Partnership for network "Start-business-centres" ascii version

Czech Republic

DP Managing organisation : KAZUIST, spol. s r.o.
Other national partners : Agentura pro regionální rozvoj, a. s. Ostrava
Business Development Institute, Ltd.
HRAT, Podnikatelské centrum, s.r.o.
Kvalifikacni a personalni agentura, o.p.s.
RPIC, spol. s r.o. Opava
RPIC-ViP s.r.o.
TEMPO skolici stredisko, s.r.o.
Úrad práceFrýdek-Místek
EQUAL theme :Entrepreneurship - Business creation 
Type of DP :Sectoral - Services 
DP Legal status :Association without legal form 
DP identification :CZ-11 
Application phase :Approved for action 2 
Selection date :29-08-2002 
Last update :24-11-2003 


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The enterprise development, especially of small and medium enterprises is a basic task for every consciencous society. It influences the national income growth significantly, just as creation of new employment opportunities, and it supports the growth of regions, cities, towns and villages.
The SME support in Czech Republic includes entire range of support programs based on financial support from national budget, or foreign financial support sources. There are many instruments of support of national or regional character, including the institutions network, which provide these kind of services.
Generally, a statement can be made, that the SME support instruments aim to the financial help by arrangement of convenient loans (ČMZRB), or by providing a spectre of advisory, information or educational services (RCIC, BIC, EIC).
A common sign for all implemented instruments is the orientation towards already existing enterprises, which show growth potential with perspective of further development, and which have overcome the „childrens sicknesses“. As an exception can be seen providing the introductory consultancies cost-free through the program „Poradenství“ („Advising“) to the people, who have decided to become enterpreneurs. However, the limitation of the consultancy (only 3 hours) enables providing only basic information for beginning enterpreneur - it is impossible to take care of the client complexively. The lack of seed capital and high costs of processes connected with consultancies, produce a barier, which very negativly influences creation and amount of new enterprises (self-employment enterpreneurs). Another result is a problem of beginning enterpreneur’s survival while undercoming the first problems of the business activities or creation of a „common base“ for SME’s, which maintain the growth and development potential.
The following project of the EQUAL program is designed exactly to isolate the mentioned above obstructions, and to enable a qualified preparation for starting of an enterprise, including consultancy during the startup of SME activities, including self-employment enterpreneurs, with special care for discriminated groups.

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The main objective of the following project is to strengthen the process of foundation of new SME’s, including self-employment enterpreneurs and to create of support structures, which will enable creation of support structures for providing consultant and educational help, differeciated according to specific needs of country and city regions.
The partial objectives of the project can be characterized as:
1. Identification of existing methods and instruments of enterprise support in Czech Republic, and their evaluation or modification, comparison of methods used in the EU countries, creation of a database of the methods and processes for preparation for startup of enterprise and consultancy after the startup of enterprise.
2. Creation of new support structures and instruments for founding of new SME’s, including self-employment enterpreneurs with a special care to differenciated access to defined discriminated groups.
3. The use of already existing institutional system of SME support in Czech Republic, it’s modification, or extension and further development
4. Development of methodology new SME creation support and of proffesional personal capacities of internal and external advisors and staff with the use of EU countries experiences

Das Hauptziel des Projekts is die Kräftigung des Prozess der Gründung neuen Subjekten in den Gebiet kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen inklusive selbst verdienenden Unternehmer, und die Entstehung den Unterstütztungstrukturen, die dieAusnütztung den Material- und Personalkapazitäten zu der Beratungs- und Bildungshilfe ermöglichen, läuft spezifische Bedürfnisse den unvorteilhaften Gruppen und nach den Verschiedenheiten des Stadts- und Dorfsmilieu.
Die Teilziele des Projekts sind charakterisiert als:
1. Die identifikation den existierenden Methoden und Instrumenten der Unternehmensunterstütztung in der Tschechischen Republik, ihre Auswertung, ewenuell Modifikation, die Vergleichung den Methoden benützten in den EU Ländern.
2. Die Schaffung neuen Unterstütztunsstrukturen und Insrumenten für die Entstehung neuen Unternehmenssubjekten den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen inklusive Sich-selbst-beschäftigung mit spezieller Rücksicht auf einen differenziellen Zutritt zu den unvorteilhaften Gruppen.
3. Die Ausnütztung des existierenden Institutionsrahmen der Unterstütztung des kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in der Tschechischen Republik, seine Modifikation, event. Verbreitung und Entwicklung.
4. Die Entwicklung der Methodik der Unterstütztung der Schaffung neuen Unternehmenssubjekten und der fachkundiger Kapazität eigenen und externen Berater und Lektoren mit der Ausnütztung den Erfahrungen von EU Länder.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ****
Training ****
Training on work place *
Work placement *
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) ***
Employment creation and support ***
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Conception for training programs, certification **
Anticipation of technical changes *
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places *
Awareness raising, information, publicity **
Studies and analysis of discrimination features *

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented **
Context oriented ****

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The following project creates new processes, goals and networks. Priority of the project is finding solutions to the beginning enterpreneurs problems in context of needs of individual beneficiary groups, innovative approaches and methods and support implementation structures. The project solution shoul implement systematic approach to the defined category of problems, and provide a feedback for further improvement and development of the SME support system.
Process-Orientated - implementation of new methods and creation of new educational and training materials, implementation of new educational programs, development of new models for mentoring
Goal - Orientated - development of new approaches and training of the advisors for ensuring the quality advisoring support for individual beneficiary groups at the startup of the enterpreneurship or self-emlpoyment enterpreneurship
Context - Orientated - development of new advisory network structures, which will share individual approaches, ideas, methods, information and experiences which leading to preparation for enterprise beginning.

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Budget Action 2

500 000 – 1 000 000 €

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Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Support to entrepreneurship ***
Discrimination and inequality in employment **
Disabilities *
Other discriminations *
Low qualification *
Unemployment ***

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Participation in running and evaluating activities

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Project anticipates cooperation with beneficiary groups, on to which it is focused, with a special impact on mapping the enterpreneurs' needs, use of the information and experiences, which will be used in the project solution. Empowerment of these groups anticipates participation in the DP of the organisations, which take care of such groups and work with them, and the use of beneficiary groups at the final monitoring, information and data collection as part of the problem evaluation.


 Between national partners

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Development partnership has been created for the following project for the beginning enterpreneurs. The partnership associates subjects from different fields. The partners care of the defined problems of beginning enterpreneurs' according to their activities, or they work with the beneficiary groups on to which is the project designed.
All partners have expressed their readiness to share on the project realisation in terms defined by prepared activities plan. All partners have recognized the task of the submitting organisation Kazuist, spol. s r.o., as the qualified representative of the following development partnership. However, the base of the partnership lies in searching and finding of common solutions and decisions relevant for practical application. Cooperation within the frames of partnership anticipates reciprocal comunication through the most effective forms - organisation of workshops, consultancy meetings, e-mails, etc.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • Deutsch

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 6.5%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
PT 2001-064

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Nobody involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
KAZUIST, spol. s r.o. Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Agentura pro regionální rozvoj, a. s. Ostrava
Business Development Institute, Ltd.
HRAT, Podnikatelské centrum, s.r.o.
Kvalifikacni a personalni agentura, o.p.s.
RPIC, spol. s r.o. Opava
RPIC-ViP s.r.o.
TEMPO skolici stredisko, s.r.o.
Úrad práceFrýdek-Místek

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Agreement Summary

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As part of the project, there will be established a cooperation with two development partnerships in the EU countries, which take care of the problem solution in the field of enterprise support.
Cooperation among development partnerships on transnational level anticipates especially exchange of information, experiences and remarks, approaches and methods used in the parallel conditions in the EU countries.
The project further anticipates ensuring of regular informing of the development and implementation of new approaches and methods, which facilitate the beginning of enterpreneural activities to every beneficiary group in the country of development partnership, the help during training and educating of the advisors, including foreign exchange training programs.

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

KAZUIST, spol. s r.o.

Husova 401
73961 Trinec


Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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KAZUIST, spol. s r.o. provides its services as an advisory firm since 1991. Beginning the year 1993 becomes Kazuist, spol. s r.o. Regional Consulting and Information Centre. The centre offers a wide range of complex consultancy services, especially in the sector small and medium enterprize. It plays a significant role on development of enterpreneural activities in the region, specifically through preparation and processing of regional projects, participation on goal-oriented, mentioned above regional activities, just as participation of its consultants and coordination of certain activities in work groups or evaluation regional teams. Kazuist, spol. s r.o. cooperates with many regional institutions and organisations, when fullfilling its goals.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Bien Tomasz 00420659331103 General information, Transnationality cooperation
Sagatova Jarmila 00420659335479 Project Manager

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

Agentura pro regionální rozvoj, a. s. Ostrava

Na Jízdárne 7
702 00 Ostrava


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The Regional Development Agency (RDA) was established in 1993 as the pilot project of the European Union with the objective of assisting to the restructuralisation within the North Moravian and Silesian Region. Main activities and provided services are:
 Setup of development strategies
 Management of programmes and projects concerning regional development
 Information services, attracting of new investors, promotion of the region, other activities
RDA is a joint stock company whereas the shareholders are represented by Regional Administration of Moravian-Silesian Region (70 %) and Ministry for Regional Development (30 %).
(Note: RDA has not been established to capitalize on realized activities; prospective profit is to be re-invested into regional development support.)

Abreast with mentioned activities, RDA is also the host structure of Euro Info Centre Ostrava. EIC is one of seven Czech Euro Info Centres operating within the European Network and managed by DG-Enterprise in Brussels. Together with dissemination of information on European Union, the EIC Network is mainly focused on support to small and medium-seized enterprises (in the field of business cooperations, active business partner search, organization of specialized seminars, legislation assistance, European programmes communication and other services).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Kaločová Gabriela +420/69/5691232 General Information about Project
Vaculová Simona +420/69/5691231 General Information about Project

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

Business Development Institute, Ltd.

Podebradova 16,
700 39 Ostrava


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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The Business Development Institute (BDI) is a private consultancy and advisory organisation providing services to organisations of all sizes from SMEs to international and multinational institutions. It is highly experienced in managing international projects and securing funds from major donors. BDI’s activities (BDI Group) are structured into strategic business units to enable it to meet the needs of its different target groups of clients. These SBU’s are:
 Regional Advisory and Information Centre Division (RAIC) - offers services to SMEs as well as the overall improvement of the entrepreneurial environment the Czech Republic.
 Business and Management Development Division (BMD) - offers a compact package of consultancy, advisory and educational services which are focused mainly on medium sized and large companies, corporations and organisations.
 Regional Development Division (RD) - offers consultancy, advisory and educational services and support to the regions, districts, municipalities and other public sector organisations.
 Higher Private Business School Ltd. – offers vocational education within up to 3 years courses for secondary schools graduates
 Business School Ostrava plc – one of the first private business schools in the Czech Republic offers a bachelors degree in Business Administration
 IRP – RPIC Jesenik, Ltd. - offers advisory, consultancy, training and retraining services to SMEs as well as services for public sector and municipalities in the Northern part of Moravia especially in 3 districts – Jesenik, Sumperk and Bruntal.
 Enterprise Czech Division (joint venture with Enterprise plc, UK) - is a member of the Central European Partnership, a network of Central and Western European economic development consultancy companies.
The combined experience of these SBU’s enables BDI to offer services in the following areas:
 Regional development
 Organisational development
 Human resource development
 Marketing and Management
 Finance and Taxation
 Business development

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Válková Dagmar +420603147719 General Information

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

HRAT, Podnikatelské centrum, s.r.o.

TGM 383
739 61 Trinec

Tel:00420 659 321 280
Fax:00420 659 321 280

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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Economic Development Agency Trinec, Ltd. has been established by public institutions and major private regional actors in order to support regional development in the region of Tesin Silesia.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ligocká Lucie 00420 659 321 280 all matters
Sventek David 00420 659 321 280 all matters

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

Kvalifikacni a personalni agentura, o.p.s.

nam. T.G. Masaryka 383
739 61 Trinec


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employment services
Legal status:Non-profit private organisation (including NGO...)
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:01-02-2002 /

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Qualification and Human Resources Agency, o.p.s. provides beneficial services in the realm of employment in the local region, helping both people seeking jobs and preparing for a change in occupation or other wage-earning activities including enterprise by means of processing their individual profiles, profession counselling, assistance in the job seeking and retraining programme offering.
The Role in the Project – potential adepts of private enterprise are spotted on the basis of individual approach (most of them former steel works employees made redundant as a result of restructuring in iron and steel industry); organising educational and retraining programmes in a co-operation with partners of the project.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Serafinova Monika 00420659435390 General information

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

RPIC, spol. s r.o. Opava

Otická 10
746 01 Opava

Tel:553 615 502
Fax:553 615 501

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:18-06-2002 /

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RPIC spol. s r.o. Opava is a private organisation, which provides support and consultancy services for small and medium entrepreneur´s sector as a long-term member of Regional Consultancy and information Network in Czech Republic. It has rich experiences in cooperation with foreign partners.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Neugebauer Richard 553 615 502 project activities

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

RPIC-ViP s.r.o.

Nádrazní 54
709 00 Ostrava

Tel:00420-69-661 6795
Fax:00420-69-662 6917

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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RPIC-ViP has been a member of the national network of Regional Advisory and Information Centres for SMEs in the Czech Republic since 1992. RPIC-ViP has been active in identification, development and implemenation of innovative projects focused on SME development, employment services and regional strategies. The company employs 12 consultants located in two branch offices in the towns of Ostrava and Karviná. RPIC-ViP has been a registered EU consultant (CZE-10019) and has been awarded with ISO 9002 certificate of quality system management in 2000. RPIC-ViP has been a member of several professional networks in the region and outside.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Karasek Zdenek 00420-69-661 6795 Project development
Szotkowski Petr 00420-69-631 1523 Project development and implementation

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

TEMPO skolici stredisko, s.r.o.

Alejníkovova 6
700 30 Ostrava-Zábřech


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:18-06-2002 /

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TEMPO – školící středisko, s.r.o. takes care apart from organising training and education programs, of realising the EU programs, in which it played the role of partner and coordinator. In the following project the help is understood as providing a qualified and experience staff, especially in the field of preparation and execution activities aimed at information technologies (e.g. creation of website, internet portal, CDROM, etc.).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Dolník Martin 272937187 General information

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top

Úrad práceFrýdek-Místek

Nadrazni 1088
738 01 Frydek-Mistek


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employment services
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
NUTS code:
Date of joining / leaving:30-11-2001 /

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UP is an organisation part of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. It ensures a realisation of state employment policy principally by mediate occupation to unemployment people, giving support to a rise new work opportunities and also by advicing services.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Uhrova Marketa +420658/412297 informations about situation on labour market in district FM

Last update: 24-11-2003 dot Top



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Partnership for network "Start-business-centres"


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Die Entwicklung des Unternehmens, besonders von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen ist die Grundsache jeder Geselschaft und sie beeinflusst bedeutend die Schaffung der Volkseinkommen , der Arbeitsmöglichkeiten, sie unterstützt die Orts- und Regionsentwicklung.
Die Unterstütztung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in der Tschechische Republik begreift eine Menge Programmunterstütztungen von Staatshaushallt und von Auslandsquellen.
Es gibt eine ganze Reihe Instrumenten der Flächen- und Regionalunterstütztung, sowie auch ein Netz der Institutionen, welche diese Dienste vermitteln. Allgemein kann man sagen, dass die Instrumente der Unterstütztung von KMU zielen auf das Gebiet der Finanzunterstütztung mit der vermittlung des Kreditgewähren (ČMZRB) und auch auf Gebiet Beratungs-, Informations- und Bildungstätigkeiten hin (RPIC, BIC, EIC).
Alle diese Instrumente haben ein gemeinsames Zeichen: sie orientieren sich auf schon bestehende Unternehmenssubjekten mit einem Entwicklungspotential, welche schon alle "Kinderkrankheiten" übertroffen haben und welche eine Perspektive eines weiteres Zunehmen haben.
Die Ausnahme bedeutet die Möglichkeit den Beratungen für Personen, die sich erst bereiten das Unternehmen zu eröffnen. Diese Beratungen können aber nicht länger als 3 Stunden dauern, deshalb erhalten die anfangende Unternehmer nur die Grundinformationen, aber nicht eine Komplexhilfe. Eine praktische Absenz des Angebotes "seed kapital" auf einer Seite, und die hohe Kostpielichgkeit Prozessen und Tätigkeiten vereinten mit der eröffnung des Unternehmen sind ein Hinderniss, welches negativ beeinflusst nicht nur das Prozess der Entstehung und die Menge neuen Unternehmenssubjekten (inklusive selbst verdienenden Unternehmer), aber auch die Überwindung den ersten Schwierigkeiten noch der Unternehmenseröffnung, die Lebenfähigkeit den anfangenden Unternehmer und die Schaffung der "Grundlage" für kleine und mittlere Unternehmer mit einem Entwicklungspotential.
Der Vorschlag des Projekts in dem Programm EQUAL ist gerade auf die Entfernung diesen Hindernisen eingestellt und er soll eine Qualitätsvorbereitung auf das Unternehmen und Beratungsleistungen nach der Unternehmerseröffnung ermöglichen, besonders auch für die Glieder den unvorteilhaften Gruppen.

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Das Hauptziel des Projekts is die Kräftigung des Prozess der Gründung neuen Subjekten in den Gebiet kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen inklusive selbst verdienenden Unternehmer, und die Entstehung den Unterstütztungstrukturen, die dieAusnütztung den Material- und Personalkapazitäten zu der Beratungs- und Bildungshilfe ermöglichen, läuft spezifische Bedürfnisse den unvorteilhaften Gruppen und nach den Verschiedenheiten des Stadts- und Dorfsmilieu.
Die Teilziele des Projekts sind charakterisiert als:
1. Die identifikation den existierenden Methoden und Instrumenten der Unternehmensunterstütztung in der Tschechischen Republik, ihre Auswertung, ewenuell Modifikation, die Vergleichung den Methoden benützten in den EU Ländern.
2. Die Schaffung neuen Unterstütztunsstrukturen und Insrumenten für die Entstehung neuen Unternehmenssubjekten den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen inklusive Sich-selbst-beschäftigung mit spezieller Rücksicht auf einen differenziellen Zutritt zu den unvorteilhaften Gruppen.
3. Die Ausnütztung des existierenden Institutionsrahmen der Unterstütztung des kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in der Tschechischen Republik, seine Modifikation, event. Verbreitung und Entwicklung.
4. Die Entwicklung der Methodik der Unterstütztung der Schaffung neuen Unternehmenssubjekten und der fachkundiger Kapazität eigenen und externen Berater und Lektoren mit der Ausnütztung den Erfahrungen von EU Länder.

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