Czech Republic

DP Managing organisation : Akses
Other national partners : Asistencni centrum Svazu prumyslu VVV Most
Centrum komunitni prace Usti nad Labem
Czech Blind United
Labour Office Most
Masaryk University, School of Education
EQUAL theme :Entrepreneurship - Social economy 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Services 
DP Legal status :Non-profit making organisation 
DP identification :CZ-13 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :19-12-2001 
Last update :11-02-2002 


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The NGO sector (third system) has been undergoing dynamic growth from 1989 in the Czech Republic. NGOs are active in all fields of economic and social development. In 2000, there were 42 302 civic associations registred (source Czech statistical office). As of 15th of May 2000 there were 557 newly registred public benefit organisations (source: Czech Gvt. official documentation). These figures do not include foundations and church organisations, which also take part in projects of the Czech non-for-profit sector. The improtance of the NGO sector as an employment market in Europe keeps growing. This can be verified by looking back at the initiatives of MPs of the European Parliament and the Commission itself, which led to the adoption of programmes such as Third System and Employment Pilot Action (TSEP). The professional level of many of the Czech organisations is very high. This can be shown on public budget subsidies, which can be seen as one of the input indicators monitoring the capacity of the NGO sector. In 2000, 3 337 mil CZK was allocated from public budgets to support projects of more than 11 000 NGOs in the Czech Republic. Financial support from public budgets in 2000 was intended mainly for provision of social services, sport, people at risk of social exclusion, and protection and support of health, including the care for the disabled. The growing capacity of projects implemented by the NGOs puts growing pressure on relevant public budgets. NGOs in the Czech Republic are dependent primarily on financial assistance of state and/or other public administration bodies. Their own programmes to involve private enterprises in implementation and funding of services for their clients are seldom and accidental. NGOs have no strategy or cooperation framework with the private sector and the public in general. Partnerships with regional businesses to reach goals of the NGOs are not at place. Consequently, NGOs are not able to work efficienty, lack funding, and thus are not able to cope with the co-financing requirements. Their activities in the context of regional development are not transparent for the public (in some cases not even for the target groups). In EU member states and other countries with developed NGO sector, the term of "social marketing" is used to address the institutional development of NGO organisation (source: Bruce,I.: Meeting Need, Charities Management Series, UK).

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The objectives of the project are: to assess the capacity of NGOs to help in solving the problem of employment of people with difficult access to the job market; to establish regional partnerships of NGOs, Labour Offices, municipalities and businesses participating in the project; developing life long learning programmes focusing on NGO jobs; introduction of support mechanisms for pilot testing and subsequent direct placements of job seeking participants to the NGOs.
Specific objectives include:
1. regarding employment under EQUAL Thematic field 1:
- creating conditions for NGO participation in pro-active employment policies. The participation should take the form of training and placing people with difficult access to job market in "social marketing" positions.
- creating a network of institutions participating in the CHARISMAE regional partnership programme (Charity Management Action for Employment).

2. regarding NGO institutional capacity support under EQUAL Thematic field 4:
- creating a new employment position of a "social marketer", whose job will be to develop and implement a comprehensible communication strategy of an NGO in the region; to monitor and maintain cooperation with private enterprises in implementing the objectives of the NGO; NGO product and services marketing and support of their competitiveness.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling **
Training ***
Training on work place *
Work placement ****
Employment creation and support ***
Conception for training programs, certification ***
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ***
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented ***
Context oriented **

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Improving the capacity of non-for-profit sector by creating a specially designed postion "social marketer" to assist with the organisations awareness building, fund raising, public relations and other issues directly connected to the capacity to compete within the market. Social marketers, specially trained for this position will come from a pool of individuals at risk of social exclusion recommended by Labour Offices.

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Budget requested :

500 000 – 1 000 000 €

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Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Disabilities ****
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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At the end of the project there will be a network of 350 social marketers and 350 non-for-profit organisations. A close netowork cooperation is expected in all phases of the project implementation. Especially in cases of major projects the ability to adopt a single and common strategy of NGOs using the know-how and capacity of social marketers will be of benefit.


 Between national partners

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The project will enhance cooperation between and among private enterprises, NGOs and public administration and will serve as a platform, where the organisations can meet as equal partners in their joint effort to help re-integrate people in danger of social exclusion in the job market. Each of the partners will contribute not only with the organisation's expertise in its relevant field, but also with bringing a different perspective of the same issue from the view point of the respective sector. Representatives of the third system shall have influence on running and steering the project hopefully producing a synergic effect and ensuring free flow of information that would help overcome information barriers and prejudice, and change some rigid attitudes of the key actors as a result of feed back coming from the project evaluation.

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CHARISMAE DP is seeking transnational co-operation to ensure that most up-to date techniques and approaches are adopted in the project implementation, and to make use of existing approaches in the relevant fields, which may have been developed and tested abroad, and would thus help to achieve efficiency in the project implementation. Co-operation with foreign DPs in project development will enhance transfer of know-how and will help avoid impasses previously confronted elsewhere. Participation of EU member states DPs shall also facilitate impending neccessary adaptations of Czech enviroment to new conditions after the EU enlargement. However, CHARISMAE is also hoping it will be able to offer its own know-how and experience to its foreign partners.

 Linguistic skills

  • English

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Nobody involved in A&E

 Preexisting partnership

  • No

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Akses Co-ordination of experimental activities
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Asistencni centrum Svazu prumyslu VVV Most
Centrum komunitni prace Usti nad Labem
Czech Blind United Design of the project
Labour Office Most
Masaryk University, School of Education


Nam. krale Jiriho 6
350 00 Cheb

Tel:+420-166-436 056

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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AKSES is an educational and consultant company specializing in project cycle management, fundraising for public bodies and NGOs, human resources management and facilitation services. In the project, AKSES will serve as an assistance centre for the placed applicants during the project testing period, it will co-operate on the design of the NGO database, it will design the educational part of the "social marketing" course dealing with public relations, NGO management and capacity building through co-operation with the private sector (fundraising), and will initiate inputs and coordinate outputs of all project partners.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Svec Dmitrij +420-166-436 056 DP managing organization, Monitoring, data collection

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top

Asistencni centrum Svazu prumyslu VVV Most

Topolova 1234
434 01 Most

Tel:+420-35-6105 888

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Union, Confederation...
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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VVV Most provides project design consultations to public and private sector bodies, is active in initiating co-operation in the business sector, compiles specialized product and services marketing studies. In the project, VVV Most will provide proffesional know-how in marketing concept of education, and will provide assistance to placed social marketers during the project testing period.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Jochman Frantisek +420-35-6105 888 Co-ordination of experimental activities

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top

Centrum komunitni prace Usti nad Labem

Horova 1262/6
400 01 Usti nad Labem

Tel:+420-47-5201 096
Fax:+420-47-5201 096

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social services
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The mission of the Centre for community Work is to create conditions for development of community care and to help implement changes in the public sector, especially the social sphere within the Ústí nad Labem region.
To fulfil this function, the CCW co-operates with the City of Ústí nad Labem, state institutions, and social service providers from both the state and non-profit sectors on projects aimed at introducing overall changes in the social sphere of Ústí nad Labem. The CCW motivates corporate sector representatives in helping to solve social problems in Ústí nad Labem. It gets the users and their family members involved in decision making, which influences the quality of their life.
In the project, the centre will co-operate on processing the NGO database and its publishing on the internet, will provide consultations concerning NGOs, will co-devise the NGO management and PR training course, and will submit proposals of NGOs suitable for the pilot test of the CHARISMAE project.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Krbcova-Masinova Lenka +420 47 520 10 96 Co-ordination of experimental activities
Polesný Michal Support of inter-sector co-operation

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top

Czech Blind United

Krakovská 21
110 00 Praha 1

Tel:+420-2-2146 2146
Fax:+420-2-2146 2145

Responsibility in the DP: Design of the project
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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A civic association providing rehabilitation and re-training services to visually impaired people in the Czech Rep., a founder of a number of NGOs providing services to the visually impaired, since 1990 has been developing social marketing activities to ensure wide support of both public and private sector for assistance to the visually impaired; in the project, Czech Blind United will provide know-how in NGO operation, job screening for the CHARISMAE programme applicants, and will give advice on workplace adjustments for potential visually impaired applicants.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Pesak Milan +420-2-2146 2146 Design of the project
Svec Dmitrij Design of the project

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top

Labour Office Most

Budovatelu 1989
434 01 Most

Tel:+420-35-770 57 11

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The Labour Office in Most offers information on vacancies, job market situation, provides re-training, consultations and assistance in job seeking, career decisions, and industrial relations questions; it also distributes unemployment benefits to job seekers and job subsidies for organisations that employ applicants, who wouldn't otherwise find a job. In the project, the Labour Office in Most will provide know-how for creating criteria for recruitment of freshly graduated applicants and applicants with disabilities, it will recommend applicants for pilot project testing, and it will participate in project evaluation.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Hanzlik Milan +420-35-770 57 11 Re-integration and re-training know-how

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Masaryk University, School of Education

Porící 7
603 00 Brno

Tel:+420-5-431 29 111

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The School of Education of Masaryk University is and educational institution providing university education to approx. 4000 students, 1700 of them as external students. It has approx. 250 pedagogical and research staff and 121 other employees. The Department of Special Education trains teachers for educating and counselling specific groups of citizens with difficult access to employment. In the project, the School of Education will design social marketing course curriculum and will implement the course with a pilot group of applicants.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Vitkova Marie +420-5-431 29 111 Evaluation, Course design

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top


Na hradbach 126/157
280 02 Kolin


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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MERITUM is a company providing psychological and diagnostic consultations to vulnerable groups, human resources management consultations concerning employment in public budget funded organisations, and professional training of job applicants. In the project, MERITUM will provide psychological diagnostics of “social marketing” course applicants, will participate in drafting the personal profile of the applicant and will devise individualized plans for individual applicants.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Opocensky Josef +420-602-389 733 Transnational partnership

Last update: 11-02-2002 dot Top



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Depuis 1989 le secteur des organisation non-gouvernementales à but non lucratif en République Tchèque prend dynamiquement son essort ce qui se manifeste dans tous les domaines du dévéloppement commercial et social. 42 302 organisation civiles et 557 organisations d´utilité publique ont été régistrées en 2000. D´autres donnations et organisations d´Eglise qui participent aux projets du secteur des Associations à but non lucratif ne sont pas incluses dans ce bilan. L´importance du secteur des ABNL (3e secteur) pour l´emploi s´accroît de plus en plus. Les iniciatives des députés du Parlement européen en témoignent par leur tendeances à exploiter le 3e secteur dans la réalisation des politiques de l´emploi en Europe. Les qualifications professionnelles de maintes sujets du 3e secteur en République Tchèque se trouvent au niveau adéquat. Le soutient des fonds publics aux projets des ABNL qui a dépassé l´année dernière 3 337 073 Kč (distribuées à 11 000 organisations tchèques) ne peut que le confirmer. Les activités du secteur ABNL les plus soutenues par le budget de l´Etat en 2000 ont été la prestation de services sociaux, le dévéloppement du domaine sportif, les soins aux groupes ménacés et problematiques et la protection de la santé y compris les soins aux handicapés (source: Analyse du financement des ABNL du budget de l´Etat de la République Tcheque en 2000). L´élargissement du secteur des ABNL produit une pression croissante sur les chapitres correspondants des budgets pour les ABNL. Les ABNL en République Tchèque profitent de l´assistance de l´Etat, éventuellement des villes et communes. Leur propres programmes d´intégration du secteur privé à la réalisation et au financement des services destinés aux groupes cibles dans les régions sont rares et occasionnels. Les ABNL n´ont pas élaboré une stratégie pour influencer le public et les entreprenneurs. De même les partenariats fonctionnels avec le secteur privé régional pour l´accomplissement des buts de l´association ne sont pas prêts. Ainsi les ABNL ne sont pas à même de remplir leur fonction effectivement, ne peuvent pas faire face aux conditions de cofinancement, leurs activités à l´égard de la population (et les groupes cibles) sont confuses dans le contexte du dévéloppement régional. Pour désigner le soutient au dévéloppement institutionnel des ABNL les pays de l´UE (et d´autres) utilisent le terme du „marketing social“ (source: Bruce, I.: Meeting Need, Charities Management series UK).

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L´objectif du projet consiste à évaluer les capacités des ABNL de traiter les problèmes de l´emploi des personnes avec un accès difficile au marché de travail, la création des partenariats régionaux des ABNL, des agences de l´Etat pour l´emploi, des villes, des communes et du secteur privé qui pourraient participer à garantir le projet, créer les programmes de la formation continue pour les employés potentiels du secteur des ABNL et les méchanismes de soutient pour leur examination primaire et insertion directe dans des ABNL.

L´objectif spécifique du projet:

De point de vue de l´emploi dans le cadre du thème no 1
Créer les conditions pour l´intégration du secteur des ABNL dans la réalisation des politiques actives pour l´emploi par la formation et insertion des personnes à l´accès difficile au marché de travail aux postes „agent de marketing social“.
- créer un réseau d´institutions ralliées au programme du partenariat régional CHARISMAE (Charity Management Action for Employment)

du point de vue du dévéloppement de la capacité institutionnelle des ABNL dans le thème no 4
- créer un nouveau poste du „marketer social“ qui consistera a créer et réaliser une stratégie de communication compréhensible des ABNL dans le région, surveiller et assurer la coopération avec le secteur privé dans l´accomplissement des objets de l´organisation, assurer le marketing des services et des produits des ABNL pour renforcer son potentiel de concurrence.

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