discussions with enterprises which have participated in the planning of partner projects. Also representatives of the main organizations were involved in the process of planning. Different networks of centres of expertise have been utilized, too. The structure of the four-way model and it´s subprojects has been made as flexible as possible in order to direct activities according to the changing demands of the target group. Needs analysis will be made before the start of each subproject. The future clinic project helps the participants to anticipate the future and engage themselves to the development process in the long run.Implementation of the DP----------------------------------Continuous contacts of the development partnerships with enterprises show SMEs´ needs for development. By consulting we aim at close and seamless cooperation with the enterprises. The idea is to involve the whole enterprise in the implementation process. The focus is to encourage and support training of those in the weakest positions at work places. Better and longer-standing results will be gained when involving the whole personnel of the enterprise in planning and implementation. Subprojects work independently concentrating on the needs of those targeted. The target groups are represented in the steering and executive committees. Each main partner is responsible for communication concerning it´s own special component (knowledge, technology and health). In order to help and secure activities and communication those participating in the implementation of this Development Partnership have a common www-based project management programme called NetProject.Evaluation of the Development Partnership----------------------------------------------------------With the help of the future clinic and utilization of the different components (knowledge, technology and health) enterprises and personnel will be trained to long-term future-emphasized thinking taking each component into account and teaching to evaluate own opportunities and future prospects in advance. Thus the influences of the project will be pre-evaluated. The evaluation model developed in the project supports continuity of the project and empowerment in enterprises. Feed-back will be gathered after each training occasion. Additionally long-term information will be gathered to clarify empowerment of the project. The participants will be offered a chance to effect on the project in consulting discussions. Evaluation of the project serves, first of all, needs of the participants, and is a strong way to effect on the activities which are already going on.


 Between national partners

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The main responsibility of coordination lies with the key actors. Small actors are offered a chance to concentrate on primary activities, participation in planning and bringing about know-how and expertise of their own special fields from the grassroots level. The key actors and coordinators of the subprojects have singed a letter of intent for implementation of this Development Partnership.In the first place it has been important to form a comprehensive, versatile partnership in order to reach the goals set for this DP. In addition to the three key actors there will be approximately thirty different implementing actors representing both training and expert organizations, trade unions and employers´ associations, beneficiaries´ associations, institutes representing the participating fields of expertise, representatives of SMEs and several other indirect actors.

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 Linguistic skills

  • suomi
  • English

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 5.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
322 EURASME (European Approach in favor of Small and Medium Enterprise) DE EA-49478

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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 Interest in networking

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4T is involved in the national thematic network as the leader of the Finnish Equal projects under the theme Adaptability. 4T is also participating in the European Thematic Group 3 as one member in the working group adaptability – lifelong learning.


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To be planned later



Last update: 15-05-2002 dot Top

National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Institute for Extension Studies at the University of Tampere Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Finn-Medi Research Ltd.
Tampere Technology Centre Ltd.

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Agreement Summary

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Agreement summary:

Transnational partners
4T is involved in transnational cooperation with three other Equal projects: Calytech (ES-ES58) from Spain, K.E.R.Nige Offensive fur Bildungsbenachteiligte in Schleswig-Holstein (DE-EA-49478) from Germany and Accelerare e governare lo sviluppo delle risore umane (IT-IT-G-LOM-009) from Italy. Together the projects form EURASME (European Approach in favour of Small and Medium Enterprise).

Eurasme has got a Steering Committee consisting of two members representing each development partner (DP). It is the main decision body to develop the Transnational Working Programme and coordinate working groups. It will meet every six months. Working groups will be coordinated by the TCA Secretariat and the host DP´s in question in order to promote the exchange of information and further dissemination of results. The working groups have been founded for the joint product development purposes. The common working language is English.

Products to be developed by the transnational partnership
- A "Dynamic Register" model aimed at correlating in advance the development trends of an area with new professional skills requirements.
DP responsible: IT-IT-G-LOM-009.

- A quality model for local system devoted to human resources development
DP responsible: IT-IT-G-LOM-009.

- A web-based self-diagnosis tool (which could be transformed into a CD-Rom) aimed at companies in the following topics: Quality, Labour Risk Prevention and Working Environment, NIT and Environment according to Community law and trends.
DP responsible: FI-16 (for the web) and ES-ES58 (for the CD-Rom).

- Project Web Site with different areas:
1) Information: about the project; equal opportunities; business and human resources management; environmental management; vocational health.
2) Network forum / portal to promote inter-firm exchanges and e-business.
3) A catalogue of good practices as regards Human Resources Management Policies of a territory.
4) An electronic newsletter with the aim to disseminate information regarding the project: pieces of news from papers; EU business / employment policies; financial aids; legislation; equal opportunities; research works on different topics (impacts of EU enlargement, future trends of economy and markets …).

DP responsible: all the partners will participate but ES-ES58 will coordinate and manage the Web Site.

- Follow-up and evaluation methodology and tools.
DP responsible: FI-16.

- Methodology for self-organized e-learning teams: Tailor-made e-learning access and training tools for educational disadvantaged employees in SMEs.
DP responsible: DE-EA-49478.

- Marketing strategy of Human Resources Management: Regional approach with the aim to develop and implement good practice of meeting specific SMEs demand on a marketable basis.
DP responsible: DE-EA-49478.

Two procedures will be implemented in order to carry out the dissemination activities of this project:
- design and development of the transnational Web site that will inform about the Transnational Work Plan (TWP), progress made, products and results;
- organisation of specific workshops in each country with active participation of key economic, social and decision-making actors of the area related to the project objectives

Both procedures will contribute to attain one of the most important goals of EQUAL projects, that is, the transfer of good practice into (local, regional, national or community) employment policies.

Last update: 17-11-2003 dot Top

Institute for Extension Studies at the University of Tampere

Institute for Extension Studies
University of Tampere
FIN-33014 University of Tampere

Tel:+358 3 215 77 96
Fax:+358 3 215 72 32

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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Institute for Extension Studies at the University of Tampere produces sound tailor-made expertise to meet the development needs of SMEs and pre-emptive skills in the new economy. The focal areas include, among other things,* e-Work Decentralisation of work and the shift to information networks, e.g.mobility – comprehensive guidance, support and consultation in organisational, social, financial and environmental changes* e-CommerceElectronic commerce in digital economy, cBusiness, mBusiness; training and consulting in various fields, e.g. data protection, technology, logistics, fine tuning, advertising and marketing* eLearningdeveloping teaching utilising the information networks, especially counselling and planning in the use of work and learning environments appropriate for use in enterprises* eLocal, ePeopletraining for upgrading of information society skills among citizens and subregional sectors* Project managementproject management and co-ordination or providing support for projects, project design, project evaluation and prognoses, needs analyses, surveys by questionnaire and telephone, also interview surveysWe take full advantage of the most recent technological options, from e-mail, telephone negotiation and videoconferencing to net-based work and learning environments. The training we provide is based on a range of learning technologies, contact and distance learning, working in small groups and practical exercises in the right proportions. Almost all the material used in the training is available on the net to project participants. We have an extensive co-operation network including expert organisations at both regional and national levels. Our services are produced in collaboration with these authorities. We provide fast networking skills, international competence and knowhow.Services for enterprises and communitiesNeeds assessment servicesPlanning and implementation of training and development workExpert services in the field of our core competenciesProject management and co-ordination at national and international levelsProduction and development of learning materials Written and audiovisual materialVideo teaching materialMaterial for learning on the net (WebCT environment)

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Nieminen Mikko Mr. +358 3 215 77 84 DP activities, Project Manager
Sorkio Anneli Ms. +358 3 215 77 96 Transnational cooperation

Last update: 17-11-2003 dot Top

Finn-Medi Research Ltd.

Lenkkeilijänkatu 8
FIN-33520 Tampere

Tel:+358 3 247 40 24
Fax:+358 3 247 40 29

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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Finn-Medi Research Ltd. offers services to companies and researchers in the field of health technology by combining innovation, knowhow and entrepreneurship. We work in close co-operation with the most important operators of health technology research (occupationl health issues) and corporate network

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Pehrman Heli Ms. +358 3 247 40 24 project implementation
Saarnio Ilkka Mr. +358 3 247 40 27 project implementation

Last update: 17-11-2003 dot Top

Tampere Technology Centre Ltd.

(TTC Ltd.)
Hermiankatu 1
FIN-33720 Tampere

Tel:+358 3 316 55 50
Fax:+358 3 316 55 52

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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Tampere Technology Centre Hermia was established in 1986 and it’s comprised of three units: Hermia Premises, Hermia Business Development and Development of Expertise. Presently the Centre employs approximately 40 persons of which half works in different development and research projects. The Centre promotes the top quality know-how and new technology based businesses in Tampere region and strenghtens the position of the Tampere region as a leading operational environment which attracts companies and experts. To implement this business idea, Tampere Technology Centre innovates and activates cooperation between research, education and companies, and creates prequisities for competitive business activities.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Huovila Oili Ms. +358 3 316 59 41 project implementation
Nieminen Ulla Ms. +358 3 316 57 20 project implementation

Last update: 17-11-2003 dot Top



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4T - Tulevaisuus, tieto, teknologia ja terveys


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Kehittämiskumppanuusprojektin keskeisenä kohderyhmänä ovat ensisijaisesti Pirkanmaan alueella sekä Länsi-Suomessa sijaitsevat rakennemuutosalojen pk-yritykset ja niiden henkilöstö, erityisesti työntekijät, joiden tiedot ja taidot ovat vanhentuneita tai joiden työhyvinvointi tai toimintakyky on heikentynyt (esim. vajaakuntoisuuden vuoksi). Kohderyhmään kuuluvat ovat rakennemuutosalojen pk-yrityksiä seuraavilta toimialoilta: metalli-, koneenrakennus-, automaatio-, elektroniikka-, tekstiili-, kenkä- sekä palvelualat. Kyseiset toimialat ovat Pirkanmaan elinkeinorakenteen selkäranka ja siksi niiden henkilöstön ammatillisen osaamisen sekä henkisen ja fyysisen hyvinvoinnin tukeminen on erittäin tärkeää.

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Kehittämiskumppanuusprojektin keskeinen tavoite on parantaa pk-yritysten edellytyksiä kehittää kokonaisvaltaisesti omaa toimintaansa. Säilyttääkseen kilpailukykynsä pk-yrityksen tulee pystyä joustavasti mukautumaan uuden talouden haasteisiin ja tulevaisuuden ennakointiin. Tämä vaatii yritykseltä panostamista verkon hyväksikäyttöön liiketoiminnassaan (esim. tarjousten tekeminen sähköisessä muodossa), taidoiltaan ikääntyneen henkilöstön teknologiaosaamisen nostamiseen ja henkilöstön hyvinvointiin. Projektin aikana syntyy malli, jota voidaan hyödyntää myöhemmin vastaavassa työssä. Kehittämiskumppanuus yhdistää uuden teknologian käyttöönottoon, uudistuviin työtehtäviin ja toimintaympäristöihin liittyvät osatekijät. Lisäämällä niihin tulevaisuuden ennakointi saadaan neljän T:n malli – tulevaisuus, tieto, teknologia ja terveys. Tämä 4T-malli syntyy saumattomana yhteistyönä, jossa kukin osaprojekti kehittää, testaa ja tuotteistaa omalla erikoisosaamisalallaan 4T-malliin liittyviä toimintatapoja ja työkaluja. Mallissa yritys ja työntekijät ymmärretään kokonaisuutena, jossa ammattitaitoinen, motivoitunut ja hyvinvoiva henkilöstö on yritystoiminnan tärkein voimavara. Kehittämiskumppanuuden tavoitteena on myös kansallisen ja kansainvälisen vaikuttavuuden arviointimallin luominen ja käyttö. Arvioinnilla seurataan 4T-mallin toteuttamisen vaikuttavuutta yritysten kehittymiseen ja työntekijöiden hyvinvointiin.

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Kokonaisvaltainen yrityslähtöinen lähestymistapa, yritysten ja sen henkilöstön kehittäminen yhdessä, laaja yhteistyöverkko, pk-yritysten ennakoinnin työvälineiden kehittäminen.

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 With beneficiaries

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Valtaistaminen kohderyhmien kanssa(Päätöksen teon hajauttaminen, osallistaminen)DP:n suunnitteluSuunnitteluprosessiin koottiin mukaan mahdollisimman kattava edustus. Projektien tarve ja niihin suunnitellut toimenpiteet ovat syntyneet yritysten kanssa käytyjen keskustelujen pohjalta ja yritykset ovat olleet mukana osaprojektien suunnittelussa. Myös kattojärjestöjen edustajat sitoutettiin prosessiin mukaan. Lisäksi hyödynnetään osaamiskeskusten erilaisia toimialaverkostoja.4T:n ja sen kaikkien osaprojektien rakenne pyritään tekemään niin joustavaksi, että toimintaa voidaan tarvittaessa muuttaa kohderyhmän tarvitsemaan suuntaan.Ennen jokaisen osaprojektin alkua kartoitetaan osallistujien ja yritysten tarpeet. Tulevaisuusklinikka -osaprojekti auttaa osallistujia suunnittelemaan tulevaisuuttaan ja sitoutumaan kehitykseen pidemmällä tähtäyksellä.DP:n toteuttaminenKehittämiskumppanien jatkuva toiminta yritysten kanssa tuo esille pk-sektorin kehittymistarpeita. Konsultoinnilla pyritään yritysten kanssa läheiseen ja saumattomaan yhteistoimintaan. Ideana on toimia toteutuksessa yhdessä koko yrityksen kanssa. Projekti pyrkii kannustamaan ja tukemaan nimenomaan työpaikoilla heikoimmassa asemassa olevien koulutusta. Toteutukseen ja suunnitteluun sidotaan koko yrityksen henkilökunta, niin projektin vaikutukset ovat laajempia ja pidempiaikaisia.Osaprojektit toimivat itsenäisesti keskittyen kohderyhmien tarpeisiin.Kohderyhmät ovat edustettuina projektin ohjaus- ja johtoryhmässä. Jokainen pääkumppani vastaa tiedonkulusta oman komponenttinsa (tieto, teknologia ja terveys) osalta. Toiminnan tehostamiseksi ja tiedonkulun varmistamiseksi kehittämiskumppanuusprojektin toteutukseen osallistuvien tahojen käytössä on www-pohjainen projektinhallintaohjelmisto NetProject.DP:n seurantaTulevaisuusklinikan ja eri komponenttinen (tieto, teknologia ja terveys) avulla yritykset ja niiden henkilöstö kasvatetaan pidemmän aikavälin (tulevaisuuspainotteiseen) ajatteluun huomioiden jokaisen osatekijän ja opettamalla itse arvioimaan omia mahdollisuuksia ja tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Projektilaisia opetetaan oman toiminnan etukäteisseurantaan eli toiminnan vaikutuksia pyritään arvioimaan jo etukäteen.Projektissa kehitettävä arviointimalli tukee projektin jatkuvuutta ja vaikutusta yrityksissä. Projektissa kerätään koko ajan palautetta koulutuspäiväkohtaisesti. Lisäksi pidemmän aikavälin tietoa kootaan projektin vaikuttavuuden selvittämiseksi. Osallistujille tarjotaan myös mahdollisuutta vaikuttaa konsultaatiokeskusteluilla. Projektin arviointi palvelee ensisijaisesti osallistujien tarpeita ja on vahva tapa vaikuttaa jo käynnissä olevaan toimintaan.

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 Between national partners

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Hallinnoinnin päävastuu on pääkumppaneilla, pienille toimijoille annetaan tilaisuus keskittyä varsinaiseen toimintaan, osallistua suunnitteluun ja tuoda oman kohderyhmän tuntemus ja kokemus ruohonjuuritasolta. Pääkumppaneiden sekä osaprojektien koordinoijien kesken on laadittu aiesopimukset kehittämiskumppanuuden toteuttamiseksi.Hankkeen tavoitteiden kannalta on ollut ensisijaista rakentaa kattava, monista osapuolista koostuva kumppanuus. Pääkumppaneiden lisäksi hanketta toteuttaa kolmisenkymmentä eri tahoa, jotka edustavat niin koulutus- ja asiantuntijaorganisaatioita, työtekijä- ja työnantajaliittoja, yrittäjäjärjestöjä, edunsaajajärjestöjä ja osallistuvien toimialojen instituutteja, pk-yritysten edustajia ja näiden kautta mukana on lukuisia eri toimijoita välillisesti.

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