KOMPAS - activation of skills ascii version

Czech Republic

DP Managing organisation : Regionální rozvojová agentura Ústeckého kraje
Other national partners : Akademie J.A.K. Decin
Asista, Ltd.
Integrovana strední skola technická
Obchodní akademie Chomutov
Okresní hospodárská komora Chomutov
SOU technické Chomutov
Sou, OU, U textilní Teplice
The College of Finance and Administration
EQUAL theme :Employability - (Re-)integration to the labour market 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Services 
DP Legal status :Other 
DP identification :CZ-2 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :29-08-2003 
Last update :24-10-2003 


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During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative.

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The target group of the project is the long-term unemployed job-seekers category, that has no qualification, or low and hardly assertive qualification.
The target group is permanently handicapped in job obtaining, as the by default recognized and employers required certificate at the job market in Czech Republic is a completed high school education in the form of a school-leaving certificate or a vocational certificate. This document has much more reputation against issued retraining scheme certificates.
After choice of secondary education level, the project uses two year apprentice school branches and owing to unrealistic return of the target group to the classic form of daily study, it is oriented to the distance and external study. The proposal of the project leans on the Law No.29/1984 Col. about the system of basic, secondary and higher vocational schools, that enables free of charge study at secondary schools during the occupation for citizens without labour-relation law relations as well. This regulation enables to enlist registered job-seekers without problems to any form of study. At the same time, the relevant school rule of law declares equality of the outputs of all forms of study.
In the framework of the Strategy of the active employment policy, the new instrument for the category of persons above 18 and under 26 without qualification or with lower qualification, i.e. without education, or without completed basic education, with basic education, with practical school or lower secondary school education, came into force since 1st January 2001. This instrument is the modular retraining programme, that implements in its first part a classical goal-directed retraining scheme, to that subsequently connects the retraining scheme in the form of the residency or enter into a job with concrete employers.
The target of the project is the creation of prerequisites and a pilot verification of organizational, methodology, economic and timing tuning of both systems, that will allow to the target group without the relevant qualification obtaining of secondary school education along with the simultaneous specialised practice process in the mode of two- step retraining scheme.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling **
Training **
Training on work place **
Work placement ****
Job rotation and job sharing *
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) ***
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) ****
Employment creation and support ****
Training of teachers, trainers and staff **
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures ***
Conception for training programs, certification **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places **
Guidance and social services **
Awareness raising, information, publicity ***
Studies and analysis of discrimination features **

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented **
Context oriented ***

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Innovation of the proposed project is in practical use of the theoretical possibility of citizens to obtain free of charge secondary school education, that in its result will aim to start of changes of the legislation and methodology framework of all involved subjects so, to be more following the needs of the contemporary society.
The output of the project will be the methodology and the pilot verification of possibilities of the institutional joining of distance or external study of two year apprentice school branches with the instruments of the active policy of employment. With regard to the pilot verification of the methodology, proposals and suggestions for possible modifications of the legislation or methodology of involved state or self-governmental bodies, that would make the normal applicability of the system in the conditions of Czech republic difficult, will be continuously defined. In the relation to foreign partnerships, the continuous and final results as a methodology material for modification in other states will be provided. The complex output of the project will be published. The quantifiable output will be the advance in the categories of a target group included in the project assessed by the form of continuous statistical evaluation.
In the framework of the project, the following will be elaborated: diagnosis of personal prerequisites and ambitions of a target group with the following up motivation of a target group to accept the complex retraining-qualification system of obtaining of secondary school education. Basic teaching documentation of chosen forms of two year apprentice school branches with the accent on adequate form of work with a target group, teaching materials and teaching aids for pupils and teachers and the methodology of the special preparation of teachers and lecturers for work with a specific target group.

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Budget Action 2

500 000 – 1 000 000 €

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Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Gender discrimination **
Support to entrepreneurship *
Discrimination and inequality in employment ***
Disabilities *
Other discriminations *
Low qualification ****
Racial discrimination **
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities

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Common decisions: The project leading is built up on co-operation of people at leading group and on partnership bases. Common decisions are part of standard practice for present development partnerships and it will be recommended for new ones.
International co-operation: International trainers, share “know-how” (seminars, conferences), Internet
Enlarge information with using outcomes in larger context: in CR: workshops, conferences, mediums, special press, methodological support for other interested.


 Between national partners

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The members of the development partnership make eight basic groups, by their dominant role in the project. The applicant is responsible for the co-ordination of all partners, co-ordination of international activities, publicity, financing and administration. Employment offices are responsible for communication with the target group and for the special supervision of the re-training part and the implementation of the methodology to other employment offices in Czech Republic. Secondary school education institutions, represented in the project by state schools, are responsible for elaboration of the manual of side-run of two years apprentice fields and a modular re-training programme. The part of the secondary schools will do a pilot verification of the completed methodology by the manual in the coarse of the project. The specialised education institutions will be involved in the motivation and activation of the target group of unemployed people. The science and methodology institutions have the guarantee for professional level of outputs elaboration, providing teachers and lecturers preparation for the pilot verification of the methodology and specification of the conditions for the effective work with the part of the Roma minority. The employers, represented by the chambers of commerce, employers union and concrete firms, will provide re-training scheme in the form of residency and tip of working positions suitable for the target group entering the jobs. The statutory institutions will do the continuous monitoring of the project implementation, provide publicity and prepare the final proposal of organization, methodology and legislative modification for speed implementation of the system in the range of whole Czech Republic. The last group are the monitoring institutions that will provide data collection and internal evaluation of the project course for the applicant.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • español (castellano)
  • français

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 6.8%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
256 Wege zur Arbeit (Ways to Employment) AT 1A-04/65
AT 1A-15/114
DE EA-30747
DE EA-82583

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Regionální rozvojová agentura Ústeckého kraje Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Akademie J.A.K. Decin
Asista, Ltd.
Integrovana strední skola technická
Obchodní akademie Chomutov
Okresní hospodárská komora Chomutov
SOU technické Chomutov
Sou, OU, U textilní Teplice
The College of Finance and Administration

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Agreement Summary

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Transnational cooperation is a central part of the development partnerships’ approach.
This transnational cooperation is intended to provide strategic support to the subject area “Reintegration into the labor market and struggle against continuing exclusion”.
One thing all development partnerships have in common is the goal of creating new models and methods to overcome the exclusion of those disadvantaged on the job market, and the integration of these disadvantaged ones into the society and employment. In doing this, all partners will develop and process different, yet complementary patterns that could possibly be generalized with regard to the target group. This will enable them to compare their findings on different levels, which are discussed later on.
Conferences, workshops, and bilateral meetings will provide the possibility for this, for exchanging experience as well as for finding approaches that could be copied.
It is our mid-term goal to present those approaches on the different national levels (ministry, expert committees, administrations) and to discuss their feasibility. This can be accomplished by the national partners themselves, however, it would also be possible to get some or all transnational partners involved in this discussion.

The unemployment rate of the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, of Halberstadt, Wernigerode, and Quedlinburg counties in particular, is around 19%.
Upper Austrian Salzkammergut, Traunviertel province, saw an increase in the unemployment figures to 6% in 2001, caused by the economic recession.
In addition to that, public debt in Saxony-Anhalt is much higher than in similar Austrian regions as well.
(Source: Korzack: Machtverhalten, Verschuldung und Überschuldung privater Haushalte in den neuen Bundesländern, BM für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Schriftenreihe, Band 145)
High unemployment of 17-20% is also characteristic for the region of Southwestern Saxony.
Labour-market-related activities are geared toward the fight against unemployment as well as against migration tendencies and the increasing lack of expert staff.
Usti district in the Czech Republic is one of the regions with the highest unemployment rate.
The district-wide average is at about 16.6%. The highest figures in the entire country are found in Northern Bohemia’s lignite basin, traditionally an industrial region. Unemployment especially hits young people with a lower training level. This group’s prospects on the job market keep getting worse, a situation that can only be improved through competent action and support.

Last update: 24-10-2003 dot Top

Regionální rozvojová agentura Ústeckého kraje

(RRA Most)
Budovatelu 2830
434 37 Most

Tel:00420 35 620 6538
Fax:00420 35 770 63 31

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The Regional Development Agency of Usti Region, PLC (RDA), was established in 1994 by municipalities and economic subjects of the region as a joint stock company. The RDA is an organisation for the support and co-ordination of economic and social development of the Usti Region.
Support and co-ordination of activities contributing to a systematic development of the region is the top priority of the RDA. The agency works together with public administration, local authorities, EU institutions, Euroregions, economic partners, social organisations and a number of foreign institutions to accomplish its development tasks.
Mission and goals:
- provide information services to organisations and institutions in the public and private sectors
- provide quality expert services in regional problem solution and in regional strategy
- mobilize main actors of the region and their financial, material and human resources to be used for
regional development
- maximize effects of the region’s strengths and exploit them commercially for further development of the region

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Bocian Bohumil 00420 35 620 6538 207 coordination
Moravcová Monika 00420 35 620 6538 203 coordination

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Akademie J.A.K. Decin

Divisova 8
405 02 Decin IV.


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The „Akademie J.A.Komenského Děčín (next to be called the AJAK only) is the voluntary independent society of citizens. It was established on September 1, 1994 and it is a corporate body. It participates on the realisation of the programme of long-life education for youth and adults: language courses, computer studies, retraining courses, courses of motivation, external distance education, social-psychological training, seminars and lectures of regulations, laws, management, marketing, European Union etc. fields.
The AJAK Děčín is very well experienced in realisation of various projects, e.g.:
- in 1998 – 1999 … project „The employment via e-mail“;
- in 1999 … project „Approaching to European Union“;
- in 2000 … project „Teachers and Europe“.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Hrabcik Robert 00420-603-803655 management and marketing
Jauklova Drahomíra 00420-412-532192 accounting

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Asista, Ltd.

Resslova 1793
434 01 Most

Tel:00420 35 610 73 14
Fax:00420 35 610 47 38

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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A. Asista, Ltd. Most, was established in 1992
 Educational activity based on consultancy and mediation
 Psychology consultancy and diagnostic
 Partner in Leonardo da Vinci "Mobility Centres" NL//1/74036/PI/I.1.B/FPC
 Partner in Leonardo da Vinici "Mobility Centres" NL/99/1/074123/PI/III.3a/FPC
 Implementer PALMIF project "Komplex" CZ 9705/03-B/20

Asista, Ltd. administrates Activity Centres in Chomutov, Litvínov, Most and Žatec, whose main activity is systematic and long-term work with active job seekers.

B. In the framework of this project, Asista, Ltd. (as a partner) bid itself to provide consultant services and work with high-risk groups, especially in the region of Ústi nad Labem, and to help in looking for new work-forms for these groups. It will participate in evaluation of pilot outcomes of the project as well.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Formánek Jaroslav 00420 396 617 297 implementation of project tasks
Gregorová Andrea 00420 35 610 73 14 organisational work, translate tasks
Weber Zdenek 00420 35 610 78 88 implementation of project tasks

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Integrovana strední skola technická

Delnická 21
434 80 Most-Velebudice

Tel:00420 35 770612

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The Integrated Secondary Technical School – special preparation centre Most, Velebudice is a modern area situated at the edge of the industrial part of the city. This school is one of the biggest and most modern educational establishments in Czech Republic. Teaching proceeds in 44 workshops for practical lessons and in 64 classes for theoretical lessons. Tastefully furnished dormitory with 420 beds, cultural possibilities, a cinema and many playgrounds serves to pupils. There is also a kitchen with a big dining room, which offers all-day board. The Integrated Secondary School prepares pupils in special secondary school branches, in secondary apprentice school branches and in apprentice school branches.
The special preparation centre organises the education of pupils and also of adults, it is engaged in retraining courses, teaches in courses and is also engaged in special seminars. The school is not only an important partner in solving of problems with unemployment, but it co-operates also on projects connecting with problematic teenagers and co-operates on establishment of new appointments.
The school has a long tradition in branches specialised on machinery, electrical engineering and building industry. The school’s future plan is to safe this tradition. New methods and pieces of knowledge enforced in Western Europe are introduced into the lessons and education with help of foreign partners. The last example of many activities established by this school is a copper brazing course, that was introduced in Czech Republic for the first time.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Kovalík Pavel 00420 35 6137201 project realisation
Svec Josef 00420 35 7702612 agreement affairs

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Obchodní akademie Chomutov

Cernovická 2901
430 03 Chomutov

Tel:00420 396 628466

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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Obchodní akademie Chomutov (Business school Chomutov) is the state secondary school with direction on business. The school was established in 1995 and since this time, it implemented two CBC Phare projects and now, it provides the retraining scheme named “ EUROSECRETARY”, designed for unemployed secondary school leavers. The business school Chomutov has established a partnership co-operation with the school of similar kind in Germany - Berufliches Schulzentrum für Wirtschaft und Hauswirtschaft Marienberg.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Kohout Václav 00420 396 628466 all

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Okresní hospodárská komora Chomutov

(OHK Olomouc)
Cihlárská 4132
430 03 Chomutov

Tel:00420 396 62 82 88

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Chamber of commerce/industry/crafts
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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District Chamber of Commerce Chomutov is an independent association of entrepreneurs and it´s a basic article of Chamber of Commerce of Czech Republic. Its main content is support of member subjects, to benefit for development of economy and entrepreneurial region. Chamber of Commerce Chomutov ensures basic counselling and consultations services for its members and other entrepreneur subjects in the region, it organizates educational activities, supports development of enterprise and education. By this activity it cooperates with several institutions, entrepreneurial federations and associations. There is 99 members in the District Chamber of Commerce Chomutov now.
District Chamber of Commerce Chomutov shares at looking for firms, suitable partners for cooperation, it consults problems with them, realizes projects, participates on significant actions in the region (for example: exhibition "Education 2002", seminars, workshops etc.).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Jesková Ivana all

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SOU technické Chomutov

Prazská 702
430 01 Chomutov

Tel: 00420 396 651848

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The SOU technické, Chomutov, Prazská 702, příspěvková organizace (The technical secondary vocational school and training centre, at Chomutov, Pražská 702, the allowance organisation) is the state organisation established by the Ústí region. Its main activity is the education and schooling of apprentices focused at the preparation for teaching blue-collar jobs and special activities in the machinery, motor-car repairing and economy fields. It carries out both theoretical and practical education in its own, well equipped rooms. It has also the approved welders school, in which it carries out trainings for not only its own pupils, but for other schools, companies and for the Employment office as retraining schemes, as well. It is preparing itself for accredit of “European Welders School” obtaining in 2002. In particular, machinery fields training is significant, in which the interest of pupils in metal cutting has managed to gain. Trough the KOVO project it guarantees machinery focused retraining schemes for the Employment Office in Chomutov. The technical vocational school and training centre is in the co-operation with the Internationaler Bund – International practical education centre Zschopau, Bénédict – International practical education centre Zwickau, VW – the education institute VW Zwickau, CFBA – the Private Academy of Vocational and Practical Education Zwickau.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Sailer Václav 00420 396 651848 all

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Sou, OU, U textilní Teplice

E. Dvorákové 14
415 01 Teplice

Tel:00420 417 537213

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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SOU textilní, OU a U, Teplice, E. Dvořákové 14 (The Secondary textile school, secondary apprentice textile school and apprentice textile school Teplice), subsidiary organization is the educational institution, that provides complex education in school and apprentice studies subjects. It prepares young people for work in textile industry firstly in clothing, outfitting and knitting.
Professional team of teachers has good experience in the sphere of special preparation of students and educational documents creation as well. In 2000 the school has co-operated with National special education institute at formation of school programme in these branches: knitter, knitting work and tailor. Since 1998 it has been implementing the retraining courses for workmen in ready-made clothes production in co-operation with Employment offices.
The school has good material background - especially workshops with relevant technical equipment.
In the last years our school realized in co-operation with Secondary professional building school Teplice within the framework of project" Young people for Europe" student exchange stay Czech republic - Denmark
In the proposed project, the school will support secondary special education, firstly of women and girls without secondary education. It will share in creation of the methodology, supporting this education.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Klimtová Jaroslava 00420 417 537213 all

Last update: 24-10-2003 dot Top

The College of Finance and Administration

Fibichova 2778
434 01 Most


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:18-02-2002 /

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The College of Finance and Administration was established by SYNERGO Group and Bank Academy in 1999. The accreditation of the bachelor degree programme “Economy and Management” covering the fields of Banking, Insurance Industry, Corporate Finance and Public Finance was gained on September 28, 1999. The official state approval was given in November 1999 authorising the College to act as an institution of hegher education. In April 2000 the combined (part-time) form of study was accredited for all four fields of study. Later the accreditation of another programmes – “Economic Policy and Administration” and “ Company Management and Corporate Finance”, “Banking”, Insurance Industry”, “Public Finance”, “ Public Administration” and “ Applied Informatics”.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
RNDr. Budinský, CSc. Petr project activities

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Cihlárská 4107
430 03 Chomutov

Tel:00420 396 63 82 11

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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LABOUR OFFICE IN CHOMUTOV – organizational unit of the Czech state. It provides activities:
 monitors and evaluates the situation in the labour market
 draws up forecastings and conceptions of employment
 realizes active policy of employment
 records job seekers
 provides job placement services for unemployed citizens
 renders advisory services for job seekers during their job choice and job change
 realizes individual and group guidance for job seekers, which are hard to place in the labour market
 realizes educational programmes in the area of motivation and retraining

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Mertová Miloslava 00420 396 63 82 33 all
Veselý Jaroslav 00420 396 63 82 63 all
Vlková Jiřina 00420 396 63 82 37 all

Last update: 24-10-2003 dot Top



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KOMPAS - activation of skills


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During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative. During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative. During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative. During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative. During the gradual integration of Czech Republic into European Union conditions, other decreasing of number of person employed in the secondary production sector in favour of service sector will take place. This process of structural changes will bring local rate of unemployment rise, mainly at the level of low qualified groups, that will not be acceptable by the job market. The rise of this group of long-term unemployed job-seekers in Czech republic, that increased from from 20.8 % in 1994 to 38.4 % in 2000 is alerting. Even more contrasting is this problem in the regions with an extraordinary unemployment, North-West Bohemia and Ostrava.
The category of young citizens, which means the category from 18 to 26 years in the conditions of European Strategy of Employment, without complete secondary education, eventually without complete basic education is a problematic and hardly assertive group at the job market, regardless of the unemployment amount. This group presents almost half of the category of long-term unemployed persons. There is an outstanding share of Roma ethnic members inside the internal structure of this group. This group is uninteresting for employers, including foreign investors, because this group besides vocational education absence, mostly has no longer-term operational practice at the same time.
Primarily it is mostly the result of insufficiently stimulating family rear incidence, that during social mechanism of market-oriented and democratic system incidence of Czech Republic gives rise to the family unemployed generations problem, that prefer finishing of education of their children just after the end of 9 year compulsory education stated by law, or are not consistent in the honest completing of the secondary vocational education.
The National action plan of employment activities for 2001asks for lowering of number of persons without completing the relevant level of education and at the same time it asks for creation of various options of way of education, that would remove obstacles in obtaining of education in the framework of current school laws. This motion of the government in connection with partial experience with practical implementation of education and retraining activities of prime members of the development partnership gives the guarantee of the reality of the project, based on the principle of a complex solution of the unemployment of the target group and with the possibility of its application at another group of unemployed and with the possibility of linkage to other activities of EQUAL initiative.

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Zielgruppe dieses Projektes ist die Gruppe Langzeitarbeitsloser, die un- oder nur geringfügig qualifiziert oder nur schwierig zu beschäftigen ist.
Diese Zielgruppe ist bei der Arbeitsuche dauerhaft benachteiligt, denn das üblich anerkannte und am Arbeitsmarkt in der Tschechischen Republik von den Arbeitgebern geforderte Zertifikat ist eine abgeschlossene Mittelschulausbildung in Form eines Abiturzeugnisses oder eines Lehrbriefes.
Diese Dokumente behalten im Vergleich mit den ausgegebenen Umschulungszeugnissen eine markant höhere Wichtigkeitsstufe.
Zur Erreichung des Mittelschulbildungsgrades nutzt das Projekt zweijährige Lehrfächer. Unter Berücksichtigung der unrealen Möglichkeiten zur Rückkehr der Zielgruppe in die klassische Form eines Tagesstudiums, liegt die Orientierung auf Formen eines Fern- oder Externstudiums.
Der Projektentwurf basiert auf dem Gesetz Nr. 29/1984 der Sam. über das Grund-, Mittel- und höhere Fachschulsystem, das ein unentgeltliches Weiterstudium auf Mittelschulen ermöglicht, auch für Bürger, die sich in keinem arbeitsrechtlichen oder ähnlichen Verhältnis befinden. Diese Bestimmung ermöglicht eine problemlose Eingliederung erfasster Arbeitnehmer in verschiedene Studienformen. Die zutreffende gesetzliche Schulnorm deklariert eine Gleichwertigkeit aller abgeschlossenen Mittelschulstudienformen.
Im Rahmen der Strategie der Arbeitsbeschaffungspolitik wurden ab 1.1.2001 neue Maßnahmen für die Alterskategorie von achtzehn bis sechsundzwanzig Jahre wirksam, die keine oder eine nur geringfügige Qualifikation besitzen, d.h. Personen ohne Ausbildung, mit einer nicht abgeschlossenen Grundschulausbildung, mit abgeschlossener Grundschulausbildung, einer praktischen Schule oder einer minderen Mittelschulausbildung.
Diese Maßnahmen sind
 ein Modularumschulprogramm, das im ersten Abschnitt die klassische gezielte Umschulung realisiert und
 an die im zweiten Abschnitt eine Umschulung in Form einer Ausbildungsreise oder die Eingliederung in den Arbeitsprozess bei konkreten Arbeitnehmern anknüpft.

Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Schaffung von Voraussetzungen und eine musterhafte Überprüfung (Pilotprojekt) der organisatorisch-methodischen, ökonomischen und zeitlichen Abstimmung beider Systeme.
Damit wird der Zielgruppe ohne entsprechende Qualifikation im Rahmen einer zweistufigen Umschulung der Erwerb einer Mittelschulausbildung unter gleichzeitiger Absolvierung einer fachmännischen Praxis ermöglicht.

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