Operation Work ascii version


DP Managing organisation : Pargas stad
Other national partners : Jakobstad, Musikcafe After Eight
Jyväskylän yliopisto/ Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Kinnula, social and health affairs
Lievestuore Settlement House
EQUAL theme :Employability - (Re-)integration to the labour market 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Specific discrimination and inequality problems 
DP Legal status :Other 
DP identification :FI-10 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :15-05-2002 
Last update :06-03-2003 


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The main reasons for drawing together representatives from municipalities and areas from different part of Finland, was the similar problems, problems we gather was related to questions concerning small towns and municipalities. We thought that the national politics and programmes were focusing on bigger cities and infrastructures. The problems for small towns and areas are not of a high priority for the national programmes. This is of course from our point of view. Comparing to bigger cities the small towns and municipalities are facing problems of an other kind.The problems we listed was related to the critical mass, we have the same problems as bigger cities, but the target group represented different ages, with different studies and working background etc. The Operation Work DP is comprising four small towns situated in different parts of Finland.Two rural communities in Central Finland (Lievestuore and Kinnula) and two bilingual coastal towns in the west of Finland (Jakobstad and Pargas). The 5th partner, department of social sciences and philosophy at University of Jvväskylä will lead survey and project evaluationThe common goal is to develop an employment strategy which would help especially small localities in the prevention of exclusion. The main approach is to pay attention to the aspect of small localities and to take into account their special needs and problems with regard to unemployment. The actions (e.g. the Knowledge bill, Job Hunter, research, evaluation, employment strategy etc.) will provide concrete means to reach the goals. The main focus of project Operation Work is to find new means for small communities to fight exclusion of their members, develop working tools specific for them, and share good practises across Europe.The starting point of the project planning: - How small towns and localities can use local partnership to build up their own employment strategies and foster local development in seeking new models and ways of preventing marginalization.- Individual integration model of employment activities regardless of background, sex, location or age especially tailored for small municipalities/towns.

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The OPERATION WORK -DP has agreed to the following key areas:1.Working on the development of local employment strategies at broad basis: Each partner in the DP has a working local network where all relevant local agents are represented: municipality sectors (school, social, free time, occupational health, youth), employment office, employees, target groups, and 3rd sector actors. In involving the employees OW will test Job hunter -activity, which not only matches the job and the worker but also acts as a contact person and support between the beneficiary, the employee, and the project. Project OW hopes to develop the 3rd sector and the public sector as active partners and cross sectional know-how as local potential.2.Project OW aims to develop an integrated model for steps to employment that will work on an individual basis regardless of the person's starting point, sex, place of living, or age. The development work and testing of the model will be done in close co-operation within the Finnish DP and its transnational partners seeking new forms of entering the labour market and staying there. As a tool of the development work project OW introduces "Knowledge bill", where new individual expertise is built on existing skills and modules needed to gain employment or access to training, obtainable from schools, institutes, companies, or the 3rd sector associations. Project OW hopes to gain co-operation of the Finnish Ministry of Education and the regional apprenticeship offices in putting the innovation into use.3.Project OW hopes to develop the 3rd sector and the public sector as active partners and cross sectional know-how as local potential: Project OW believes that successful local employment strategy, adaptable to small towns and communities, can be developed by increasing local co-operation and cross sectional knowledge. In this way the drawbacks of small communities can be turned into their benefits. 4. Survey, evaluation and mainstreaming : The 3rd sector experts at the Department of social sciences and philosophy at University of Jvväskylä are in charge of the scientific work.5. Transnational partnershipOur goal is to develop and test new models leading to employment of long term unemployed in small communities. In this work we hope top exchange both project teams and the target group in thematic meetings and study visits. As a result we hope to generate a new, widely tested and adaptable model that the small communities, especially, would gain from.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ***
Training **
Training on work place **
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) ***
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) ****
Employment creation and support ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures **
Conception for training programs, certification **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places **
Guidance and social services **
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features **

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented ***
Context oriented ***

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Employment strategy:Create a method for small towns and localities which can be use by local partnership to build up their own employment strategies and foster local development in seeking new models and ways of preventing marginalization.Knowledge Bill:Create a individual integration model of employment activities regardless of background, sex, location or age especially tailored for small municipalities/towns.Survey, evaluation and mainstreamingThe goals of the evaluation research in Operation Work project are twofold. The research will (1) form its own agenda with its own scientific goals and (2) by using its own procedures it will support the whole Operation Work project throughout.(1) Research finds out - how Operation Work project tries to develop The Knowledge Bill and how the developing of The Knowledge Bill is working. Research is interested in how this kind of project with its specific procedures succeeds in helping socially excluded people back to work or education. (2) Research supports the project in its aims by -supplying the project with scholarly summaries and interpretations about the project’s activities.assisting the development of internal evaluation procedures

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Budget Action 2

2 000 000 – 5 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  50.0%  50.0% 
Employed  0.0%  0.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  50.0%  50.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  50.0%  50.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  50.0%  50.0% 
< 25 year  20.0%  30.0% 
25 - 50 year  10.0%  20.0% 
> 50 year  10.0%  10.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Discrimination and inequality in employment **
Other discriminations *
Low qualification ****
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The empowerment whit the beneficiaries are realized trough on ongoing evaluation. The beneficiaries have also the possibilities to take part in conferences and meeting where the development process of the project is proceeding. At the local level the beneficiaries are also engage within the development of the local employment strategies.


 Between national partners

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All the partners within the DP are equal and have their own representatives in the DP steering group and in the different working groups. The main aim within Operation Work DP is to engage both local facilitators, beneficiaries and representatives from different agencies in the development process. Empowerment is the keyword for a sustainable employment strategy for small localities.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • svenska
  • suomi

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 10.0%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
876 Work Links ES ES440
ES ES590
IE 8
SE 60

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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 Interest in networking

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Operation Work has taken an active approach under action 1 and 2 for building up a sustainable network in pilot project areas. The idea is to strengthen the own areas network capacities, which will lead to secure the future use of the working methods, that has been developed during the pilot project.
Operation Work has also taking an active part in working within the national thematic work, which gives a good opportunity for network.
Under action 3 Operation Work will focus on deepening the network with national bodies for mainstreaming the results of the project. Also on the transnational level will give good opportunities for widening the network possibilities.


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Operation Work will publish “Knowledge Bill” as a method for guidance, especially designed for small communities. There will be a final project report and the final research report will be published as a part of the joint Operation Work report, written by all five national partners.



Last update: 15-05-2002 dot Top

National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Pargas stad Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Jakobstad, Musikcafe After Eight
Jyväskylän yliopisto/ Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Kinnula, social and health affairs
Lievestuore Settlement House

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Agreement Summary

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Transnational partnership “Worklinks” Objectives
The specific goals are: 1. To exchange methodologies and experiences of engaging with target groups across different areas. 2. To investigate methods of engaging with employers and developing employment strategies. Each DP has different actions, under this heading. First, each partner will define its methods of intervention and begin implementation in each region. Afterwards, all the methods used and the results obtained could be analysed.

Underlying problems
Economic success has generated new forms of inequality and newly invisible groups experiencing exclusion from the labour market. All DPs have been constructed to tackle the more acute obstacles to employability that exist in rural and peripheral areas. These problems can be summarised as follows:
1. Continued marginalisation of individuals in peripheral areas
2. Public agencies have been unable to develop a structured and peripherally sensitive approach to meet local needs
3. Traditional approaches to addressing the problem of exclusion have had limited impact
4. Rapid economic/social changes – with failure of institutions to respond expeditiously and appropriately (eg. Long term unemployed; long term sick listed; low income farm families; rapid increase in number of people parenting alone; asylum seekers/refugees).

Products of Worklinks
We have planned to jointly develop next transnational products:
- Manual for facilitators: will be used as a tool for the staff that directly or indirectly work with the target groups and to social and economical agents and members within each DP. It will include new approaches; methods and tools that will enable EQUAL staff to obtain results in an effective way. It will be used as a guide and should include innovative examples and good practices when possible. We believe the manual will act as a very important tool for positive action but also as a way to avoid interventions that have failed in the past.
- Website for dissemination of information and for communication between partners: we have thought of a transnational web, which will compliment national ones. We have planed to use it in two ways: first to offer information related to each DP and national project and information about the transnational project; second to communicate among us using it as an intranet.
- Placements and internships for beneficiaries and staff
- Beneficiary meetings and learning visits
- Final conference
- Research working group
- Transnational evaluation: we will develop an evaluation methodology to monitor the project itself (this is, objectives, actions and products, and the suitability of budget to the working plan) and also all what concerns to each partner’s contribution to the development of project and the attainment of its aims.

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top

Pargas stad

Norrgårdsvägen 4
FIN-21600 Pargas

Tel:+358 2 458 58 25
Fax:+358 2 458 59 66

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Fagerström Anita Ms. +358 2 50 596 26 50 Questions related to the national DP and the transsnational work within the DP

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top

Jakobstad, Musikcafe After Eight

Storgatan 6
FIN-68600 Jakobstad

Tel:+ 358 6 7816500
Fax:+ 358 6 7816533

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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Musikcafé After Eight is an youth organisation, which started 15 years ago, as an alternative meetingplace for young people. A place filled with culture, music, concerts, art, events and energy. 1997 when the uneployment was becoming a big problem among the youth, the projetc Liljas Växthus started. The youngsters between 17-25 could choose between different workshops and at the same time find out where they want to go next. Jakobstad is both a finnish and swedish speaking town and our project is for both language groups. Beautiful Day is now the next step to continue and devolope the workshops into different areas such as café, hostel and medialab

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Andersson Mikael Mr. + 358 6 781 65 11 Beautiful Day, Jakobstad, Finland
Forsén Camilla Ms. + 358 6 781 65 11 Beautiful Day, Jakobstad, Finland
Wiklund Nils J. + 358 6 781 65 11 Beautiful Day, Jakobstad, Finland

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top

Jyväskylän yliopisto/ Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos

P.O.Box 35
FIN-40014 Jyväskylä

Tel: +358 14 260 1211

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 / 15-05-2005

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Hänninen Sakari Mr. +358 14 260 3083 project implementation
Kolehmainen Jani Mr. +358 14 260 2832 issues concerning research
Siisiäinen Martti Mr. +358 14 260 3129 project implementation

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top

Kinnula, social and health affairs

Keskustie 49
P.O.Box 1
FIN-43900 Kinnula

Tel:+358 14 459 6310
Fax:+358 14 459 6330

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social services
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-05-2002 / 30-04-2005

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The organisator of Kyläluuta-project is Kinnula Municipality, social – and health affairs, well fare board.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ruuska Marjatta Ms. . +358 14 4596 310 project implementation
Suominen Marjatta Ms. +358 14 459 6300 project implementation

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top

Lievestuore Settlement House

PO Box 14
FIN-41401 Lievestuore

Tel:+ 358 14 861 266
Fax:+358 14 862 201

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:15-11-2001 /

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Lievestuore Settlement house in a locally active NGO which belongs to the Finnish Federation of settlements and the worldwide IFS (Federation of Settelemts and Neighbourhood Centers). The Main activities of lievestuore Settlement house are adult education ( liberal adult education), playschool and after scholl activities, social projects (for the elderly, unemployed men and women and youth)

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ruth Katri Ms. +358 40 734 93 92 pilot project
Salmi Vuokko Ms. + 358 14 861 266 anything

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top


Norrgårdsvägen 4
FIN-21600 Pargas

Tel:+358 2 458 57 62
Fax:+358 2 458 59 66

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:01-01-2002 / 15-05-2002

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The project NorrisJob is placed in a small municipality named Pargas, in the archipelago area in southwest of Finland. Pargas has about 12 000 inhabitants and about 50 % of the population is swedish speaking and the other 50 % is finnish speaking. The area is chattered with many islands and long distances. The unemployment rate is 9 %, and the unemployed comes from different backgrounds, has different educations and comes from different age groups. The municipality owns the project and it is being developed in co-operation with NGO:s, enterprises and the target group.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Lindroos Jenni Ms. +358 2 458 57 62 Project NorrisJob in Pargas Finland

Last update: 06-03-2003 dot Top



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Operation Work


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The main reasons for drawing together representatives from municipalities and areas from different part of Finland, was the similar problems, problems we gather was related to questions concerning small towns and municipalities. We thought that the national politics and programmes were focusing on bigger cities and infrastructures. The problems for small towns and areas are not of a high priority for the national programmes. This is of course from our point of view. Comparing to bigger cities the small towns and municipalities are facing problems of an other kind.The problems we listed was related to the critical mass, we have the same problems as bigger cities, but the target group represented different ages, with different studies and working background etc. The Operation Work DP is comprising four small towns situated in different parts of Finland.Two rural communities in Central Finland (Lievestuore and Kinnula) and two bilingual coastal towns in the west of Finland (Jakobstad and Pargas). The 5th partner, department of social sciences and philosophy at University of Jvväskylä will lead survey and project evaluationThe common goal is to develop an employment strategy which would help especially small localities in the prevention of exclusion. The main approach is to pay attention to the aspect of small localities and to take into account their special needs and problems with regard to unemployment. The actions (e.g. the Knowledge bill, Job Hunter, research, evaluation, employment strategy etc.) will provide concrete means to reach the goals. The main focus of project Operation Work is to find new means for small communities to fight exclusion of their members, develop working tools specific for them, and share good practises across Europe.The starting point of the project planning: - How small towns and localities can use local partnership to build up their own employment strategies and foster local development in seeking new models and ways of preventing marginalization.- Individual integration model of employment activities regardless of background, sex, location or age especially tailored for small municipalities/towns.

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Text available in

The OPERATION WORK -DP has agreed to the following key areas:1.Working on the development of local employment strategies at broad basis: Each partner in the DP has a working local network where all relevant local agents are represented: municipality sectors (school, social, free time, occupational health, youth), employment office, employees, target groups, and 3rd sector actors. In involving the employees OW will test Job hunter -activity, which not only matches the job and the worker but also acts as a contact person and support between the beneficiary, the employee, and the project. Project OW hopes to develop the 3rd sector and the public sector as active partners and cross sectional know-how as local potential.2.Project OW aims to develop an integrated model for steps to employment that will work on an individual basis regardless of the person's starting point, sex, place of living, or age. The development work and testing of the model will be done in close co-operation within the Finnish DP and its transnational partners seeking new forms of entering the labour market and staying there. As a tool of the development work project OW introduces "Knowledge bill", where new individual expertise is built on existing skills and modules needed to gain employment or access to training, obtainable from schools, institutes, companies, or the 3rd sector associations. Project OW hopes to gain co-operation of the Finnish Ministry of Education and the regional apprenticeship offices in putting the innovation into use.3.Project OW hopes to develop the 3rd sector and the public sector as active partners and cross sectional know-how as local potential: Project OW believes that successful local employment strategy, adaptable to small towns and communities, can be developed by increasing local co-operation and cross sectional knowledge. In this way the drawbacks of small communities can be turned into their benefits. 4. Survey, evaluation and mainstreaming : The 3rd sector experts at the Department of social sciences and philosophy at University of Jvväskylä are in charge of the scientific work.5. Transnational partnershipOur goal is to develop and test new models leading to employment of long term unemployed in small communities. In this work we hope top exchange both project teams and the target group in thematic meetings and study visits. As a result we hope to generate a new, widely tested and adaptable model that the small communities, especially, would gain from.

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