Bottom Up ascii version


DP Managing organisation : The Employment and Economic Development Centre in South Ostrobothnia
Other national partners :
EQUAL theme :Employability - (Re-)integration to the labour market 
Type of DP :Geographical - Rural area 
DP Legal status :Non-profit making organisation 
DP identification :FI-41 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :01-11-2004 
Last update :25-10-2005 


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In FInland we do not have possibillities with national funds
to create the service centre model. Our structural unemployment is still growing and these unemployers need special services in getting better labour market
situation in. We have plenty of long-term unemployed, recurrently unemployed, disapled and those who need preventation from social exclusion.

Also, one of the biggest problems we have is the age and low education of the unemployed. These people had their jobs in the beginnig of the 1990's but because of the depression we had in Finland in 1991-1994, these people lost their jobs and are still without a job. Allthough the situation is now better and we have new workplaces, the situation has changed so much that there is no more need to hire workers to so called low productive jobs, and they are not so old that it would be possible to retire. Many of them are willing to work.

At the same time we have the shortige of educated and skilled workers. Our local service centre model will help the situation of those people together with local muncipalities.

Secondly we dont have any local action plan in our counties and this work has to be done as well.

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The target is to create four models of local service centre in South Ostrobothnia. The four reagions are different. One has a low local unemployment rate and the others have higher. Everywhere in our reagion we have more female unemployed than the male ones.

The local service centres shall start their job in the beginning of April 2005. In every centre there will be hired three or four workers so that all local muncipallities are involved. The organisation and administration model will be created so that it serves
as well as possible the people who are at the same time the clients of labour offices, health services ans social services Together with the project manager these centres will create the models and the models do work in the international contex.

At the same time will start the creation of the local action plans.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ***
Training on work place **
Work placement **
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) *
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) **
Employment creation and support ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures ***
Conception for training programs, certification **
Guidance and social services ****
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features **

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented ***
Context oriented ***

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The innovation is process oriented. It is the aim to create the local service centre models with cross-sectorial cooperation by the means of "bottom up" so that all reagional specialities are observed for example labous situation, long distances, bure travell connection etc.

The other target is to develope the local /reagional employment strategies (local actionplan)so that it considers the reagional-, national- action plans and also the European Employment Strategy, also this work is to be done by bottom up.

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Budget Action 2

1 500 000 – 2 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  40.0%  60.0% 
Employed  0.0%  0.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  2.0%  2.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  38.0%  58.0% 
Physical Impairment  20.0%  25.0% 
Mental Impairment  15.0%  20.0% 
Mental Illness  5.0%  15.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  0.0%  0.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  10.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  40.0%  50.0% 
< 25 year  0.0%  0.0% 
25 - 50 year  30.0%  40.0% 
> 50 year  10.0%  20.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Discrimination and inequality in employment ***
Disabilities **
Other discriminations *
Age ****
Low qualification ***
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The target group (unemployed) is one of the partners, who are developing the local service centre model, also other muncipalities are togerther. The target group is also take participating in the international work.

The partners working in service centres they have to work out a new jobmodel so that the coopration will succes. They have to speak the same language.


 Between national partners

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In FInland we have not the model of a local service centre (labour office, social work, health services). What we have is the model of service centres in big cities, where the people have no difficulties in travelling etc. Here by us in the south Ostrobothnia, we have areas where we have long distances between living and services and the people have difficulties in travelling, no car, no public travell services, bad roads etc. So we are for example willing to create the model of services on the wheels.

In these local service centres there will work togehter people from labour office, health services, social work and some other organisations. The aim is also to take in advance various kind of organizations models in the centre; the way of addministration and etc.

With this model we shall empower the model of the local service centre as a good practice to the similar regions in Finland: the Middle-, the East- and North Finland. The national work of this kind is just in the beginning.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • slovenčina (slovenský jazyk)
  • Deutsch
  • français

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 5.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
4163 Fit for Work IT IT-G2-ABR-031
UKgb 157

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Nobody involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
The Employment and Economic Development Centre in South Ostrobothnia Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership

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Agreement Summary

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Bottom up-procjet work in partnership with other European countries that are working to develop the Patways to employment for disavantaged groups.
We develop intgration services baseb by case management.

We like to exchange information on experiences and know how with unemployment persons helping.
Our transnational partners are from Scotland and Italy. We have three theme:
- case management
- integration services
- users involvement

Development Partnership Agreement summary

Last update: 25-10-2005 dot Top

The Employment and Economic Development Centre in South Ostrobothnia

Huhtalantie 2
60220 Seinäjoki


Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 /

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Employment and Economic Development Centre in South Ostrobothnia is on of the 15 same kind of the centres in Finland. In these centres there are represented three Ministries: The Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Trade and Industry the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This Bottom up project in addministrated by the Labour market Dept. Under this dept. there are working five local "Labour offices" .

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Koivumäki Hannele +35864163333 hannele.koivumaki@te-keskus .fi Managing DP
Krook Päivi - Managing DP

Last update: 25-10-2005 dot Top



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Bottom Up

Agreement Summary

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Bottom up-hanke haluaa vaihtaa hyviä käytäntöjä ja kokemuksia työstä pitkään työttämän olleiden asiakkaiden auttamiseksi.

Teemme yhteistyötä skottien ja italialaisten kanssa kolmen kehittämisteeman puiteissa:
integroidut palvelut
asiakkaan osallistaminen

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