Pohjoinen Equal ascii version


DP Managing organisation : Rovaniemen seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry.
Other national partners : Kemi-Tornio seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry
Lapin Yliopisto
Oulun seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry
Raahen Kansalaistalo JYTY ry
EQUAL theme :Entrepreneurship - Social economy 
Type of DP :Geographical - Urban area - POHJOIS-SUOMI  
DP Legal status :Other 
DP identification :FI-31 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :15-05-2002 
Last update :27-10-2003 


Text available in

RESULTS: Social entrepreneurship will be accepted as a new form of entrepreneurship; a network of social projects/enterprises will be created; a new model of cooperation agreements will be created which will be based on partnership instead of employee-employer -model; unemployed people will be given a possibility to participate development work of the society.

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THE QUALITATIVE GOALS (primary): to test and develop social entrepreneurship in associations and in work cooperatives; to test and develop new practices to be used by authorities which would dissolve obstacles from social entrepreneurship; to develop a model through which an unemployed person or a group of unemployed can found a social enterprise; to test a new financing model in a project or in social entrepreneuship; to create a regional development network in the third sector which could be in charge of the administration or implementation of projects promoting social entrepreneurship; to develop indicators for social well-being; and to offer a new way of preventing structural unemployment.
MEASURES: to found Social Entrepreneurship Centers, to hire project innovators, to organise social entrepreneurship training, to employ and rehabilitate unemployed people, to offer services to companies and the public sector, to consolidate the third sector, to create a new network and a way of providing social services, to raise awareness and change attitudes, to draft motions in order to promote social entrepreneurship, to prepare associations and cooperatives for social entrepreneurship, to turn ideas into service products, to give the clients a possibility to directly particpate in the development of services etc.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) ***

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***

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Budget Action 2

500 000 – 1 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  50.0%  50.0% 
Employed  0.0%  0.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  50.0%  50.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  50.0%  50.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  50.0%  50.0% 
< 25 year  10.0%  10.0% 
25 - 50 year  20.0%  20.0% 
> 50 year  20.0%  20.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Support to entrepreneurship ***
Discrimination and inequality in employment ***

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors


 Between national partners


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 Linguistic skills

  • suomi
  • English
  • italiano

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 18.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
212 For the Social Enterprise IT IT-G-PUG-110

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Nobody involved in A&E

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 Interest in networking

Text available in

-University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
-University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
-Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali Elpendù scrl, Mola di Bari, Italy
-Social Cooperative Obiettivo, Bari, Italy
-Idekoop, Helsinki, Finland


Text available in

-social enterprice management training-model for unemployed
-Third Sector’s finance model
-Monthly payment-system created together with the Employment and Economic Development Centre of Lapland
-Financial assistance for founding projects and social enterprices



Last update: 15-05-2002 dot Top

National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Rovaniemen seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry. Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Kemi-Tornio seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry
Lapin Yliopisto
Oulun seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry
Raahen Kansalaistalo JYTY ry

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Agreement Summary

Text available in

The partnership aims to elaborate a transnational model of social enterprice, to create tools to deliver real services specialized for social enterprices, to create a training model for the board of directors of social enterprice and to prepare and experiment a model of practical work training on grass-root level.

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top

Rovaniemen seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry.

Project Centre, Kansankatu 17
FIN-96100 Rovaniemi

Tel:+358 40 577 95 09

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Koskiniemi Hemmo Mr. +358 40 577 95 09 DP coordination

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top

Kemi-Tornio seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry

Kaivokatu 5
FIN-94100 Kemi

Tel:+358 40 5194840

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social services
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-05-2002 / 31-12-2004

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Grönroos Jani Mr. +358 40 5194840 project implementation

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top

Lapin Yliopisto

Yliopistonkatu 8
P.O.Box 122
FIN-96101 Rovaniemi

Tel:+358 16 341341

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-05-2002 / 31-12-2004

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Lehtinen Pirkko Ms. +358 16 341341 project implementation

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top

Oulun seudun sosiaalitalousyhdistys ry

Tarkka-ampujankatu 14
FIN-90120 Oulu

Tel:+358 50 3579505

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social services
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-05-2002 / 31-12-2004

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Valtanen Juha Mr. +358 50 3579505 project implementation

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top

Raahen Kansalaistalo JYTY ry

Kirkkokatu 22 L 3
FIN-92100 Raahe

Tel:+358 44 5220455

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social services
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-05-2002 / 31-12-2004

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Tokola Ari Mr. +358 44 5220455 project implementation

Last update: 27-10-2003 dot Top



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Pohjoinen Equal


Text available in

TULOKSET: Sosiaalinen yrittäjyys hyväksytään uudeksi yrittämisen muodoksi, syntyy sosiaalisten hankkeiden/yritysten keskinäinen DP -verkosto, syntyy uusi yhteistyösopimisen malli, joka perustuu työntekijä-työnantaja asetelman sijaan kumppanuuteen, sekä syntyy työttömälle uusi mahdollisuus osallistua yhteiskunnan kehittämistyöhön.

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LAADULLISET TAVOITTEET (ensisijaisia): kokeilla ja kehittää sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä yhdistyksissä ja työosuuskunnissa, kokeilla ja kehittää uusia viranomaiskäytäntöjä, jotka raivaavat esteitä sosiaaliselta yrittämiseltä, kehittää toimintamalli jolla työtön tai työttömien ryhmä voi perustaa sosiaalisen yrityksen, kokeilla uutta projektin ja sosiaalisen yrittämisen rahoitusmallia, luoda alueellinen kolmannen sektorin kehittämisverkko, joka kykenee hallinnoimaan ja toteuttamaan sosiaalista yrittämistä edistäviä hankkeita, kehittää sosiaalisia hyvinvointimittareita sekä tarjota uusi keino rakennetyöttömyyden ehkäisemiseen.
TOIMENPITEET: Perustetaan sosiaalisen yrittämisen Centereitä, palkataan hankeinnovaattoreita, järjestetään sosiaalisen yrittämisen koulutusta, työllistetään ja kuntoutetaan työttömiä, tarjotaan palveluja yrityksille ja julkiselle sektorille, vahvistetaan kolmatta sektoria, synnytetään uusi sosiaalisten palvelujen verkosto ja tuottamistapa, vaikutetaan asenteisiin ja muutetaan niitä, tehdään esityksiä sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden edistämiseksi, valmennetaan yhdistyksiä ja osuuskuntia sosiaaliseen yrittäjyyteen, tuotteistetaan ideoita palveluiksi, annetaan asiakkaille suora mahdollisuus osallistua palvelujen kehittämiseen jne.

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