The Coach (Koutsi) ascii version


DP Managing organisation : Kiipulasäätio / Kiipula Foundation
Other national partners : Kiipulan ammattiopisto / Kiipula Vocational Institute
Koulutuskeskus Salpaus / Salpaus Further Education
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu / Lahti Polytechnic
Riihimäen työvoimatoimisto / Riihimäki Employment Office
Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry
EQUAL theme :Employability - (Re-)integration to the labour market 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Services 
DP Legal status :Other 
DP identification :FI-40 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :01-11-2004 
Last update :06-10-2005 


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The Coach is a product development project, where rehabilitation research and vocational training and coaching are being developed in four different geo-graphical areas aiming to enable the reintegration to the working life for the people with a distance to the labour market.

The project is a continuous process of three development themes:

1. The Developing Rehabilitation Research
The assessment of the clients’ needs for services and the assessment process of the ability to work. The development objectives are the assessment methods in the actual working environment and changing the rehabilitation research from a clinical assessment to an assessment which actively supports vocational rehabilitation and training.

2. The Training towards a Specific Jobs
An individually tailored vocational training consisting of partial diplomas. The development objectives are the forms of company co-operation, labour-intensive learning methods and the contents of non-diploma based special training.

3. The Job Coaches
in the above mentioned development actions. The development objectives are the job descriptions of the job coaches in the rehabilitation, as support persons in the training at the schools and in the companies and as guides towards the working life. In addition to this the job coach training will be developed further to be integrated as part of the Social Studies Degree and as an independent part of the vocational further education.

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The Objectives and the Processes

In the developing rehabilitation research the thematic co-operation will be done in co-operation with Kiipula Rehabilitation Centre, Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry, Tuoterengas and Rii-himäki Employment Office. This theme group will develop a functional and extensive model for assessing ability to work and function. Each partner has an own, extensive network for de-velopment work. Part of the clients will be specifically chosen to the project and part of them is already clients of the partners.

The curricula for the training towards specific jobs and labour-intensive methods are being developed by Kiipula Vocational College and Kiipula Adult Education Centre together with Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry. In the Kiipula Vocational College the model is developed in differ-ent sectors of training crossing the sector borders. Silta-Valmennus will develop the curricula for the jobs together with Tampere Vocational College. Kiipula Adult Education Centre to-gether with Riihimäki Employment Office will participate in planning and practical tuition of training aiming to jobs.

The labour-intensive methods and tuition and support services for adult students are devel-oped by Salpaus Further Education and Tuoterengas. Salpaus will emphasize in multiprofes-sional functions and increasing teachers’ knowledge in special education. Tuoterengas will test labour-intensive learning methods in the workshops.

For implementing the extensive rehabilitation research and training toward a specific jobs,
job coaches will be hired to Kiipula’s training units. The project will do research work on the use and financing of the job coaches. The job coaches will be participating in the implementa-tion of the rehabilitation research in the actual working environment and they will work as pi-lots between the different phases of the rehabilitation and will participate in the implementa-tion of the vocational training.

Silta-Valmennusyhdistys and Tuoterengas have already hired individual coaches and job coaches, who will participate in the mutual development work. Lahti Polytechnic / Faculty of Social and Health Care will develop the job coach training to be part of the Social Studies and as a product in further education.

Mutual Products

Mutual product development will produce theoretically grounded and practically tested prod-ucts. The end products will be:

1. The Model for Developing Rehabilitation
2. The Model for Training to a Specific Job and Description of the Labour-Intensive Methods
3. The Job Descriptions and Degree Programme

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ****
Training ***
Training on work place ****
Work placement **
Job rotation and job sharing *
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) **
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) ***
Employment creation and support ***
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures ****
Conception for training programs, certification ***
Anticipation of technical changes **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ****
Guidance and social services ****
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features ***

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented **
Context oriented ***

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The holistic point of view is only just developing in the process of measuring the rehabilitation needs of the clients. The basis for this point of view is the human as a psycho-physical entity within his/hers own life. In the field of rehabilitation the assessment and development of the ability to work and function have remained separate.

The tailoring based on the curricula towards a specific jobs has not actually been tested in the modern practicies. The mutual experiments and models with labour-intensive methods and workshops, third sector (NGO's) and vocational (special) education have been minor.

The possible job descriptions for job coaches outside the supported employmnent haven't really been charted. This is however necessary to create a standard degree programme (polytechnic level). The need for multiprofessionaal teaching and curriculum for job coaches is clear.

The DP and its parties represent the kind of collaboration crossing sectoral borders which is necessary for the people with a long distance to the employment (structural employment).

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Budget Action 2

2 000 000 – 5 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  25.0%  25.0% 
Employed  15.0%  15.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  10.0%  10.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  50.0%  50.0% 
Physical Impairment  12.5%  12.5% 
Mental Impairment  12.5%  12.5% 
Mental Illness  12.5%  12.5% 
Population not suffering from a disability  12.5%  12.5% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  50.0%  50.0% 
< 25 year  10.0%  10.0% 
25 - 50 year  30.0%  30.0% 
> 50 year  10.0%  10.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Disabilities ***
Low qualification ***
Unemployment ***

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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In each of the project themes the main goal is to support client's self-steering and life control. Each actor will develop their actions together with their clients. As an assistance for implementing the principle of empowerment we will be using the empowerment indicator which was developed and tested as part of
the transnational co-operation in the Kiipula Adult Education Centre during the Worth the Work/Equal - project.


The project actions will be organised through development circles between DP partners' staff. This way the steering will remain as near to the action as possible.

The empowering assessment's principle is based on the fact that the target groups will participate in the continious evaluation. The transnational actions will be planned and implemented together with the target groups and it will be based on the participation of the target groups.


 Between national partners

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Locally there will be learning and development projects where core actors are the permanent staff of the participating organisations and their learning is being supported by the projects resources. This way to project will be linked to the normal procedures of the participating organisations and will help to install the empowering methods

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • svenska
  • français

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 15.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
4075 Transnational Employment Partnership: Routes to Employment LT 17
LT 4
UKgb 161
4209 Equip(ment) BEnl 23
NL 2004/EQA/0015

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Kiipulasäätio / Kiipula Foundation Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Kiipulan ammattiopisto / Kiipula Vocational Institute
Koulutuskeskus Salpaus / Salpaus Further Education
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu / Lahti Polytechnic
Riihimäen työvoimatoimisto / Riihimäki Employment Office
Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry

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Agreement Summary

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The Coach is involved in two TCA's
1. Routest to Employment with Equal Employability (UKgb-161), (Re-)integracija i darbo rinka Kretingos rajone (LT-17), Equal greitkelis (LT-4) and Inovativni Prostopi Za Nove Moznosti (Sl-10)

2. Equip(ment) with Training Quality (BEnl-23) and Request (NL-2004/EQA/0015)

Development Partnership Agreement summary

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Kiipulasäätio / Kiipula Foundation

Kiipulantie 507
14200 Turenki

Tel:+358 50 3003764
Fax:+358 3 6852266

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

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Kiipula Centre of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation provides services on vocational special education, adult education, rehabilitation, and work life development. Our most important mission is to create our clients new possibilities and solutions to improve their working and functional capacity, well-being, and success in different phases of life.

The centre is divided into four sections: the Adult Education Centre, Vocational College, Rehabilitation Centre, and Kiipula Garden. The average number of clients and students is close to 900 per day. In a year, the number of customer days is around 163 000.

Kiipula Centre of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation is maintained by Kiipula Foundation. The foundation was established in 1945 and its background organisations include Social Insurance Institution, the Finnish Lung Health Association, and the municipality of Janakkala. Nowadays the foundation has about 260 employees and a turnover of 15,7 million euros.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Alijärvi Pirjo +358 50 5998341 Project administration
Ora Petteri +358 50 3003764 Project themes, objectives, contents in general

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Kiipulan ammattiopisto / Kiipula Vocational Institute

(New Partner 1)
Kiipulantie 507
14200 Turenki

Tel:+358 3 6852 292
Fax:+358 3 6845 066

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Aunola Markku +358 3 6852 292 -
Vehkomäki Arto -

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Koulutuskeskus Salpaus / Salpaus Further Education

(Koulutuskeskus Salpaus)
Vipusenkatu 5
15230 Lahti

Tel:+358 50 526 5870

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Nyman Kaisu +358 50 526 5870 -

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu / Lahti Polytechnic

(Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu)
Hoitajankatu 3
15850 Lahti

Tel:+358 50 384 3922

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Haapola Leena +358 50 384 3922 -
Saarinen Minna +358 50 385 5582 -

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Riihimäen työvoimatoimisto / Riihimäki Employment Office

Palstakatu 7-9, PL 61
11101 Riihimäki

Tel:+358 01060 44968
Fax:+358 010 60 44990

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Toivettula Timo +358 010 60 44 969 -
Tuominen Taisto +358 010 60 44 968 -

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top

Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry

Vehnämyllynkatu 4
33700 Tampere

Tel:+358 400 628 344
Fax:+358 3 3143 7011

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:01-11-2004 / 31-12-2007

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Järvelä Sampo +358 400 628 344 -

Last update: 06-10-2005 dot Top



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The Coach

National Partners

Kiipulasäätio / Kiipula Foundation

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Kiipulan koulutus- ja kuntoutuskeskusta ylläpitää Kiipulasäätiö. Säätiön palveluksessa on noin 260 työntekijää ja vuosivaihto on noin 15,7 miljoonaa euroa. Kiipulan toimintayksikköjä ovat ammatillinen aikuiskoulutuskeskus, ammattiopisto, kuntoutuskeskus ja puutarha.

Kiipulasäätiö on perustettu vuonna 1945 ja säätiön taustayhteisöjä ovat Kansaneläkelaitos, Filha ry. (ent. Hengitys ja Terveys ry.) ja Janakkalan kunta. Säätiön valtuuskunnan puheenjohtajana toimii liikenne- ja viestintäministeri Leena Luhtanen ja hallituksen puheenjohtajana Kelan johtaja Helena Pesola. Kiipulasäätiön toimitusjohtaja on Juhani Törmä.

Kiipulan päivittäinen asiakasmäärä on keskimäärin 800-900 opiskelijaa/kuntoutujaa. Vuositasolla asiakasvuorokausien määrä on noin 163 000.

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