
Other national partners : Comune di Ragusa
Consorzio Promozione Area Iblea a r.l.
Promozione & Sviluppo M.C.M. S.R.L.
Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
Soc. Cooperativa `LE API RICAMI` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `MA.GI.CO RICAMI` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `MIDA` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `POEME` a r.l.
EQUAL theme :Equal opportunities - Reducing gender gaps and desegregation 
Type of DP :Geographical - Other - RAGUSA 
DP Legal status :Association without legal form 
DP identification :IT-IT-G-SIC-126 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :11-07-2002 
Last update :06-05-2002 
Monitoring: 2003   


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Women are still in a position of considerable disadvantage according to the L.M. indicators. Even though Sicily participates in the long-term improving trend of female status, these improvements nevertheless appear to be more related to changes in the civilized society than to specific social intervention; related, that is, to general policies (for example those that have brought about more education) but not to specific equal opportunity policies. The regional legislation, with regards to equal opportunity, has, in fact, limited itself to implementing the National Laws, and in particular the two basic provisions, or namely L.215/92 and L. 125/91.
The factors of the discrimination problem therefore refer to the difficulties and to constraints encountered by women in the labour market in a provincial framework. These issues highlight the structural deficiencies of the local system (phenomenon nevertheless extendable to other local systems in the regional setting) in the adoption and application of the equal opportunity policies both in the labour system and on that regarding social, cultural and economic development.
It was possible to explore the dimension of the problem in the reference territory thanks to the past experiences acquired by the partners in the PS regarding the specific themes, among which the project `Ricami` (Occupazione NOW). These experiences have on one hand revealed the strong and determined demand of the Iblean women for an active and dynamic social role in a working and productive environment, and on the other hand the structural and systemic deficiencies of the local environment which hinders development. In fact, both working women and those in search of employment (among who we point-out a large portion among housewives) encounter many difficulties in the self-promotion and career pathways as well as professional and occupational fulfilment.
The following figures provide a picture of the situation in the province of Ragusa:
- the female presence in the province of Ragusa is equal to 50.9% of the population, a percentage slightly less than the regional figure (51.4%) and the national figure (51.5%) - ISTAT -;
- Based on the inspections conducted, the figures relative to the position of the women in the L.M. reflect the regional trend in the provincial context. In particular, the female unemployment rate in Sicily continuous to be excessively high with respect to the South and it is expected to be around 35.4% indicating differential of almost 4 points with respect to the average in Southern Italy. The activity rate is equal to 24.4% compared with a national average of the 34.8% (38.5% in the of the North Central section), whereas the female employment rate in the island was 16.1% compared with 34.1% for the Centre North. (ISTAT);
- The figures above indicate the official employment and not the diversified world of the hidden economy, sure to be populated by a large host of black-market workers. Furthermore a specific survey regarding housewives is lacking in the official data. The experience previously cited (Now-Ricami) has allowed us to observe, by means of specific study, a strong presence of the housewives working in the hidden economy (45% of the sample) in the provincial area;
- The services industry, with 71.4% of the employed women, is the sector where female employment is mostly concentrated, in addition to the Public Administration where the less restrictive working conditions and the competitive system for admittance have favoured the employability of women with high-school or college degrees;
- An expansion of the female presence was recorded in the context of self-employment and within companies and which, in the provincial framework, was properly acknowledged in law 215/92, in fact, Ragusan women obtained 21% of the demand financed on the whole island during the most recent competitive examination (CONFINDUSTRIA).
Thus, the underlying reference problems are apparent in light of the data provided:
- a deficient regional legislation and the absence of a planned strategy in matters of equal opportunity: delays in the adoption of the guidelines from the National Plan for Employment (in particular Guideline no. 19/20/21) increase the dimension of the problem and create reductions in value with regard to the female resources;
- systemic deficiencies in the application of equal opportunity policies both in terms of services and supports, and in terms of gender approach in the local development policies (such as for ex.: the absence of entrepreneurship promotion, the absence of services and support for counselling, training, and work placement, poor representation of women in the institutional debate and in local coordination, etc..);
- the presence of a enduring cultural heritage triggers processes of horizontal and vertical segregation against employed women and blocks career pathways impeding access to managerial and decision-making positions;
- the deficiencies of a Territorial Model of strategic and planned action for measures and intervention regarding Equal Opportunity.
Our study regarding female labour in the area, has secondly revealed an entire series of potential strengths (strong points) such as:
- the presence of a pool of professional expertise, at all levels (not formally recognized), which can be directly utilized in the L.M.;
- the presence of expertise that can be directly utilized in the framework of the social economy;
- the entrepreneurial exuberance of the Ragusan women, already mentioned.
Standing out against this capacity of the female resources, and the will and determination, widely diffused throughout the territory, of the women to assume an active and leading role in the social and productive dynamics of the area, a conflict has been observed in the local system which is unable to adequately coordinate labour policy instruments and gender-perspective development processes.
Thus the greatest need resulting from the analysis is that for a systematic intervention throughout the territory capable of enabling a structured approach to the local equal opportunity policies and therefore:
1. to promulgate the culture of the equal opportunity;
2. to advance and improve female conditions in the local system;
3. to adopt development strategies and instruments to oppose the discriminatory dynamics.
The scenario described regarding the reference issues, both on a regional and local level, calls for the need to construct territorial models of intervention in the field of equal opportunity. In this sense the project proposes to test and to initiate, within a homogeneous territorial framework, such as that of the Ragusa province, a process for adoption and development of the equality policies, jointly programming and planning an action strategy the means and instruments necessary for its implementation.
In order deal with the above described needs, the territory is required to acquire a continuous commitment that implies a decisive political willingness for coordination and confrontation regarding equal opportunity themes, a capacity to interpret the social dynamics regarding the female population and high-quality planning which enables the promotion of women in the dynamics of the local development. For this purpose, the project proposes a procedure and a structure that can be thus summarized:
- create networksIntended as the capacity of the territory and of the local actors to confront and to place the problem of equal opportunity at the centre of the institutional debate;
- interpret the contextOr rather the capacity to analyze and scrutinize the local dynamics regarding the relationship or women with the local economic-productive system and that of labour;
- plan, test and promulgateIntended as participatory and shared formulation of the intervention priorities, as well as strategic measures for development of plans for the promotion of female resources.
The solutions identified, which will be specified in the following sections, are based on a mix of actions having the goal of contributing to the definition, implementation and subsequent testing of the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunity and of its implementing tools/means.

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No substantial modifications were observed with respect to that indicated in the candidacy Form for admission to Step 1; nevertheless, the detailed plan allowed us to describe the project objectives with greater specificity.
These objectives have the purpose of responding to the problems previously indicated and to influence the endogenous potentiality observed. In this sense the general project objective is:
The capacity to influence the enormous potential offered by the female population to integrate and coordinate development policies and labour policies in a gender prospective is one of the key elements on which the project is meant to intervene.
The following specific objectives assist in the quest to achieve the general objective of the intervention:
The goal of removing the underlying constraints and those due to cultural heritage which impedes the Iblean women from beginning self-promotion pathways in the L.M. and which do not allow the system to abandon old pre-established models and platitudes which relegate women to segregated roles both in society and in the workplace is established.Thus advance sensibilization and publicity is planned for the gender culture, directed both to the female population and to the local key actors for the purpose of creating the socio-cultural preconditions necessary for development of the project activity. For this purpose a specific Communication Plan (more thoroughly defined in the par. 5.14) was identified in order to publicize equality principles.
the second specific objective proposes to develop, on one hand, territorial and thematic continuity of the P.S. and on the other, to directly involve the local actors` points of reference, or namely, the equality workers.In the first case it is expected that a Support Network for the Initiative among the local, national, and transnational organisms involved with the reference issue will be created. The function of the Support Network is to `critically observe` the development of the project activities and to exchange/assimilate the innovations introduced (Mainstreaming), through the Evaluation Committee.In the second case, useful for the identification of a Territorial Model of equal opportunity, the direct involvement of the key actors` points of reference, or namely, the equality workers, becomes an obligatory step to define all subsequent project phases. The concept of the project is in fact that of progressively conveying the project innovations to the territorial parties responsible for guaranteeing the perpetuity of the effects and of the actions.
the purpose is that of creating a structural tool capable of continually monitoring the relations between the female population and the L.M. and hence the interaction existing between the local economic and productive system and the female resources.This tool will enable the plotting of the territorial balance, revisable with time, as a starting point for the development of the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunity and therefore of the intervention strategy, as well as the intervention priorities.The Observatory is in fact entrusted with the analytical reading of the qualitative and quantitative parameters and to the monitoring or territorial feedback useful for the planning activities undertaken at first during testing and then during adjustment.The methods, the contents and the development phases for the activities regarding the objective are described together with the major reference parameters for the analysis.
the goal is substantiated as a function of the need to develop the various project phases in participatory and shared manner integrating the expertise of the parties who will be responsible for perpetuating the new innovations.The structural tool/s within which the objective is developed are represented by all those actions that envisage a direct interaction between the project workers and the key actor`s points of reference: service conference (WP 1.2), focus group (WP 1.4), municipal participatory planning laboratories (WP 2.2). It is precisely through this latter action that a twofold purpose is to be pursued: - To update, retrain and integrate the expertise of the key figures by developing an organizational model structured on a provincial level;- To elaborate, delineate and build the bases and the policies for the definition of the S.P.E.O.These goals are pursued through a methodological approach that integrates and develops, thanks to specialized external consulting support, training activities with participatory planning activities referring to tangible cases in the provincial setting.
The Plan proposed to make up for the structural and systemic deficiencies of measures/tools for adopting and developing the equality policies through the translation of the P.A.N. Guidelines in a local intervention strategy.The formulation of the Plan is strictly correlated with the capacity to compose the plan itself as a widely participatory process shared by all the territorial components (Institutions and Social Partners). Only in this latter case does the Plan acquire its own valency and its own `political` identity throughout the territory representing the frame of reference and being a guide for the implementation of the initiatives and the projects aimed at improving the females conditions in the labour market.
the purpose is that of developing the instrumental and technical supporting framework for the translation of the Plan`s policies into tangible activities. In this sense, three fields of intervention are identified: the female population, the economic/productive framework and the local system.The concept is that of constructing operational instruments capable of promoting the potential of Iblean women in the social, economic and productive context in relation to the above-said fields of intervention.
the formulation of the (E.O.S.C.) pursues the objective of testing, the project models, instruments and the tools for implementing the Plan even before adjustment. In this sense, the idea is that of constructing the structural tool for implementing the territorial model of intervention in matters of equality.Decisive in this context is the capacity to transfer the expertise necessary for the development of Services on behalf of the women to the key figures even after termination of the financed activities.
Issues and objectives integreate the planning activity on the territorial reference framework. The planning activity, in fact, proposes to develop additional value for the local themes of Equal Opportunity in close relationship with the social, cultural and economic environment of the Province.The strategy to be adopted thus shifts from an approach that unites a new cultural dimension in the perspective view of making policy oriented toward equality themes, a revision and an enhancement of the expertise and the organizational models and innovation of the processes and of the instruments in local operations related to the E.O. policies.
In relation to the new cultural view regarding policy making, the central elements of the strategy are:
- To adopt, promulgate and practice a new culture and a gender approach in the local processes related to labour and development;
- to promote local coordination regarding the gender prospective as a process for enrichment of the institutional debate;
- to create networks and new institutions for learning and sharing knowledge and experiences regarding the specific theme.
The central elements regarding the organizational dimensions and enhancement of expertise are:
- to develop and integrate geographically dispersed expertise;
- to acquire organizational models innovative in their approach and in the adoption of the gender perspective;
With regard to the size of the process innovation, the central elements are:
- to test new areas of intervention;
- to define strategic plans for intervention in matters of equal opportunity and labour;
- to test and introduce new instruments and models for the application of equality policies;
The role of a local network, such as the proposed PS, must therefore provide for the following requirements to be satisfied:
- to increase the public attention for themes related to equal opportunity;
- to operate in a transversal and interdisciplinary manner to define the local plan in the gender perspective;-
- to develop partnerships through short and long networks for learning and sharing knowledge;
- to develop local expertise, experiences and communication capacity.
The planning strategy thus envisages the preliminary development of four macro-activities and of two transverse measures. The four macro-phases are:
1. networking measures and construction of the socio-cultural preconditions;
2. system measures: strategic analysis and planning;
3. definition of the means for implementing the Plan;
4. testing and pilot projects.The macro measures planned are, in turn, subdivided into missions (Work Packages) that develop objectives and specific contents consistent with macro-phase of reference (Par. 5.14).
The two transverse measures are:
1. Mainstreaming;
2. Transnationality (ProQualitas).

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ****
Training ****
Training on work place ****
Work placement ***
Job rotation and job sharing ***
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) ***
Employment creation and support ***
Training of teachers, trainers and staff ***
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures **
Conception for training programs, certification ***
Anticipation of technical changes **
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ****
Guidance and social services ****
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****
Studies and analysis of discrimination features ****

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented *
Context oriented ****

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1. Innovation orientated towards processesThe project tests:- new participatory forms of analysis and intervention in the fight against discrimination of women in the L.M.;- a practical and innovative gender approach in the local development processes;- new forms of `networking` for the promotion of female resources in economic, productive and social contexts.2. Innovation orientated towards the objectives- the project helps to define innovative equal opportunity objectives for the target that integrate and develops the contents of the European strategy for employment and of the national action plan.3. Innovation orientated to the contextThe project tests innovative forms of structuring for services and supports on behalf of women in addition to coordinated models for approach and development of equality policies.

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Budget Action 2

500 000 – 1 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  0.0%  50.0% 
Employed  0.0%  50.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  0.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  0.0%  100.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  0.0%  100.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  0.0%  100.0% 
< 25 year  0.0%  30.0% 
25 - 50 year  0.0%  60.0% 
> 50 year  0.0%  10.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Gender discrimination ****
Support to entrepreneurship *
Discrimination and inequality in employment ****
Disabilities *
Other discriminations ***
Low qualification ****
Unemployment ***

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 With beneficiaries

Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The project strategy identifies three types of beneficiaries:
The involvement of the socioeconomic system/s derives directly from the presence of the major local actors of such a system in the PS: institutions, businesses.Systems (in the plural) are mentioned in as far that one intends to refer not only to the territorial reference system but also to other local systems. In this regard, in fact, the Support Network would provide thematic and territorial continuity to the planning goals thanks to continual mainstreaming and benchmarking activity that characterizes the entire planning itinerary. Such involvement takes concrete form through the territorial coordination that provides for an enlarged presence of all the local system`s key actors (short networks). For this reason, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding regarding Equal Opportunity is envisaged even during macro phase 1, which will constitute the bases on which the EOPS is at first to be built and implemented at a later time.Moreover, the presence of the institutions will guarantee suitable links between the project and the respective sectors responsible for equal opportunity, labour and the local development policies.
The project strategy envisages a direct involvement of the operators both as beneficiaries and as direct actors in the formulation of planning missions. In this regard, the detailed plan provides for specific planning missions for and with the key figures in the framework of the four macro-phases (see WP 1.4., 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 4.1). Such involvement is independent of the project activity orientated towards the infrastructural endowment of territorial services for E.O. The operators, in fact (key figures) play a role of primary importance in the planning process in so far that they are recipients of the planning innovations and actors therein after the termination of the financed activity.
The Iblean women are identified as beneficiary parties of the planning activity. The presence of the co-operatives di Ricamo and Fidapa within the PS guarantees a significant representation of the target within the limits of the project under both the decision-making and operational profile.Considering it nevertheless useful and advisable to widen the representativity of Iblean women in the framework of the initiative and attempting to act within a context of broadened coordination and involvement of the target within the planning strategy, specific missions for the sensitization, involvement and sharing of the territorial issues and the planning decisions are envisaged.In this sense, with the creation of the socio-cultural preconditions in the territory, the PS attempts to obtain continuity and participation with the target and therefore to provide women with the possibility to directly participate in the planning decisions.


 Between national partners

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The Agreement for Cooperation signed by the partners applies and develops the principle of active participation of all the organizations making up the PS. In this sense it proposes to guarantee the participation of everyone both on a decision-making and operational level.With the signing of the Agreement for Cooperation, the PS approved a Management Structure that envisages bodies having decision-making and operational roles. The direct involvement of all partners is envisaged within the limits of these bodies. In particular the Structure is compound as follows:- ASSEMBLY OF PARTNERS (AP)The AP represents the major governing bodies in so far that all organizations making up the PS are represented therein. Members: all the members of the PS- REFERRING PARTY(RP)Plays a central role in the implementation of the project. Represents the PS on behalf of the Grantor Administration as single interlocutor and, therefore, recipient of the funding. In this sense the RP ha the responsibilities for guidance and of management of the PS.Members: Centro Studi Ibleo- STEERING COMMITTEE(SC)This is the reference body of the AP which cooperates with Project Management to implement the Project.Members: 3 members nominated by the AP- Project Management (PM)Carries out the content and the policies of the Agreement for Cooperation. It`s the reference body of the RP and interfaces with the SC, the EC and with the working Groups.Members: Promozione & Sviluppo- EVALUATION COMMITTEE(EC)This is a reference body of the Support Network that cooperates with the PM and the Working Groups in order evaluate, to monitor and verify the project phases and the respective WP.Members: nominated by the Support Network- WORKING GROUPS(WG)Carry out and execute the individual project missions or Work Packages (W.P.).Members: all the members of the PS
THE SUPPORT NETWORK:The PS joins together the parties which can best guarantee the success of the strategy identified.The PS formed is the only party responsible for the results and the management of the budget, nevertheless, it is deemed necessary to provide continuity to the network through the establishment of an Assembly of Partners adhering to Support Network which gathers together, for various reasons, the bodies involved in the project development and with the transfer of the best practices tested therein. PROJECT PLANNING:The project is subdivided into Work-packages (WP); each WP has a partner acting as manager and a certain number of partners acting as participants.The WP are organized in a work plan articulated by phases which will cover all of Step 2.Communication between the partnersRules of communication were defined (Agg. of Coop.) which guarantee effectiveness and efficiency, in addition to full visibility for all partners regarding progress of the project.QUALITY MONITORING AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT:During Step 2, the indicators subject to monitoring will be applied to measure the project results.Though without unnecessary burdeni

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • español (castellano)
  • français
  • italiano

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 10.3%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
PT 2001-089

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE `CENTRO STUDI IBLEO` Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Comune di Ragusa
Consorzio Promozione Area Iblea a r.l.
Promozione & Sviluppo M.C.M. S.R.L.
Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
Soc. Cooperativa `LE API RICAMI` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `MA.GI.CO RICAMI` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `MIDA` a r.l.
Soc. Cooperativa `POEME` a r.l.

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Agreement Summary

Text available in

The DP has been formed by means of a Cooperation Agreement, signed by the subjects involved and registered at the Registry Office in Modica on April 11th 2002, n°835 Serial 3rd nº.

A. address ...
The Association Centro Studi Ibleo (CSI for short) will be in charge for the address and management of the DP (see art. 1 of the Cooperation Agreement).

B. sharing ...
With reference to the realization of the activities foreseen, the decision-making, the relations among the partners, the sharing of roles, fields and responsibilities of each body taking part in the DP, are taken under control by an organization whose main task is to favour the active participation of the subjects involved in the DP, at decision-making and operating levels (see art. 2 of the Cooperation Agreement).

C. Organization ...
As a responsible for management, the C.S.I. will be the only body dealing with the management of the relations with the Reporting Administration. It will present requests of payment of national and community grants in favour of the Councillor`s Department for Labour and Vocational Training of the Regional Government, using the forms prepared and according to the provisions (see art. 1 of the Cooperation Agreement).

D. Grants ...
As a responsible for collection and management of the funds granted, the C.S.I will adopt a specific bookkeeping system for the management of the project: this latter will be divided into items and headings which refer to `costs` and make it possible to identify, at any moment, the money both employed and available.

As to the organizing methods adopted and described above, the DP has taken into great consideration the guidelines referring to the Notice 02/01, published on May 7th, 2001.

i. to show ...
Paragraph 3.1.10 focuses the attention on the previous projects (each one is identified by its own name and code) directed by the C.S.I., with particular reference to the management of public funds. On the basis of these experiences the C.S.I. provides the enterprises with advice concerning the administrative and financial management of activities funded by the European Social Fund.

ii. to accept ...
According to section d) of the Transnational Agreement, the partners taking part in the DP…`accept that the results of the activities foreseen by the project (products, instruments, methodologies and so on…) are disseminated, published and known by everybody`.

iii. to show ...
The DP has developed an organization that guarantees all the subjects to play an active role in the project from a decision-making viewpoint as well as from an operating viewpoint. The Cooperation Agreement describes in details bodies, structures, functions and working plans, missions and partners responsible for the realization of the activities foreseen.

iv. to show ...
The subjects agree on the added value given by the reciprocal exchange of good practices, methodologies, tools, devices and know-how (related to networking) at national and transnational levels.

All this is testified by a joint action promoted and signed by the subjects of the DP.

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via Benedetto Spadaro, 14
97014 ISPICA


Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Centro Studi Ibleo was established in 1992 as a non-profit Cultural Association. The association has the purpose of promoting, organizing and implementing training activities in all sectors for public and private organizations. Centro Studi Ibleo operates mainly on a regional level and has carried out projects with Regional, National, and Community financing targeted at the advancement and development of local resources, with particular attention to human resources. The association also has cutting-edge operational methods and equipment at their disposal allowing them to provide adequate support for all activities.Operating within the field of socioeconomic development, with particular attention to human resources, Centro Studi Ibleo has established synergies and collaboration with public and private bodies.In the last few years, thanks to the implementation of the Community Initiative Programs (CIP), Centro Studi Ibleo has developed intensive exchange and collaboration activities with bodies and organizations from various countries in the EU among which France and Spain, Germany, Belgium and Portugal.The major areas of intervention include:
- Cultural and Environmental Assets;
- Tourism;
- Craftsmanship;
- Agriculture.
The Cultural Association Centro Studi Ibleo furthermore boasts of specialized expertise and experience directed both towards the theme of Labour and Equal Opportunity policies and towards themes pertaining to local development. Among the major, and more recent, activities accomplished by Centro Studi Ibleo within the purview of the above-said issues, those relative to the implementation of the project RICAMI no. 2472/E2/N/R -Occupazione NOW-, promoted by the Regional Province of Ragusa and implemented by the company PROmozione & SVIluppo M.C.M. s.r.l. are prominent (see 3.1.10). Within such a project, the Association, and the founding members, in the capacity of freelance professionals, have accomplished coordinating and administrative management activities and have worked within the framework of local labour and equal opportunity policy systems and those regarding development, identifying aspects, issues and considerations that were the starting point of this initiative. In fact, those same direct experiences obtained in the field have allowed Centro Studi Ibleo to implement and to define, in concert with the company PROmozione & SVIluppo M.C.M. s.r.l. and with regard to the specific problem of equal opportunity, a PS that includes all the major parties in the territory involved with the issues in consideration. The PS is in the result of intensive preparatory work based on the already existing relationships among Centro Studi Ibleo, PROmozione & SVIluppo M.C.M. s.rl. and the various Partners. It offers a balanced mix of roles and of expertise that constitutes the bases necessary to obtain the pre-established objectives and thus to provide a tangible solution to the problems that the strategy identified proposes to resolve.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Palazzolo Vincenzo 0932/621717 - Representative of the referring party and project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Comune di Ragusa

(--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) Italia N°72
97100 Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The Municipality of Ragusa represents the community within its territory, promotes the community`s development and cares for its interests. As in its statute, the municipality promotes every initiative useful for ensuring equal treatment for its members without discrimination for age, sex, race, language, religion, personal or social conditions; it recognizes the essential role of the family for social well-being and favours the family`s function; it supports motherhood and fatherhood; it recognizes the difference between the sexes as a source of enrichment for civilized development of society and promotes measures directed towards removing the obstacles which impede the realization of equal opportunity with the institution of special bodies.
In light of the activities listed above, the presence of the organization within the PS is coherent and is decisive for providing a contribution to attain the project objectives and hence for providing a tangible solution to the problems which the project strategy proposes to resolve.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
D`Antiochia Maurizia 0932/676630 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Consorzio Promozione Area Iblea a r.l.

Via Sorda Sampietri Km 10
97015 Modica


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Semi-public organisation
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The major activities of the Co.Pa.I. are: · assistance, consultancy and planning for local development;· animation of local bodies;
- animation of agricultural firms;
- animation of SMEs;
- training;
- administrative and financial management of innovative UE-Leader I- Leader II programs;
- management of seminaries and conventions regarding territorial competitiveness on a regional, national, EU and extra EU level.
In light of the activities listed above, the presence of the organization within the PS is coherent and is decisive for providing a contribution to attain the project objectives and hence for providing a tangible solution to the problems which the project strategy proposes to resolve.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Suizzo Rosaria 0932/779191 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via Dante N°11
97014 Ispica


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Fidapa is an movement for independent thought; it is non-profit, it pursues its objectives without discrimination according to ethnic group, language and religion. The federation has the purpose of promoting, coordinating and supporting the initiatives of women working in the arts, professions and business, autonomously or in collaboration with other bodies, associations and others parties.
In order to attain this goal, it proposes the following objectives:
1. to advance the expertise and the preparation of its members guiding them towards social and cultural activities which favour improvement in the quality of life as well as working conditions for women;
2. to encourage women towards continuous commitment as well as towards a knowledgeable participation in social, administrative and political affairs, endeavouring to remove all remaining obstacles;
3. to be the spokesman for women who work in the arts, professions and business within the national, European and international organizations and institutions;
4. endeavouring to remove all forms of discrimination against women, whether within the family or in the workplace, fully observing legislation in force regarding equal opportunity;
5. to favour friendly relationships, mutual understanding and helpful collaboration among people from all over the world. In light of the activities listed above, the presence of the organization within the PS is coherent and is decisive for providing a contribution to attain the project objectives and hence for providing a tangible solution to the problems which the project strategy proposes to resolve.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Moltisanti Maria Luisa 0932/951124 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Promozione & Sviluppo M.C.M. S.R.L.

Via Virgilio N°10
97100 Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Promozione & Sviluppo M.C.M. S.R.L. pursues the following objectives described in its corporate purpose:
- professional training;
- planning and research for new productive initiatives;
- assistance for the establishment of new businesses;
- the conduction of industrial, sociological, statistical and marketing studies and research;
- import-export consultancy;
- workplace safety consultancy;
- product and management quality consultancy;
- an agency promoting labour and business recognized by decree by the councillorship of labour, social security, professional training and emigration for the Region of Sicily (no. 673/97/gab of 08/09/97).
The Minister of Labour and Social Security, based on art. 4 paragraph 3 of the d.lgs. 7/08/97 no. 280, has recognized Promozione & Sviluppo M.C.M. as a Labour and Business Promotion Agency with the memorandum of 25/09/97, protocol no. 4707/0500 (D.M. 24/02/98).The benefitsStructural flexibility, receptivity towards innovations and a scrupulous professional selection of personnel are the foundation for the company`s operativeness and for the quality of its services. Receptiveness to change favours growth in relation to the continuous and extraordinary developments in the labour market.The company`s accumulation of know-how over the course of years, due to its specialization in the project planning sector directed, in particular, towards initiatives involving training, retraining and the creation of highly trained professionals, has consolidated Promozione & Sviluppo`s position within the context of the labour market with flattering results visible on a regional, national and Community level.
In light of the activities listed above, the presence of the organization within the PS is coherent and is decisive for providing a contribution to attain the project objectives and hence for providing a tangible solution to the problems which the project strategy proposes to resolve.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Adamo Mario 0932/682184 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Provincia Regionale di Ragusa

Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
97100 Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The major activities of the Regional Province of Ragusa, with specific reference to art. 13 (title II) of the statute, regarding matters of social and cultural services, are:
- promotion of policies and programs directed towards the realization of conditions of equal opportunity for women in the workplace, in education, in social and civil life and politics;
- promotion and implementation, on a provincial level, of initiatives and activities regarding professional training, creating infrastructures for professional training.
In matters regarding economic development, in reference to article 14 (title II) of the statute, the province furthermore provides for:
- the promotion of initiatives, concurrently and in collaboration with professional associations, and with local and economic bodies, in order to favour development of industry, high-tech service industries, and skilled craft trades;
- to implement promotional and supporting measures for the craft-trade activities, including the granting of incentives and contributions.
In light of the activities listed above, the presence of the organization within the PS is coherent and is decisive for providing a contribution to attain the project objectives and hence for providing a tangible solution to the problems which the project strategy proposes to resolve.
Furthermore, the Province of Ragusa was an important promoter of Project no 2576/E2/N/R `Ricami` allocated from the C.I.P. Occupazione-Now Phase II.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Bocchieri Luciana 0932/675477 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Soc. Cooperativa `LE API RICAMI` a r.l.

Via Marzabotto N° 3
97100 Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The major activities of the Co-op. Le API RICAMI, as from the statute, are:
1)to favour the employment of its own members by performing activities within the handcrafted embroidery products sector, that for clothing products in general and similar activities; the production of handcrafted laces; production with paillettes and beads; the restoration of furniture in general, tapestry works, the creation of rag dolls.
2)to productively organize its members work for the purpose of enabling them to enjoy steady, dignified and remunerative employment fitting for their skill, being an operational force to also ensure stable jobs in prospect of the future and to fight against unemployment, accomplishing this also taking advantage of the benefits from regional, national and Community legislation.
3)to arrange for the commercialization of the products obtained from the co-operative`s business activity;
4)to arrange for the purchasing of the raw materials necessary for the co-operative`s productive activity;
5)to acquire, manage or rent real property, furniture and equipment necessary to carry out the co-operative`s business activity;
6)to establish training courses for the qualification and the retraining of the co-operative`s members or for possible non-members and external workers;
7)for particular market needs, in order to satisfy customer`s requirements, when certain contractual circumstances occur, the co-operative may purchase semifinished or finished products from external producers;
8)to stipulate conventions with specialized staff, when not available from among the membership, for the co-operative`s substantiated operational needs;
9)to carry out promotional and publicity activities for the co-operative and with regards to its influence within its socioeconomic sector, through the organization and management of conventions, shows and fairs, study seminars and anything else that could be useful to promote the co-operative and create employment opportunities for its members;
10)to establish funds for technological development or for restructuring or for the strengthening of the firm, as well as to adopt long-term planning procedures targeted towards the growth or modernization of the firm, pursuant to the law of 31/01/1992 no. 59 and eventual modifications and supplements. The co-operative, in order to attain its social objectives, can accede to all incentives (grants, loans, funding, advances, etc.) provided for by current and future provisions of law and can avail itself to the collaboration from associations, bodies, companies, and regional and national organizations recognized and qualified for the purpose.
The consistency between the organization and the issues constituting the core of this project proposal is conspicuous in light of the activities listed above.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Gianchino Ilenia 328/4123549 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Soc. Cooperativa `MA.GI.CO RICAMI` a r.l.

Via Modica Sorda N° 101
97015 Modica


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The major activities of the Co-op. MA.GI.CO. RICAMI, as from the statute, are:
1) to favour the employment of its own members by performing activities within the handcrafted embroidery products sector, that for clothing products in general and similar activities; the production of handcrafted laces; production with paillettes and beads; the restoration of furniture in general, tapestry works, the creation of rag dolls;
2) to productively organize its members work for the purpose of enabling them to enjoy steady, dignified and remunerative employment fitting for their skill, being an operational force to also ensure stable jobs in prospect of the future and to fight against unemployment, accomplishing this also taking advantage of the benefits from regional, national and Community legislation;
3) to arrange for the commercialization of the products obtained from the co-operative`s business activity;
4) to arrange for the purchasing of the raw materials necessary for the co-operative`s productive activity;
5) to acquire, manage or rent real property, furniture and equipment necessary to carry out the co-operative`s business activity;
6) to establish training courses for the qualification and the retraining of the co-operative`s members or for possible non-members and external workers;
7) for particular market needs, in order to satisfy customer`s requirements, when certain contractual circumstances occur, the co-operative may purchase semifinished or finished products from external producers;
8) to stipulate conventions with specialized staff, when not available from among the membership, for the co-operative`s substantiated operational needs;
9) to carry out promotional and publicity activities for the co-operative and with regards to its influence within its socioeconomic sector, through the organization and management of conventions, shows and fairs, study seminars and anything else that could be useful to promote the co-operative and create employment opportunities for its members;
10) to establish funds for technological development or for restructuring or for the strengthening of the firm, as well as to adopt long-term planning procedures targeted towards the growth or modernization of the firm, pursuant to the law of 31 January 1992 no. 59 and eventual modifications and supplements. The co-operative, in order to attain its social objectives, can accede to all incentives (grants, loans, funding, advances, etc.) provided for by current and future provisions of law and can avail itself to the collaboration from associations, bodies, companies, and regional and national organizations recognized and qualified for the purpose.
The consistency between the organization and the issues constituting the core of this project proposal is conspicuous in light of the activities listed above.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Di Bartolo Luigia 0932/761168 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Soc. Cooperativa `MIDA` a r.l.

Via Ottaviano N° 61
97010 Marina di Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The major activities of the co-operative MIDA, as from the statute, are:
1) to favour the employment of its own members by performing activities within the handcrafted embroidery products sector, that for clothing products in general and similar activities; the production of handcrafted laces; production with paillettes and beads; the restoration of furniture in general, tapestry works, the creation of rag dolls;
2) to productively organize its members work for the purpose of enabling them to enjoy steady, dignified and remunerative employment fitting for their skill, being an operational force to also ensure stable jobs in prospect of the future and to fight against unemployment, accomplishing this also taking advantage of the benefits from regional, national and Community legislation;
3) to arrange for the commercialization of the products obtained from the co-operative`s business activity;
4) to arrange for the purchasing of the raw materials necessary for the co-operative`s productive activity;
5) to acquire, manage or rent real property, furniture and equipment necessary to carry out the co-operative`s business activity;
6) to establish training courses for the qualification and the retraining of the co-operative`s members or for possible non-members and external workers;
7) for particular market needs, in order to satisfy customer`s requirements, when certain contractual circumstances occur, the co-operative may purchase semifinished or finished products from external producers;
8) to stipulate conventions with specialized staff, when not available from among the membership, for the co-operative`s substantiated operational needs;
9) to carry out promotional and publicity activities for the co-operative and with regards to its influence within its socioeconomic sector, through the organization and management of conventions, shows and fairs, study seminars and anything else that could be useful to promote the co-operative and create employment opportunities for its members;
10) to establish funds for technological development or for restructuring or for the strengthening of the firm, as well as to adopt long-term planning procedures targeted towards the growth or modernization of the firm, pursuant to the law of 31 January 1992 no. 59 and eventual modifications and supplements. The co-operative, in order to attain its social objectives, can accede to all incentives (grants, loans, funding, advances, etc.) provided for by current and future provisions of law and can avail itself to the collaboration from associations, bodies, companies, and regional and national organizations recognized and qualified for the purpose.
The consistency between the organization and the issues constituting the core of this project proposal is conspicuous in light of the activities listed above.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Criscione Gabriella 328/4838395 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Soc. Cooperativa `POEME` a r.l.

Via Pietro Nenni N° 81
97100 Ragusa


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The major activities of the co-operative POEME, as from the statute, are:
1) to favour the employment of its own members by performing activities within the handcrafted embroidery products sector, that for clothing products in general and similar activities; the production of handcrafted laces; production with paillettes and beads; the restoration of furniture in general, tapestry works, the creation of rag dolls;
2) to productively organize its members work for the purpose of enabling them to enjoy steady, dignified and remunerative employment fitting for their skill, being an operational force to also ensure stable jobs in prospect of the future and to fight against unemployment, accomplishing this also taking advantage of the benefits from regional, national and Community legislation;
3) to arrange for the commercialization of the products obtained from the co-operative`s business activity;
4) to arrange for the purchasing of the raw materials necessary for the co-operative`s productive activity;
5) to acquire, manage or rent real property, furniture and equipment necessary to carry out the co-operative`s business activity;
6) to establish training courses for the qualification and the retraining of the co-operative`s members or for possible non-members and external workers;
7) for particular market needs, in order to satisfy customer`s requirements, when certain contractual circumstances occur, the co-operative may purchase semifinished or finished products from external producers;
8) to stipulate conventions with specialized staff, when not available from among the membership, for the co-operative`s substantiated operational needs;
9) to carry out promotional and publicity activities for the co-operative and with regards to its influence within its socioeconomic sector, through the organization and management of conventions, shows and fairs, study seminars and anything else that could be useful to promote the co-operative and create employment opportunities for its members;
10) to establish funds for technological development or for restructuring or for the strengthening of the firm, as well as to adopt long-term planning procedures targeted towards the growth or modernization of the firm, pursuant to the law of 31 January 1992 no. 59 and eventual modifications and supplements. The co-operative, in order to attain its social objectives, can accede to all incentives (grants, loans, funding, advances, etc.) provided for by current and future provisions of law and can avail itself to the collaboration from associations, bodies, companies, and regional and national organizations recognized and qualified for the purpose.
The consistency between the organization and the issues constituting the core of this project proposal is conspicuous in light of the activities listed above.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Massari Rosaria 0932/220084 - 333/4508439 Representatives of the organization in Management Structure, project consultant

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top



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Negli indicatori relativi al M.d.L., le donne risultano ancora in una condizione di forte svantaggio. Anche se la Sicilia partecipa al trend di lungo periodo del miglioramento della posizione femminile, tali miglioramenti tuttavia appaiono più legati a mutamenti della società civile che a specifici interventi politici; afferenti, cioè, a politiche generali ( ad esempio quelle che hanno determinato maggiore scolarizzazione) ma non a specifiche politiche di pari opportunità. La legislazione regionale infatti, in materia di pari opportunità si limita a rendere attuative le Leggi nazionali, in particolare i due provvedimenti fondamentali, ossia la L. 215/92 e la L. 125/91. Gli elementi del problema discriminante pertanto sono riferibili alle difficoltà ed ai vincoli incontrati dalle donne nel mercato del lavoro nel contesto provinciale.
Tale problematica evidenzia le carenze strutturali del sistema locale (fenomeno tuttavia estendibile ad altri sistemi locali nello scenario regionale) nell`adozione ed applicazione delle politiche di pari opportunità sia sul sistema del lavoro che su quello di sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico.La dimensione del problema nel territorio di riferimento si è potuta esplorare grazie alle pregresse esperienze sviluppate dai partner della PS sulla tematica specifica, tra cui il progetto `Ricami` (Occupazione NOW). Tali esperienze hanno evidenziato da una parte la forte e decisa volontà di rivendicazione delle donne iblee di un ruolo sociale attivo e dinamico in contesti lavorativi e produttivi, e dall`altra le carenze strutturali e sistemiche del contesto locale che ne frenano lo sviluppo.
Infatti sia le donne che lavorano che quelle in cerca di occupazione (tra cui rileviamo una forte componente nelle casalinghe) incontrano non poche difficoltà nei percorsi di autopromozione, di carriera e di realizzazione professionale e lavorativa.I seguenti dati forniscono una visione dello scenario nella provincia di Ragusa:
- la presenza femminile in provincia di Ragusa è pari al 50,9% della popolazione, percentuale di poco inferiore rispetto al dato regionale(51,4%) e al dato nazionale(51,5%) - ISTAT-;
- nel contesto provinciale, dalle verifiche effettuate, i dati relativi alla posizione nel M.d.L. da parte delle donne rispecchiano il trend regionale. In particolare il tasso di disoccupazione femminile in Sicilia continua ad essere troppo alto rispetto al mezzogiorno e si attesta intorno al 35,4% delineando un differenziale di quasi 4 punti rispetto alla media meridionale. Il tasso di attività è pari al 24,4% a fronte di una media nazionale del 34,8% (38,5% nella ripartizione del Centro-Nord), mentre il tasso di occupazione femminile nell`isola è stato del 16,1% a fronte del 34,1% del Centro-Nord. (ISTAT);
- I dati su espressi indicano l`occupazione ufficiale e non il variegato mondo del sommerso, popolato certamente da una cospicua schiera di lavoratrici in nero. Inoltre manca nei dati ufficiali una rilevazione specifica relativa alle donne casalinghe. L`esperienza già citata (Now-Ricami) ci ha consentito di rilevare, attraverso una specifica azione di ricerca, nel comprensorio provinciale una forte presenza delle casalinghe nel lavoro sommerso (45% del campione);
- Il terziario, con la presenza del 71,4% delle donne occupate, è il settore in cui si concentra maggiormente l`occupazione femminile, oltre alla Pubblica Amministrazione dove le condizioni di lavoro meno restrittive ed il sistema dei concorsi per l`accesso hanno favorito l`occupabilità delle donne diplomate e/o laureate;
- Nell`ambito del lavoro autonomo e dell`impresa si registra una espansione della presenza femminile che ha trovato, nel contesto provinciale, il giusto riconoscimento nella legge 215/92, infatti, le donne ragusane hanno ottenuto il 21% delle domanda finanziate in tutta l`isola nell`ultimo bando (CONFINDUSTRIA).
Alla luce dei dati forniti emergono quindi gli elementi problematici di riferimento:
1) una legislazione regionale carente e l`assenza di una strategia programmata in materia di pari opportunità: i ritardi nell`adozione delle linee guida del Piano Nazionale per l`Occupazione (in particolare Linee Guida n.19/20/21) incrementano la dimensione del problema e producono disvalore nei confronti della risorsa femminile;
2) le carenze sistemiche nell`applicazione di politiche di pari opportunità sia in termini di servizi e supporti che in termini di approccio di genere nelle politiche locali di sviluppo (quali ad es.: assenza di incentivazione all`imprenditorialità, assenza di servizi e supporti per l`orientamento, per la formazione, per l`inserimento lavorativo, scarsa rappresentatività delle donne nel dibattito istituzionale e nella concertazione locale, etc..);
3) la presenza di un forte retaggio culturale fa scattare sistemi di segregazione orizzontale e verticale delle donne occupate e blocca i percorsi di carriera impedendo l`accesso a posizioni manageriali e decisionali;
4) la carenza di un modello territoriale di azione strategica e programmata di misure ed interventi in materia di Pari Opportunità.
Il nostro studio sul lavoro femminile nel comprensorio, ha poi evidenziato tutta una serie di caratteri potenziali (punti di forza) quali:
- la presenza di un bacino di competenze professionali, a tutti i livelli (non riconosciute formalmente), spendibili direttamente nel M.d.L.;
- la presenza di competenze spendibili nell`ambito dell`economia sociale;
- l`effervescenza imprenditoriale, peraltro già precedentemente citata, delle donne ragusane.
A fronte di tali potenzialità della risorsa femminile, e della volontà e determinazione diffusa nel territorio da parte delle donne di assumere un ruolo attivo e propositivo nelle dinamiche sociali e produttive del comprensorio, si registra parimenti una frizione del sistema locale che non riesce a coordinare adeguatamente strumenti delle politiche del lavoro e processi di sviluppo nella prospettiva di genere.
Il fabbisogno prioritario che pertanto scaturisce dall`analisi è quello di un intervento sistemico sul territorio che possa consentire un approccio strutturato alle politiche locali di pari opportunità e pertanto:
1. diffondere la cultura delle pari opportunità ;
2. valorizzare e migliorare la condizione femminile nel sistema locale;
3. adottare strategie di sviluppo e strumenti per contrastare le dinamiche discriminatorie.
Lo scenario descritto sulla problematica di riferimento, sia a livello regionale che locale, impone la necessità di costruire modelli territoriali di intervento sul fronte delle pari opportunità. In tal senso il progetto intende sperimentare ed innescare in un contesto territoriale omogeneo, quale quello della provincia di Ragusa, un processo di adozione e sviluppo delle politiche di parità programmando e pianificando in modo unitario una strategia di azione ed il quadro strumentale di riferimento necessario alla sua attuazione.
Per fare fronte al fabbisogno precedentemente descritto, il territorio è chiamato ad un impegno costante che implica una decisa volontà politica di concertazione e confronto sul tema delle pari opportunità, una capacità di lettura delle dinamiche sociali afferenti l`universo femminile e una forte progettualità che consenta di valorizzare nelle dinamiche dello sviluppo locale la donna. Per fare tutto ciò il progetto propone un iter ed una struttura che possiamo così sintetizzare:
- fare reteIntesa come la capacità del territorio e degli attori locali di confrontarsi e mettere al centro del dibattito istituzionale il problema delle pari opportunità;
- leggere il contestoOvvero la capacità di analizzare e valutare nel dettaglio le dinamiche locali afferenti il rapporto delle donne con il sistema economico-produttivo locale e del lavoro;
- progettare, sperimentare e diffondereInteso come costruzione partecipata e condivisa dei piani e delle priorità di intervento, nonchè delle linee strategiche di sviluppo dei piani di valorizzazione della risorsa femminile.
Le soluzioni individuate, che verranno specificate nelle parti seguenti, si basano su un mix di azioni che intendono concorrere alla definizione, implementazione e successiva sperimentazione Piano Strategico per le Pari Opportunità e dei dispositivi/strumenti di attuazione dello stesso.

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Obiettivi generali dell`interventoRispetto a quanto indicato nel Formulario di candidatura per l`ammissione all`Azione 1 non si registrano modifiche sostanziali; tuttavia, il dettaglio esecutivo ha permesso di connotare con una maggiore specificità gli obiettivi progettuali.
Tali obiettivi intendono rispondere alla problematica precedentemente evidenziata e fare leva sulle potenzialità endogene rilevate. In tal senso l`obiettivo generale del progetto è: `COSTRUIRE E SPERIMENTARE UN MODELLO TERRITORIALE DI SVILUPPO DELLE POLITICHE DI PARI OPPORTUNITA` `.La capacità di fare leva sull`enorme potenziale offerto dall`universo femminile di integrare e coordinare politiche di sviluppo e politiche del lavoro in una prospettiva di genere è uno degli elementi cardine sul quale il progetto intende intervenire.
Al perseguimento dell`obiettivo generale dell`intervento concorrono i seguenti obiettivi specifici:
1. DIFFONDERE LA CULTURA DI PARI OPPORTUNITA` NEL TERRITORIO DI INTERVENTO: prefigge di rimuovere i vincoli di matrice e di retaggio culturale che non consentono alle donne iblee di avviare percorsi di autopromozione nel M.d.L. ed al sistema di abbandonare vecchi schemi e luoghi comuni predefiniti che vogliono la donna relegata a ruoli segreganti sia nella società che nel posto di lavoro.È prevista pertanto una prima ed intensa attività di sensibilizzazione e diffusione della cultura di genere, diretta sia all`universo femminile che agli attori chiave locali finalizzata alla creazione delle precondizioni socioculturali necessarie per lo sviluppo dell`azione di progetto. A tal fine è individuato uno specifico Piano di Comunicazione (meglio definito nel par. 5.14) finalizzato alla diffusione dei principi di parità.
2. COSTRUZIONE DELLA RETE DI SUPPORTO E COINVOLGIMENTO DEI REFERENTI DEGLI ATTORI LOCALI (Operatori di Parità):il secondo obiettivo specifico intende sviluppare, da una parte, una continuità territoriale e tematica della P.S. e dall`altra, coinvolgere direttamente i referenti degli attori locali ovvero gli operatori di parità.Nel primo caso si prevede di creare una Rete di Supporto all`Iniziativa costituita tra gli organismi locali, nazionali e transnazionali interessati alla tematica di riferimento. La funzione della Rete di Supporto è `l`osservazione critica` dello sviluppo delle azioni di progetto e di scambio/recepimento delle innovazioni introdotte (Mainstreaming), attraverso il Comitato di Valutazione.Nel secondo caso, funzionale alla individuazione di un modello territoriale di pari opportunità, il coinvolgimento diretto dei referenti locali degli attori chiave, ovvero degli operatori di parità, diventa un passaggio obbligato nella definizione di tutte le fasi progettuali successive. L`idea di progetto è infatti quella di trasferire progressivamente ai soggetti territoriali preposti le innovazioni di progetto per garantirne la perennizzazione degli effetti e delle azioni.
3. CREAZIONE DELL`OSSERVATORIO DEL LAVORO FEMMINILE:la finalità è quella di creare un dispositivo strutturale in grado di monitorare costantemente le relazioni tra l`universo femminile ed il M.d.L. e pertanto le interazioni esistenti tra il sistema economico e produttivo locale e la risorsa femminile.Tale dispositivo consentirà di tracciare il bilancio territoriale, aggiornabile nel tempo come base di partenza per lo sviluppo del Piano Strategico per le Pari Opportunità e quindi della strategia di azione, nonché delle priorità di intervento.L`Osservatorio è infatti deputato alla lettura analitica dei parametri quali/quantitativi ed al monitoraggio o feedback territoriale funzionale alle azioni progettuali intraprese nell`ambito della sperimentazione prima e della messa a regime poi.Al par. 5.14 sono descritte le modalità, i contenuti e le fasi di sviluppo dell`azione relativa all`obiettivo contestualmente ai principali parametri di riferimento per la analisi.
4. INTEGRAZIONE ED AGGIORNAMENTO DELLE COMPETENZE PROFESSIONALI DELLE FIGURE CHIAVE (Referenti):la finalità si motiva in funzione della necessità di sviluppare in modo partecipato e condiviso le varie fasi di progetto integrando le competenze dei soggetti a cui sarà demandata la perennizzazione delle innovazioni introdotte.Il/i dispositivo/i strutturale/i entro cui viene sviluppato l`obiettivo è rappresentato da tutte quelle azioni che prevedono una interazione diretta tra gli operatori di progetto e i referenti degli attori chiave: conferenza di servizi (WP 1.2), focus group (WP 1.4), laboratori municipali di progettazioni partecipate (WP 2.2). Proprio attraverso quest`ultima azione si intende perseguire una duplice finalità:
- Aggiornare, riqualificare e integrare le competenze delle figure chiave sviluppando un modello organizzativo strutturato su base provinciale;
- Elaborare, delineare e costruire le basi e gli indirizzi per la definizione del P.S.P.O.Tali finalità vengono perseguite attraverso un approccio metodologico che integra e sviluppa, grazie a supporti consulenziali specialistici esterni, attività di formazione con attività partecipate di progettazione riferita a casi concreti del contesto provinciale.
5. COSTRUZIONE PARTECIPATA E CONDIVISA DEL PIANO STRATEGICO PER LE PARI OPPORTUNITA` (P.S.P.O.):Il Piano intende colmare le carenze strutturali e sistemiche di strumenti/dispositivi di adozione e sviluppo delle politiche di parità attraverso la traduzione delle Linee Guida del P.A.N. in una strategia locale di intervento.La costruzione del Piano è strettamente correlata alla capacità di costruire il medesimo come processo ampiamente partecipato e condiviso da tutte le componenti terittoriali (Istituzioni e Parti Sociali). Solo in quest`ultimo caso il Piano acquista una sua valenza e una sua identità `politica` sul territorio rappresentando il quadro di riferimento e di guida nell`attuazione delle iniziative e dei progetti volti a migliorare la condizione femminile nel mercato del lavoro.
6. COSTRUZIONE DI STRUMENTI OPERATIVI PER L`ATTUAZIONE DEL P.S.P.O.:la finalità è quella di sviluppare il quadro strumentale e tecnico di supporto per la traduzione degli indirizzi del Piano in azioni concrete. In tal senso si sono individuati tre ambiti di intervento: l`universo femminile, il contesto economico/produttivo ed il sistema locale.L`idea è quella di costruire, in relazione ai suddetti ambiti di intervento, struementi operativi in grado di valorizzare le potenzialità delle donne iblee nei contesti sociali, economici e produttivi.
7. SPERIMENTAZIONE DEL DISPOSITIVO ATTUATIVO DEL MODELLO TERRITORIALE (Ce.S.P.O.): la costruzione del Ce.S.P.O. persegue l`obiettivo di sperimentare, ancora prima della messa a regime, i modelli, gli strumenti e i dispositivi progettuali di attuazione del Piano. In tal senso, l`idea è quella di costruire il dispositivo strutturale di attuazione del modello territoriale di intervento in materia di parità.Determinante in tale contesto risulta la capacità di trasferire alle figure chiave le competenze necessarie allo sviluppo di Servizi nei confronti delle donne anche dopo il termine delle attività finanziate.
Problematica ed obiettivo integrano l`azione progettuale sul contesto territoriale di riferimento. Infatti, l`azione progettuale intende sviluppare valore aggiunto alla tematica locale delle Pari Opportunità in stretta relazione con il contesto sociale, culturale ed economico della Provincia.La strategia che si intende adottare muove pertanto da un approccio che tiene insieme una nuova dimensione culturale nella visione del make policy orientata ai temi di parità, un aggiornamento ed un miglioramento delle competenze e dei modelli organizzativi ed una innovazione dei processi e degli strumenti nella operatività locale afferente le politiche di P.O.In relazione alla nuova visione culturale inerente il make policy gli elementi centrali della strategia sono:
- Adottare, diffondere e praticare una nuova cultura ed un approccio di genere nei processi locali afferenti il lavoro e lo sviluppo;
- Incentivare la concertazione locale sulla prospettiva di genere come processo di arricchimento del dibattito istituzionale;
- creare reti e nuovi istituti per apprendere e scambiare saperi ed esperienze sulla specifica tematica.
In relazione alla dimensione organizzativa e al miglioramento delle competenze gli elementi centrali sono:
- sviluppare ed integrare competenze diffuse;
- acquisire modelli organizzativi innovativi nell`approccio e nella adozione della prospettiva di genere.
Rispetto alla dimensione della innovazione dei processi gli elementi centrali sono:- sperimentare nuove aree di intervento;
- definire piani strategici di intervento in materia di pari opportunità e di lavoro;
- sperimentare ed introdurre nuovi strumenti e modelli per l`applicazione delle politiche di parità;
Il ruolo di una rete locale, quale la PS proposta, deve prevedere pertanto la soddisfazione dei seguenti requisiti:- incrementare lo spazio pubblico per le tematiche afferenti le pari opportunità;- operare in modo trasversale ed intersettoriale per la definizione della progettualità locale nella prospettiva di genere;- sviluppare partnership attraverso reti corte e reti lunghe per apprendere e scambiare saperi;- sviluppare le competenze, le esperienze e la capacità espressive locali.
La strategia progettuale prevede quindi lo sviluppo propedeutico di quattro macro attività e di due azioni trasversali.
Le 4 MACROFASI sono:1. azioni di networking e costruzioni delle precondizioni socio-culturali;2. azioni di sistema: analisi e programmazione strategica;3. definizione degli strumenti di attuazione del Piano;4. sperimentazioni e progetti pilota.Le macro attività previste sono, a loro volta, suddivise in missioni (Work Packages) che sviluppano obiettivi e contenuti specifici coerentemente alla macrofase di riferimento (Par. 5 .14).
Le due AZIONI TRASVERSALI sono:1. Mainstreaming;2. Transnazionalità (ProQualitas).

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Il progetto sperimenta:
- nuove forme partecipate di analisi e intervento nella lotta alla discriminazione delle donne nel M.d.L.;
- un approccio di genere pratico ed innovativo nei processi locali di sviluppo;
- nuove forme di `rete` per la valorizzazione della risorsa femminile in contesti economici, produttivi e sociali.
- il progetto contribuisce alla definizione di obiettivi di pari opportunità innovativi del target che integrano e sviluppano i contenuti della strategia europea per l`occupazione e del piano di azione nazionale.
Il progetto sperimenta forme innovative di strutturazione di servizi e supporti nei confronti delle donne oltre a modelli concertati di approccio e sviluppo delle politiche di parità.

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Agreement Summary

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La PS è stata costituita con Accordo di Cooperazione sottoscritto da tutti gli organismi interessati, registrato presso l`Ufficio del Registro di Modica l`11 Aprile 2002 al N° 835 Serie 3N.
La responsabilità di indirizzo e di gestione della PS viene affidata all`Associazione Culturale Centro Studi Ibleo. In tal senso, il CSI viene individuato dalla PS come soggetto referente. (vedi art. 1 dell`Accordo di Cooperazione);
I processi decisionali, i rapporti tra i partner, la suddivisione dei ruoli, degli ambiti e delle responsabilità dei singoli organismi aderenti alla PS, nella esecuzione del programma di lavoro relativo all`Azione 2, sono riferiti ad una Struttura di Governo che vede la partecipazione attiva di tutti i soggetti coinvolti nella PS sia a livello decisionale che operativo (Art.2 Acc. di Coop.).
Il CSI, indicato come soggetto referente dalla PS, sarà l`unico organismo deputato alla gestione dei rapporti con l`Amministrazione Referente. In tal senso il CSI effettuerà le richieste di pagamento del contributo nazionale e comunitario nei confronti della Regione Siciliana - Assessorato al Lavoro - utilizzando la modulistica appositamente predisposta e secondo quanto prescritto dalla normativa di riferimento (Art.1 Acc. di Coop.).
Il CSI nella qualità di soggetto referente e percettore del contributo concesso adotterà un sistema contabile distinto e specificatamente dedicato alla gestione amministrativa del progetto, con una suddivisione dello stesso per capitoli e voci di spesa, attraverso il quale sarà possibile definire in qualsiasi momento le disponibilità relative ad ogni singola voce di costo (Art.6 Acc. di Coop.).
Nella definizione delle modalità organizzative adottate e su esposte, la PS ha tenuto conto delle indicazioni e prescrizioni relative all`Avviso 02/01 del 7 maggio 2001. In particolare:
Al paragrafo 3.1.10 sono elencati, ed identificati con codice di progetto, le pregresse esperienze di gestione di fondi pubblici da parte del soggetto referente. Sulla base di tale esperienza il Centro Studi Ibleo ha svolto e svolge anche per soggetti terzi (Promotori e/o Attuatori) consulenza specialistica nella gestione amministrativa e finanziaria di attività e iniziative cofinanziate dal Fondo Sociale Europeo.
Al punto d) dell`Accordo di Cooperazione, tutti i partners aderenti alla PS dichiarano ...`di accettare che i risultati derivanti dalle attività progettuali, quali: prodotti, strumenti, metodologie, etc.., siano diffusi, pubblicizzati e resi di dominio pubblico`...
La PS ha sviluppato un modello organizzativo atto a garantire la più ampia partecipazione di tutti i soggetti sia sotto il profilo decisionale che operativo. In tal senso, l`Accordo di Cooperazione sottoscritto descrive puntualmente organi, composizione, funzioni della struttura di governo e piano di lavoro, nonché missioni di progetto e partner responsabili o capofila nell`attuazione delle stesse, garantendo a tutti i partner (comprese le piccole organizzazioni) la partecipazione attiva.
Tutti i soggetti della PS convengono sull`importanza fondamentale, in termini di valore aggiunto, del reciproco trasferimento di prassi, metodologie, strumenti, dispositivi, know how tecnico attivabile in seno ad una azione di networking sia di livello transnazionale che nazionale.
Tale volontà trova un preciso impegno nella dichiarazione congiunta dell`Accordo di Cooperazione (punto f) sottoscritto da tutti i componenti della PS.

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 With beneficiaries

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La strategia progettuale individua tre tipologie di beneficiari:
Il coinvolgimento del sistema/i socio economico deriva direttamente dalla presenza nella PS dei principali attori locali di tale sistema: istituzioni, imprese.Si parla di sistemi (al plurale) in quanto si vuole fare riferimento non solo al sistema territoriale di riferimento ma anche ad altri sistemi locali. A tal proposito, infatti, la Rete di Supporto vuole dare continuità tematica e territoriale agli intenti progettuali grazie ad una costante azione di mainstreaming e benchmarking che caratterizzerà tutto il percorso progettuale. Tale coinvolgimento si concretizzerà attraverso la concertazione territoriale che prevede una presenza allargata di tutti gli attori chiave del sistema locale (reti corte). A tal fine, è prevista già in seno alla macro fase 1, la sottoscrizione di un protocollo d`intesa sulle Pari Opportunità, che costituirà la base su cui costruire, in un primo momento, ed implementare in un secondo momento il PSPO.Inoltre, la presenza delle istituzioni garantirà gli opportuni collegamenti tra il progetto ed i rispettivi settori responsabili delle politiche di pari opportunità, del lavoro e dello sviluppo locale.
La strategia di progetto prevede un coinvolgimento diretto degli operatori sia sotto forma di beneficiari che come diretti attori nella realizzazione di missioni progettuali. A tal proposito il dettaglio esecutivo prevede nell`ambito delle quattro macrofasi missioni progettuali specifiche su, e con, le figure chiave (vedi WP 1.4., 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 e 4.1). Tale coinvolgimento è imprescindibile dall`azione di progetto per la dotazione infrastrutturale dei servizi territoriali per le P.O.. Infatti gli operatori (figure chiave) svolgono nel processo progettuale un ruolo di primaria importanza in quanto destinatari delle innovazioni progettuali e attori delle medesime anche dopo la conclusione delle azioni finanziate.
Le donne iblee vengono individuate come beneficiari finali dell`azione progettuale. La presenza delle Coop. Di Ricamo e della Fidapa in seno alla PS garantisce una significativa rappresentanza del target nell`ambito del progetto sia sotto il profilo decisionale che operativo.
Ritenendo tuttavia utile ed opportuno ampliare la rappresentatività delle donne iblee nell`ambito dell`iniziativa e volendo agire in un contesto di concertazione e di coinvolgimento allargato del target, in seno alla strategia progettuale sono previste specifiche missioni di sensibilizzazione, coinvolgimento e condivisione della problematica territoriale e delle scelte progettuali.In tal senso con la creazione delle precondizioni socioculturali nel territorio la PS vuole trovare continuità e condivisione con il target e dare quindi la possibilità alle donne di partecipare direttamente alle scelte progettuali.

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 Between national partners

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L`Accordo di Cooperazione sottoscritto dai partner applica e sviluppa il principio della partecipazione attiva di tutti gli organismi che compongono la PS.In tal senso si è inteso garantire la partecipazione di tutti sia a livello decisionale che operativo.Con la sottoscrizione dell`accordo di cooperazione, la PS ha approvato una Struttura di Governo che prevede organi che svolgono ruoli decisionali e operativi. Nell`ambito di tali organi si è quindi previsto il coinvolgimento diretto di tutti i partner.In particolare la Struttura risulta così composta:- Assemblea dei partners (AP)L`AP rappresenta il principale organo di governo in quanto al suo interno sono rappresentati tutti gli organismi che compongono la PS. Componenti: tutti i membri della PS- Soggetto Referente (SR)Svolge un ruolo centrale nella attuazione del progetto. Rappresenta la PS nei confronti dell`Amministrazione Concedente come unico interlocutore e percettore del finanziamento. In tal senso il SR ha la responsabilità di indirizzo e di gestione della PS.Comp.: Centro Studi Ibleo- Comitato di Pilotaggio (CP)È l`organo di riferimento dell`AP che coopera con il Project Management nell`attuazione del Progetto.Comp.: 3 membri nominati dall`AP- Project Management (PM)Da esecuzione ai contenuti ed agli indirizzi dell`Acc. di Coop.. È l`organo di riferimento del SR e si interfaccia con il CP, il CV e con i GL.Comp.: Promozione & Sviluppo- Comitato di valutazione(CV)È un organo di riferimento della Rete di Supporto che coopera con il PM ed i Gruppi di Lavoro al fine di valutare, monitorare e verificare le fasi del progetto ed i relativi WP.Comp.: nominato dalla Rete di Supporto- Gruppi di lavoro(GL)Realizzano ed eseguono i singoli WP.Comp.: tutti i membri della PSLa rete di supportoLa PS riunisce i soggetti che meglio possono garantire il successo della strategia individuata. La PS costituita è l`unico soggetto responsabile dei risultati e della gestione del budget, tuttavia, si è ritenuto necessario dare continuità alla rete attraverso la costituzione di un`Assemblea dei Partner aderenti alla Rete di Supporto che raccoglie a vario titolo gli organismi interessati allo sviluppo del progetto ed al trasferimento delle buone prassi sperimentate in seno allo stesso. Pianificazione del progettoIl progetto è suddiviso in Work-packages (WP); ciascun WP ha un partner come responsabile ed un certo numero di partner come partecipanti. I WP sono organizzati in un piano di lavoro articolato per fasi che coprirà tutta l`Azione 2.La comunicazione tra i partnerSono state definite regole di comunicazione (Art.9 Acc. di Coop.) che garantiscono efficacia ed efficienza, oltre ad una piena visibilità di tutti i partner sull`andamento del progetto.Il Monitoraggio e gestione della qualitàPur senza inutili appesantimenti, a cura del CV verranno definite alcune procedure per il monitoraggio della qualità e la gestione delle `non conformità`, ispirate al modello della Vision 2000 (Piano di Qualità del progetto).

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