Da Donna a Donna ascii version


DP Managing organisation : CSEA S.c.p.A. capofila dell`A.T.I. Equal - Agenzie FormativeTorinesi AFPA
Other national partners : ASSOCIAZIONE ALMATERRA
Associazione Industriali Metallurgici Meccanici Affini
Associazione Piccole e Medie Imprese Imprenditorialita` Donna
Consorzio API Formazione S.c.r.l.
Cooperativa sociale ATYPICA A.R.L.
Cooperativa sociale TERZO TEMPO ARL
PROVINCIA DI TORINO - Servizio Programmazione Solidarieta` Sociale
SINERGIE APPLICATE AL SISTEMA D`IMPRESA - Societa` Cooperativa Sociale a r.l.
Unione Sindacale Territoriale - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori
EQUAL theme :Equal opportunities - Reducing gender gaps and desegregation 
Type of DP :Geographical - Urban area - TORINO 
DP Legal status :Non-profit making organisation 
DP identification :IT-IT-G-PIE-021 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :13-05-2002 
Last update :06-05-2002 


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The problem is to be found in the maze of active and passive discrimination which women have to face when accessing, working in, and making progress in the labour market.
The data showed that Italy is once again lagging behind in terms of the presence of women in the labour market, and that their numbers precipitate when they have to face family commitments. In other countries, the variations are much more contained. The example of France is unique, for the number of women employed after marriage undergoes a slight rise.
In other words, Italian women find it much harder than men to enter the labour market and remain there and, if they decide to take on family responsibilities, they pay a high cost in terms of their profession. For many women, it becomes less difficult in terms of energy and money to give up their job. The Italian family model in which the female, maternal figure sees to care work has however gone through a period of crisis in recent years. Young women are no longer willing to adopt their mothers` model. This can be seen in demographic data, which shows Italy has one of Europe`s lowest birth rates, even though marriage is still one of the most important parts of women`s life cycle.
At the root of the problem, which we might define as the quantitative and qualitative under-exploitation of female resources, there are causes which we might define as `objective`, and others we can consider `implicit` in that they are linked to social and cultural systems of representing the role of women.
Objective causes include the following factors.
· Women`s academic qualifications are difficult to utilise. The tendency to train in traditional and relatively non-competitive fields, and the lack of inclination towards technical and computer-science studies penalise women in a geographical setting where the dominant sectors are metalworking and new technology;
· The division of non-professional work (in the broader sense: looking after children, old people, the ill, and the handicapped in the family; household organisation; health matters, schooling, assistance, etc.) between men and women is still very unequal, with a much greater burden clearly being placed on the latter.
· Difficulties in reconciling home and working life due to inadequate services; this difficulty is combined with resistance in companies to the replacement of the dominant work-organisation models with greater flexibility in timetables and working hours.
· The lack of propensity to create women`s `lobbies`, groups for support and self-promotion, and a tendency to rely on their own forces (the male experience demonstrates that alliances facilitate permanence in the jobs market). In the Turin area, there are some experiments which need to be encouraged.

At the intersection between objective and implicit factors, there is the problematic area of care activities which fall heavily upon women and turn into the so-called `double day`s work` for women workers, which consists (hardly ever harmoniously) of professional and extra-professional commitments.

Great assistance towards greater male awareness can come from territorial services. Experience does, however, point to a gap between supply and demand, because:
· The map of services available mainly covers childcare assistance, while other care services are not provided with similar facilities (assistance for the sick and aged, parental care, assistance in cases of handicap and mental diseases, household management and work, etc.).
· Numerically, the services are insufficient. To give one example, year 2000 data for the nursery schools run by the City of Turin show that 4,444 families requested acceptance in such schools. Of these, 1,720 were turned down due to lack of room. Public services also adopt opening times which are irreconcilable with users` needs. The statistics do not reveal such cases, where demand is not satisfied.
· Timetables, methods of supply and geographical distribution do not respond to growing needs for flexibility. Professional services vary from common standards, depending on a number of root causes, and it is thus necessary to turn away from imposed flexibility to assisted flexibility.
· In particular, the territorial studies carried out by the City of Turin show how commuting is accompanied by greater demand for private services. The distance between workplace and residence is not sufficiently taken into consideration in the supply of personal or family services, obliging those with care responsibilities to devise complex strategies to reconcile the two.
Even though less inflexible than in the past, the expectation that women should provide care services is still dominant. A male worker is immune from similar pressure and enjoys greater liberty - whether real or psychological - in deciding how to use his resources. The implicit request for care generates a sense of guilt and inadequacy, compromising untroubled reconciliation of the various aspects of life, and this is a fact that should never be neglected when drawing up policies for female employment.
This disparity between women and men has historical roots. Care work has traditionally been invisible since it is not paid: the `book-keeping` side of work has always concerned services performed outside the home, which are traditionally male.

Overcoming these objective obstacles is not sufficient on its own to ensure satisfactory levels of female employment, if a balance between quantitative aspects (the number of women at work) and qualitatitve aspects (the type of work) is to be found. There are important socio-economic factors which hinder the progress women are able to make in their work. These are stereotypes which have their roots in what is now an outdated symbolism (the internal, domestic environment of women; the external, social environment of men), reinforced by the fear of a new feminine force demanding access to sectors which have always been male-dominated. We have every reason to say that there is a true cultural deficit in the labour market towards the full utilisation of the contribution women are able to make.
The most common prejudices include:
· women`s work is considered as marginal and/or complementary to that of men (the most important family income is that of the man, while the woman works to fill in the extras; when work is incompatible with family life, it is generally the woman who quits her job, not the man);
· the association of some professional activities with the male world (in the automobile capital, this is particularly true);
· women workers are considered to be less reliable than men, emotional, unambitious and non-competitive;
· the masculine form is used in the language of work: as well as highlighting a prejudice, it is also a discriminatory element (the councillor for equal opportunities in Turin recently imposed the use of both genders in job vacancy advertisements). This means that masculine subjects are identified with the working environment to the exclusion of feminine.
· work culture, from the Industrial Revolution to modern Europe, and in Turin in particular, has been based on a rigid Fordist model which has generated a broadly accepted organisational system which eludes the specific nature of women`s needs. In order to enter the labour market, women have had and still have to follow a male-based model of behaviour, which is almost impervious to the social responsibilities of reproduction.
Not only is labour-market participation penalised, but women`s career possibilities are held in check by unfavourable circumstances. Women throughout Europe share the same handicap: difficulty in reaching and maintaining decision-making positions with responsibilities. Even in a country like France, which leads the way in female employment and the provision of care services, the so-called glass ceiling is still an unsolved problem.
Resistance by some cultural forces are unwilling to associate women with positions of visibility and management. The paucity of female models as inspiration means that working women make their progress without having behavioural targets (which requires an extra effort, while men make use of consolidated and common codes) or which tend to adopt an androcentric form of work organisation, thus prolonging a status quo which penalises them.
The very small number of women in high-profile jobs puts the brakes on the equal opportunities process: the institutional and economic world will become representative of women only if it contains women with the same powers of decision-making and management.
Work organisation also underrates the potential of women in other ways.
Women are considered as a company cost because of their maternity `risk`, a stereotype which is one of the hardest to die. The decision to have children can penalise on a number of levels: it discourages recruitment by companies; it hinders career possibilities; it marginalises mothers with babies who, after many months at home, find it difficult to cope with the work environment on their return.
Uncontrolled use of flexibility instruments can backlash on female workers. Research shows that flexible or atypical jobs facilitate the entry of women into the labour market, but not progress once they are in it. It is often the price which has to be paid for better-quality time: atypical work makes it possible to look after the family but closes the door to a better career. Here too, a male model of work culture suffocates the important contribution of women. It is thus necessary to take great care when judging new job formulas: if correctly interpreted, they are a resource - otherwise they risk being a further instrument of discrimination.

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The general objective of the proposed operation is to facilitate the integration of women in the labour market, enabling them to continue their careers by promoting a new division of time and by fostering changes in work culture.

The overall objective will be achieved in a number of ways.

Reconciling working hours.
The project intends to study and experiment solutions to reconcile professional and extra-professional hours. The issue particularly concerns women with family commitments, but also meets the expectations and needs of a much wider target, consisting of those who need timetables (public and private) compatible with their quality of life. The project intends, on the one hand, to make men feel more responsible about their role as concerns care activities and, on the other, by devising new forms of services which are today lacking in urban areas, as well as optimising those that already exist.
The project will attempt to highlight the collateral aspects of reconciling working hours: these will include the creation of new jobs, innovation in the content and ways of providing services and creating an interactive relationship with the public.

Furthermore, by means of a systemic action to involve all those actors (from businesses and transport systems to social and welfare services) which currently do not interact sufficiently in creating social work hours and structuring the territory, the project will aim to ensure that extra-professional activities and commitments become the responsibility not only of individuals but also of the institutions.

The importance of the contribution made by women in work and in society.
Equal opportunities policies can be made persuasive by demonstrating that the development of women`s skills can lead to positive effects, with benefits that go well beyond those for the women themselves. The search and implementation of solutions for women with positive effects for the entire social and economic fabric help overcome a tradition of welfare and protection which is now largely anachronistic. A society which is liveable for men is not always liveable for women, while the one that is liveable for women almost certainly is for men too. Sexual stereotypes also act negatively on the male population, men are expected to achieve success in work and productivity, thus annulling other aspects of their lives.
The project thus intends to point out:
· The advantages for the economic world: a new workforce for sectors which require it; the contribution of alternative professional skills; innovative methods, organisation and workplace relationships; the introduction of new services; improved and broader application of labour legislation (cf. Law 53/2000);
· Advantages at the social level: levelling out the unemployment rate between men and women; raising family income; a fairer repartition of workloads among women and men; developing and giving greater dynamism to male and female models.

The introduction of gender culture in the workplace.
By means of a survey of working hours, the project intends to contribute to work organisation and the role of the two genders at work. It is undeniable that the model of economic and industrial production is based on symbolic male (and, in particular, military) systems (cf. Foucault), encouraging a rigid organisation of roles and functions within the productive machine. In the industrial economy, female workers have been either marginal or exceptional (during the wars, when men were called to the front and an alternative work force was needed). Numerous historical studies about the entry of women into the labour market during the 19th and 20th centuries show how the sectors with the greatest influx of women (textiles, education, health) not only lost the social prestige they had enjoyed with men, but also no form of organisation was introduced to take into consideration the women, except that salaries were reduced. Work organisation models freed from the symbolic military system (Elton Mayo) have proved their efficiency both in terms of production and in terms of enhancing the specific qualities of women workers. The project aims to overcome some stereotypes linked to Taylorist forms of work organisation, which are particularly strong in a city dominated until a few years ago by the auto industry, and produce models more suited to women and the more services-oriented economy in the Turin area.

The concept of autonomous female work outside the home, as the subject and object of rights, is thus fairly recent. In Western democracies, fundamental guarantees are respected and yet women struggle to find a place in professional strategies and models based on another gender. Often, working to create significant careers has a high cost for women in terms of morale and emotion since the only way forward appears to be by adopting behaviour, language and attitudes foreign to them. Studies of the cognitive, intellectual and organisational differences between women and men, when applied to work contexts, assert that the diversity of contributions is an added value for the companies. The project intends to define and apply strategies so that women can freely express their belonging to a gender (in all its countless subjective variants). The enhancement of some specific aspects of women (their inclination to network rather than operate in pyramidal structures; their capacity for empathy and relationships; their associative intelligence; creativity and inventiveness; objective-orientation rather than personal gratification) and their integration into work methodologies appears to be an interesting challenge which will require the joint commitment of all the partners.

Breaking through the glass ceiling.
The project aims to break through the glass ceiling - that invisible barrier which prevents women from taking up high level positions. While the presence of women in the labour market - in numerical terms - is becoming increasingly significant, they are still inadequately represented in top positions. A reversal of this trend is inevitable and has already begun, but it must be assisted if it is to take place rapidly without weighing down too heavily on individual women. This means that strategies for work organisation, starting up new services, and for institutional communication must be devised to encourage women to take on managerial positions, helping them in their choice and introducing the concept of female leadership to public opinion. Lastly, the entry and permanence of women in the decision-making arena is a deterrent against involutionary risks. It encourages emulation, and thus the candidacy of other women. It provides qualitative changes to structures from within.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling **
Training ***
Training on work place ***
Work placement ***
Employment creation and support ***
Conception for training programs, certification ***
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ****
Guidance and social services ***
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****
Studies and analysis of discrimination features ****

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ****
Goal-oriented ****
Context oriented ****

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The term `workshop` is used to define the operation since this is to be a truly innovative experience, whose success can act as a driving force for other projects to promote female resources in the employment market.
The most significant innovative elements are:

· the indictment of work culture (within companies, trade unions, and human resources management) as a bearer of discriminatory elements against women. This approach involves social, anthropological and traditional elements which, together with the economics of the situation, affect work models which are often not visible. The success of this operation and the request made to the economic world to adopt a gender-related code of self-discipline makes it possible to obtain greater impact with subsequent actions:
· the shift from a view of women at work as a `problem` to one of them as a positive force. It is the inadequate working conditions of women which create the problem, not the identity or the professional abilities of women. Female workers have already adopted strategies to adapt and optimise their own resources: now it is time for the organisations to do likewise;
· the creation of a truly representative forum of all those involved in the local contexts and concertation of an intervention model with shared objectives and diversified strategies;
· giving women (those in the target group) a central role in designing and guiding the actions;
· creating synergies between disadvantages to produce development. The difficulties women engaged in a career have in managing their life outside the workplace are combined with the need of other women to work: through cooperatives, small businesses and independent initiatives: these people can help provide the care services which are lacking in the local area. This means that two categories of women, with different levels of skills, can combine their resources in a movement `from woman to woman` Da Donna a Donna.
· to start up common considerations between the various local actors (institutions, companies, working women, political staff, service providers) on the subject of reconciling working hours in order to find common solutions to organise the urban territory better in terms of services, thus making it more attractive and liveable.

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Budget Action 2

1 000 000 – 1 500 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  0.0%  30.0% 
Employed  0.0%  70.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  15.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  0.0%  85.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  0.0%  100.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  0.0%  100.0% 
< 25 year  0.0%  20.0% 
25 - 50 year  0.0%  80.0% 
> 50 year  0.0%  0.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Gender discrimination ****
Support to entrepreneurship ***
Discrimination and inequality in employment ****
Low qualification ***
Unemployment ****

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 With beneficiaries

Promoting individual empowerment
Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The first beneficiaries of the project are female employees and entrepreneurs who are obliged to reconcile care and work activities, and women seeking employment.
This target is an irreplaceable source of information, guidelines and assessment for carrying out the actions. The proposed workshop does not intend to apply abstract solutions to the problem, but rather to start up a concerted process involving all the parties concerned.Right from the first stages of the work, women will thus be actively involved in the following ways:
· general activity of promoting and raising awareness about the issues covered by Equal;
· activities with the partners to involve the target groups (companies, cooperatives, employers` associations, trade unions, women`s associations, departments of the partner institutions, etc.). The contact aims to identify those women and/or groups of women affected by the study-action on the issues of vertical segregation and the demand for services;
· awareness-raising among employment centres and those in search of up-skilling, and professional development;
· involvement of the network of representatives and women`s associations in Turin.
· Involvement of the target group in activities leading up to the experimentation by means of
- questionnaires distributed in large
- in-depth interviews with a selected sample representing all types of unemployed and employed women.
- participation in focus groups to discuss the proposed experiments
· Experimentation of innovative training courses, and models for company services and organisations.

The beneficiaries of the project will also include companies, since opening out the gender dimension can lead to an enrichment of resources and skills.
These people are involved through the trade associations and the public services of the City and Province to which they normally turn.
Involvement of this target will mainly take place through:
· collection of information to understand which work culture is involved in relationships between the genders and in opportunities for women in particular;
· collection of input for building up alternative models for organising work and services;
· guided experimentation of some pilot initiatives for organising work (flexible work hours; different forms of recruiting and professional advancement; assistance upon return from maternity and leave; inter-company centres for providing care services).
· Involvement of companies in activities leading up to the experimentation by means of
- field surveys
- interviews
- participation in focus groups to discuss the proposed experiments
· Experimentation of models for company services and organisations.


 Between national partners

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The involvement of all the partners in decision-making processes is ensured by the focus groups which validate the results of one or more activities. This enables the partners to intervene in the implementation of all activities, even those they are not directly involved in, thus providing considerable added value and acquiring an overall view. The focus group is an important decision-making element for implementing the project.
An Executive Committee consisting of all the partners working on the project will be set up to provide constant support as a place for constructive confrontation and discussion, exchange of ideas and contributions.
The members of the PS that do not participate in the focus groups or in the Executive Committee will be members of the Technical and Scientific Committee. They will thus be involved in drafting the content of the project, the methodologies and the work instruments. The Scientific Technical Committee will be responsible for general supervision of the project, making observations and suggestions to the actuators and project managers, helping identify critical aspects and problems and finding solutions for them.
The involvement of all the partners is also ensured by the project manager who will devise suitable methods to ensure the collaboration of all the partners and make sure they participate in implementing it and achieving its objectives.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • español (castellano)
  • français
  • italiano

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 12.6%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
FR RAL-2001-10554

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
CSEA S.c.p.A. capofila dell`A.T.I. Equal - Agenzie FormativeTorinesi AFPA DP managing organisation
Associazione Industriali Metallurgici Meccanici Affini Monitoring, data collection
Associazione Piccole e Medie Imprese Imprenditorialita` Donna
Design of the project
Transnational partnership
Consorzio API Formazione S.c.r.l.
Cooperativa sociale ATYPICA A.R.L.
Cooperativa sociale TERZO TEMPO ARL
PROVINCIA DI TORINO - Servizio Programmazione Solidarieta` Sociale
SINERGIE APPLICATE AL SISTEMA D`IMPRESA - Societa` Cooperativa Sociale a r.l.
Unione Sindacale Territoriale - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori

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Agreement Summary

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Responsibility of addressing and managing the partnership is assigned to the City of Turin, assuring the accomplishment of public and social finalities this project is based on.
The City is in charge of the coordination of activities and control of actions concerning effects the project will have on local reality and transnational partnership. The City will also operate for the establishment of relations between the development partnership and other structures involved in similar activities under the Equal Comunitaria initiative. These functions are to be carried out through the Project Manager identified by the City itself. The PM guarantee circulation of information within the PS through official work meetings foreseen for each phase, focus-group and seminars, or , when necessary, through informal work meetings.
The PS has chosen to organize the work being based on the task force, though there is foreseen a distribution of duties among various partners as per their specific competencies.
This choice has required foreseeing the position of a phase coordinator, which has been assured by the City of Turin, in order to guarantee following up of results reached and to support the Project Manager having him the general coordination of the project.
At the end of each phase reporting/information seminars will take place and will be supervised by the Scientific Committee (SC). The scope is to inform on work content and methodologies, and to allow the Operation Committee to check progress and make suggestions and/or observations to responsible and to the PM.
The PS has two other organs: the Operation Committee (OC) and the Scientific Committee (SC).
The OC is formed by representatives nominated by all partners operating in the executing projects, collaborates for the implementation of the project and supports each one of the participants. The OC controls the assignee and is supervised by the Project Manager.

The SC is made of all partners which have no operative role during different phases, representatives of the social-economical and cultural strip of Turin. It supervises the conclusive seminars in which participate all net partners.

The Transnational coordination is made by the City of Turin.

The management of relations with referring Administrations is done by CSEA S.c.p.A, head of the A.T.I of Turin Vocational Agencies involved with AFPA, being the assignee of ATS formed by the project development partnership. Organization of modalities for the referring Administrations relationships management is based on the principle of transparence, under a spirit of collaboration and availability and it will be implemented as per dispositions of administrations them selves. A constant flux of information between the net and referring Administrations has been assured.

The management and control of financial resources for both, national and transnational partnerships, will be done by CSEA S.c.p.A.

CSEA S.c.p.A. is also in charge of the reporting activity. Concerning the modalities of management and control of financial resources, especially referring to accountability and expense certification, CSEA S.c.p.A. provides setting up of necessary instruments for tracing and checking of costs under the administrative - financial view and registering of effective hours spent on activities.
CSEA S.c.p.A. guaranties provision of a guide related to acceptable and reportable costs and modalities and time for tracing of administrative costs and data.

Monitoring and self-evaluation is to be carried out by the City of Turin, through external experts. Internal monitoring allows to keep under control the project ongoing and to evaluate level of milestones reaching compared to what initially foreseen and related to pre-established goals.
The complete fulfillment of mainstreaming form the beginning is ensured by the TSC, formed by the City of Turin, which also leads it, Province of Turin, other Public Organizations and other representatives of the social, economical and cultural realities of the City which bring a contribute in terms of content. The TSC guaranties the diffusion of results and products of the project.

It is also intended to support the cooperation and placement of nets on time conciliation aspects also through involvement of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) for value adding to project diffusion.

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

CSEA S.c.p.A. capofila dell`A.T.I. Equal - Agenzie FormativeTorinesi AFPA

(CSEA capofila dell`A.T.I. Equal)
Corso Trento, 13
10129 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP: DP managing organisation
Type of organisation:Structure created to manage the DP
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
FORLENZA ANNA 011 5810730 Contact organization for ATI Equal

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10154 TORINO

Tel:011/24.64.330 - 20.47.57

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Organisation providing support and guidance for disadvantaged groups
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

AlmaTerra is a not-for-profit association which was set up in 1994 by a group of Italian and foreign women in Turin. All the activities and initiatives are coordinated in the Centro Interculturale delle Donne `Alma Mater` in Via Norberto Rosa, 13/a, Turin.
Activities and services of the Association:
- Reception service and cultural mediation
Foreign women can use the service to obtain information and assistance in the various municipal services (tribunals, schools, health services, etc..). This information and assistance service is carried out by cultural mediators of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
- Child area (0/3 years)
A place for meeting and exchange between children and parents of different cultures. In emergencies, it also acts as a baby-park.
Primary school children are offered language courses,
- Legal advisory service on family rights and assistance to obtain and maintain such rights.
- Italian language workshops at various levels
Creative expression activities for learning Italian, with Alma Teatro
courses: `Literacy` - `Initial and improvement` - `Refinement`
- Documentation centre
This is a centre for collecting, archiving and consulting texts and documents (also audiovisual), concerning mainly female immigration
Almateatro multi-ethnic theatre group
As well as performances in Italy and abroad, it carries out intercultural teaching activities in schools.
- Community workshops for primary and lower secondary school children.
- Mutual self-help group for all women who perform domestic and care work.
- Personal help group to foster interpersonal communication within and outside the group.
- Dressmaking workshop to create clothes and furnishing with original models and fabrics, to teach cutting and sewing, and to provide opportunities for socialisation and exchange between women through self-managed work. Sewing classes are provided.
- Multi-ethnic cooking, to spread inter-culture through different tastes and flavours.
Italian cookery classes for immigrant women.
Multi-ethnic cookery classes for members.
- Time Bank, where members can borrow and lend hours of activities and services depending on their needs and abilities.
- Hammam-Turkish Baths, for traditional Magreb body care and beauty.
Self-managed area for intercultural activities and initiatives, run by individual members, including dance classes (Africa, oriental, belly-dancing, Afro-Nigerian, etc.) singing (Gospel, African religious songs), herbalism and multi-ethnic cooking, exhibitions, etc.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
BODRATO GIOVANNA 011/238533 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(ARCST Piemonte)
10121 TORINO

Fax:0115178975 - 0115188251

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employers' organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The Associazione Regionale Cooperative Servizi e Turismo, named ARCST-Legacoop Piemonte, is an employers` association to safeguard and represent the interests of its member cooperatives.
ARCST/Legacoop member cooperatives provide a number of services including logistics, transport, dining facilities and cleaning services, business services, tourism and cultural services, publishing, social welfare, health and education services, and integration of those risking social marginalisation and the weaker members of the employment market.
The promotion and development of high-quality cooperative entrepreneurship, partly by means of training as well as information, constructive confrontation with both sides of industry and implementation of a series of employment policies are among the priorities of the Associazione Servizi e Turismo.
As an employers` representative, particularly of smaller, recently constituted businesses, the Association provides support services for the use of currently available instruments for businesses, such as facilitated credit, training initiatives, consultation forums such as the Territorial Pacts, advisory services for projects to develop entrepreneurship, and support for local development projects.
The Association is also committed to both sides of industry, with which it has set up Training Institutes. It is also an active founding member of the Regional Services Sector Forum.
The `social cooperative` members of ARCST/Legacoop offer innovative personal services, integrating underprivileged persons in accordance with Law no. 381/91 and drafting proposals for the social inclusion of the weaker segments of the labour market, covering a significant portion of Piedmontese social businesses and helping to bolster the local welfare system.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
DI MASCIO ANNA 0115187169 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Associazione Industriali Metallurgici Meccanici Affini

Via VELA 17
10128 TORINO

Tel:011 5718305
Fax:011 5718379 -

Responsibility in the DP: Monitoring, data collection
Type of organisation:Employers' organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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AMMA, the association of mechanical metalworking and related businesses, was founded in 1919 and reconstituted in 1945. It represents about 1,000 companies with over 200,000 employees, about one-third of the national metalworking industry, and it is a common technological point of reference for large, medium-sized and small businesses in all sectors.
Set up to safeguard, foster and defend the collective interests of the metalworking industry, the association provides assistance and advice to member companies, offering five main services: trade union, work environment and safety, research and development, education and training, and practical assistance for Community programmes.
For years, AMMA has committed energy and resources to transnational cooperation, providing its member companies with the innovative services, instruments and know-how required for improving competitiveness and for taking up the path towards European integration and internationalisation.
In over 20 years of activity, constant evolution of methodology and increasing focus on market demand has led the training and advisory services provided by AMMA to turn their attention towards products and services fully geared towards change in the industrial world. Close and long-lasting cooperation with European associations and training authorities for the implementation of several projects financed by EU structural funds has enabled it to acquire vast experience in many fields, particularly concerning learning organisation and lean production, quality, and work environment and safety, but also in many problem areas recently affected by the process of globalisation, intercultural activities and benchmarking.
The association also plans and manages vocational training and guidance for young graduates, diploma holders and/or the unemployed, with the dual aim of facilitating entry into the jobs market for those who are excluded or have not yet started work. It also aims to respond to the needs of companies which require increasingly qualified and trained resources with technical and professional skills.
Through its consortium, AMMA has for years been managing a considerable number of training activities within the framework of the ESF.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
DEVALLE LICIA 011 5718305 - Project contact person for AMMA

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Associazione Piccole e Medie Imprese Imprenditorialita` Donna

(APID imprenditorialita Donna)
10151 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employers' organisation
Legal status:Semi-public organisation
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

APID Imprenditorialità Donna works to promote entrepreneurship among women by providing an institutional presence and, as leader or partner, by presenting national and international projects.
At the institutional level, APID works within a number of international, national, regional and local organisations, all of which work to develop the role of women (as entrepreneurs and workers) in the labour market:
· the National Committee for equal opportunities and parity,
· Coordinamento Nazionale Donne d`Impresa (national coordination of businesswomen)
· the regional Commission for achievement of equal opportunities for women and men
· the regional women`s Council
· the municipal women`s Council
· provincial Committees for promoting entrepreneurship among women
· Technical Forum for training and for the equal-opportunities protocol within the Territorial Pacts
· CAFT Comitato Associazioni Femminili Torinesi
· FEM (Femmes Europeennes des Moyennes et Petites Entreprises)
· AFEM (Association des Femmes de l`Europe Meridionale based in Paris
· WES - Network for the promotion of women`s entrepreneurship at the international level in the European Union
· BIT Bureau International du travail
The other area of activity which highlights the central role played by APID in the areas covered by the project is the presentation of projects designed to improve employment for women both in terms of setting up new companies and of providing training to create new expertise. The most important Community projects APID has taken part in are:
· the Community initiatives NOW and ADAPT;
· the Socrates Programme;
· projects linked to Law 125/91
APID is now promoting actions linked to Art. 9 of Law 53/2000 to achieve conciliation.
In the projects it has worked on, APID has always played an active role in presenting and publishing the results by creating various supports and informative material, such as CD-ROMs, printed texts and newsletters, and by organising seminars and conferences.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
BOSCHIS - POLITANO GIOVANNA 011/4513247 project contact person and equal opportunities expert

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10141 TORINO

Tel:011-4425980 /5850/ 5843

Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The City of Turin, through its Labour, Education Services and Social Welfare Services Divisions, pays particular attention, thanks to its cultural and social tradition, to the problems of the socially underprivileged in the labour market. Its policies include clearly targeted actions to combat exclusion of the disabled from jobs, gender discrimination, and the social and professional isolation of under-age children at risk, as well as problems raised by the reconciliation of work hours.
Taking part in Equal will be those Divisions which, within the City of Turin, have long worked to reduce the exclusion from the jobs market of a vulnerable segment of the population of the city.
In particular, the following will play an active role in the project:
- The Gender Policies Service (Servizio Politiche di Genere)
The City of Turin has always been sensitive to gender-related problems: the creation of the first sector for Equal Opportunities Policies dates right back to 1993. The Gender Polices Service currently reports to the Educational Services Councillor (Assessore ai Servizi Educativi). It has the objective of spreading gender culture within the institution`s policy and among the population.
The Education Services Division runs créches, nursery schools, and a municipal high school, and it performs the tasks assigned to it by the law on state schools. It also works through the Lifelong Education Service (Servizio Educazione Permanente) to ensure scholastic reintegration of minors and adult education.
The Training, Guidance and European Fund Sector carries out activities to facilitate the integration of the unemployed, women and persons running the risk of unemployment, paying greatest attention to the weak and disadvantaged.
- The Timetables and Schedules Sector (Settore Tempi e Orari) has the prime objective of reorganizing the most important services for the public and making them more easily accessible.
- The Social Welfare Division has the task of planning services and runs the facilities for the aged, juveniles, the disabled, the homeless and minors without parents.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
BONIS SERGIO 011-4425980/5850/5843 Project contact organization

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10138 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employers' organisation
Legal status:Semi-public organisation
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Ever since it was set up, the Unione Provinciale di Torino di Confcooperative has provided its members with a number of services to facilitate and improve business activities, and to continually increase the participation and sense of responsibility in cooperatives and members.
There are particularly intense activities with the institutions, other business organisations, schools, and with training and business service institutions, thus associating its representation tasks with the establishment of a culture based on solidarity and self-management, continually flanking companies to assist their development projects in various sectors (social, cultural, sports, agriculture, employment creation, habitation, credit and consumption).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
POLICASTRO CINZIA 011-5130840 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10152 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Trade Union
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The three trade union organisations operate in workplaces and in social life. They exercise a contractual function for workers of both sexes, the retired, the unemployed, etc. In this specific case, they are signatories to collective work contracts through trade federations. At the same time, the trade union confederations sign agreements with the government and management on income policies, aspects of the welfare state such as social security, taxation policies, health policies, etc.
The CGIL-CISL-UIL trade union organisations also deal with matters relating to schools, training and employment policies.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
POLETTO MAURIZIO 0112442473 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10144 TORINO

Tel:011 4617666
Fax:011 4617694

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

a) Business services and information
b) Training
c) Propagation of business culture
d) Concession of joint-surety on bank loans through cooperatives
e) Business-creation counselling
f) Financial analyses and drafting business projects

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
MORENA GIUSEPPE 011 4617621 project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10144 TORINO

Tel:011 4617666
Fax:011 4617694

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employers' organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

a) Trade-union representation of crafts companies and SMEs
b) Information for businesses
c) Business services (directly or through subsidiaries)
d) Training (through subsidiary companies and authorities)
e) Propagation of business culture
f) Concession of collective sureties, credit lines and credit advice (through Craft Surety Cooperatives)

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
MORENA GIUSEPPE 011 4617629 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10128 TORINO

Tel:011 5718305
Fax:011 5718379 -

Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The Consorzio Aziende Metalmeccaniche Piemontesi was set up in 1984 by a group of companies which were members of AMMA and involved in developing human resources at all levels, all with similar training needs. The Consortium now consists of over 900 large, medium-sized and small companies.
The organisation provides in-company and inter-company training and refresher courses for the employees of member companies. It also promotes activities for vocational qualifications and/or specialisation for young school leavers and graduates entering the labour market.
The Consortium has managed some important projects in agreement with both sides of industry: retraining workers who are temporarily redundant or in Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Salariali (CIGS - It: Wage and Salary Supplement Fund), training Rappresentanze Sindacali Unitarie (RSU - It: Unified Trade Union Representatives), and was also selected by the O.P.R. for training Safety Worker Representatives (RLS).
In order to assist companies develop in terms of organisation, finance and technology, the Consortium works on projects in partnership with other European Authorities providing innovative business services and the means by which to make the necessary steps towards European integration.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
DEVALLE LICIA 011 5718305 - Project contact person for CAMP

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10129 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

COREP was set up in December 1987 upon the initiative of the Turin Polytechnic with the involvement of an important group of Italian industrial companies. The following are now members: Camera di Commercio - Compaq - Comune di Torino - Provincia di Torino - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Fiat - IRI - Olivetti - Politecnico di Torino - Regione Piemonte - Unione Industriale di Torino - Università del Piemonte Nord Orientale - Università di Torino. The Consortium works to implement specific initiatives agreed upon by the universities and the world of production and services. The purpose of the Consortium is to act as an interface between the academic and industrial worlds. Increasingly frequent interaction between the world of production and services, and universities require and institutional area which the Consortium is able to provide, particularly in terms of joint research programmes.
The organisation`s main activities over the past few years have concerned lifelong education, specialisation courses, didactic experimentation, research and transfer of technology, and industrial liaison. Technology transfer centres (TTN) have been set up and COREP is responsible for them in Northern Italy.
The Consortium pursues the following aims:
- management of university-level lifelong education activities in all areas of applied science in order to retrain technicians, researchers and professionals in the public and private sectors, and to train newly-graduated persons and recent school leavers in ways not provided for by the institutional teaching programmes of the universities; partly through the institutions and/or management of scholarships;
- promotion of joint activities between industries, local authorities, the Polytechnic and University of Turin as part of training and/or research projects of national, European/international and regional importance in order to achieve scientific, technological, management and economic development;
- promotion of the initiatives provided for by Law no. 46 of 17 February 1982;
- advisory and support services for university diploma courses, and for special-purpose, specialisation and PhD schools;
- the facilitation of relationships between industries, local authorities, and the Polytechnic and University of Turin by means of advisory services, guidance, and support for activities regulated by contracts and conventions on the basis of the current law;
- Promotion and management of contracts with the European Community in favour of consortium members;
management of scholarships, awards and in-company courses in industrial companies and local authorities, for university students, recent graduates and recent PhDs.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
LUCIANO ADRIANA 011.670.26.45 project officer

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10141 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Career guidance for people risking marginalisation:
- providing tools to make them independent
- providing social skills
- motivating
- drafting resumés and skills charts
Support for work induction
- Mediation and support for businesses
- Personal assistance and counselling
- Implementing institutional networks for social problems
Management of tools and incentives for work induction
- Management of scholarships and in-company training
Training courses on employment for rehabilitation staff
Training business staff
- Report
On regulations and facilitations for recruitment

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
GUALANDI SILVIA 0113828581 .......................................................................... Contact organization for the project

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Consorzio API Formazione S.c.r.l.

(API Formazione)
10151 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Education / training organisation
Legal status:Semi-public organisation
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

API Formazione works in a number of sectors:
- Servizio Infojob meets the demand from companies for recruiting new personnel, taking great care in the selection process, from obtaining resumés right through to presentation of those candidates considered most suitable. It provides vocational guidance for those candidates who intend to assess job offers on the basis of their aspirations and availability, or for those who are already employed but who wish to examine other job offers.
- the Servizio Formazione plans and organises training courses both to increase the professional level of those already selected and employed, and to increase the technical and transversal skills of office workers, executives or directors already employed.
API Formazione augments job opportunities for recent school-leavers and graduates by letting them take part in work experience programmes and/or apprenticeships in the member companies, in order to assess their professional skills and to evaluate their possible employment.
API Formazione extends its human resources operations to the analysis and evaluation of qualifications. In particular, to achieve permanent education in special projects, it helps companies customise individual training, in order to examine the present and future state of employment according to the individual`s qualifications, from the point of view of continuous professional and personal development linked to the life cycle of the individual.
The Formazione and Studi e Ricerche sectors assist companies in the initial examination phase of observing organisational and economic aspects so as to optimise their production process and analyse the employment needs of companies in relation to internal organisational changes. For this area of activity, API Formazione also makes use of external experts in organisational analysis.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
CAPRA CLAUDIA 011/4513120 project contact responsible for involving SMEs

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Cooperativa sociale ATYPICA A.R.L.



Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social economy enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The cooperative has the aim of promoting the human potential and social integration of the population by means of social and educational services, implementing self-management of businesses in a cooperative, non-speculative manner, providing continuous employment to members in the best possible economic, social and professional conditions.
Atypica concentrates mainly on:
- free time and entertainment;
- education and projects for children;
- art and culture;
- training staff for these sectors;
- youth policies;
- social, educational, and leisure services.
Atypica is mainly geared towards children, young people and those professionals who interact with them.
The principal instrument used in recent years to develop the Cooperative`s pedagogical and educational project is group animation, which is recognised as a modern tool which has had a positive and different effect on all traditional social professions.
Group animation is a social practice designed to raise awareness and develop the potential of individuals and groups, as well as awareness, sensitivity, creativity, planning and interpersonal relational skills, enhancement of individuals and their differences, conflict-solving skills and mediation.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
VIOLATO MIRELLA 0114110053 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Cooperativa sociale TERZO TEMPO ARL

10123 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social economy enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Traditional nursery school (0/3 years) activity owned by the Coop.
Baby parking and play area (0/10 years) owned by the Coop.
Administration of family areas (0/6 years) on behalf of the Municipality of Turin
Administration of micro-crèches at home (0/3 years) on behalf of the municipalities of Turin, Bruino, Borgaro, and Sangano.
Teaching activities in compulsory education schools on behalf of the municipalities of Turin and Rivalta.
Summer activities in municipal infancy schools for the Municipality of Turin.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
BATTISTA Anna Maria 011/8129503 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via Conte Verde 9
10122 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

Forum del Terzo Settore acts as a central site for concertation, promotion and representation of non-profit organisations. It aims to make its members` actions more effective and their social role more visible. The Forum is a partner for local institutions and local social actors, and is able to set up `social networks` to create new policies and initiatives to combat marginalisation and promote citizenship. The Forum offers members assistance for exchanging information, confronting local institutions, and developing new partnerships between social and institutional actors. The Forum del Terzo Settore in Piemonte is part of the Forum Permanente del Terzo Settore at the national level.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
POLICASTRO CINZIA 011.5130840 project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

PROVINCIA DI TORINO - Servizio Programmazione Solidarieta` Sociale

10123 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The Province of Turin is an intermediate body for programming, coordinating and promoting its territory and the public and private organizations which operate within it. To achieve this, the Province supplements the institutional actions of the City of Turin.
In particular, as concerns equal opportunities issues, the institution`s increasing awareness and sense of responsibility, which is also referred to in the Equal Opportunities policies incorporated in its Statute (Art. 4), can be seen in the importance of the commitment made by the Administration in this direction, first and foremost in the actions of the Department of Social Solidarity (Assessorato alla Solidarietà Sociale), with powers to ensure equal opportunities, and of the IX Council Commission for Equal Opportunities for women and men. This commitment has recently found full expression in the decision to promote the Territorial Operations Plan for Equal Opportunities entitled `Parità in Movimento` presented as part of the Regional Operations Programme. The Plan, as well as providing for the creation of five special projects to promote Equal Opportunities, is designed to set up the first elements of a much broader operation: the method of concerted planning, relationships between all the internal departments of the Authority which deal with Equal Opportunities, the information instruments and methods in the sector, and the competencies and sectors of the offices. In order to achieve all the objectives mentioned, the Authority has set up an inter-sector Technical Work Group to devise, draft and verify both the Plan and the projects it contains, as well as to monitor potential sources of European funding.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
VINASSA LAURA 011-8613085 Project contact for the Province of Turin

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

SINERGIE APPLICATE AL SISTEMA D`IMPRESA - Societa` Cooperativa Sociale a r.l.

(SINAPSI s.c.s. a r.l.)
Lungo Dora Voghera n. 22
10153 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Social economy enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

SINAPSI has as its main objective the search for tools, methods and relationships for experimenting:
- deverticalisation of companies
- networking
- the circulation of communications and decision-making processes
- the attainment of social cooperation objectives
Relations between cooperatives are one of the strong points of the way the consortium works.
In order to achieve this, the consortium has set up permanent work and debate commissions, as well as (for the last three years) an internal server and Internet link to let members be in contact in real time.
SINAPSI is convinced that it is essential to gain greater experience and enliven the debate both as regards the local area and as regards internal work organisation and relationships with members, partly in order to counteract the tendency to use cooperatives as a means to reduce wages.
To achieve this, training programmes are devised to satisfy a list of demands compiled centrally, and courses are planned and coordinated especially to provide:
· training for executives in business management
· administration training for junior management
· training for junior management in human resources management, group dynamics and leadership
The Consortium works in two main directions:
- the first involves developing local relationships with institutions, local authorities, ASL (health services) and voluntary organisations;
- the second concerns the world of cooperation, going beyond the logic of the maximum discount in order to obtain the greatest economic convenience to ensure quality and efficiency, and providing incentives for individual cooperatives to work together as a single Consortium, motivating membership and stability in their everyday work by implementing criteria of `competition with solidarity`.
Right from the beginning, the consortium was designed to give value to each individual member, developing the expertise of the individual member cooperatives and, at the same time, coordinating complex projects in which their different skills might come together to form a common and more powerful strategy.
Again with this in mind, those who work in the consortium are not its employees, but the best individuals selected by the consortium assembly and made available to all member cooperatives.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
CABIATI Marco Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


10152 TORIN0


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Trade Union
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The three trade union organisations operate in workplaces and in social life. They exercise a contractual function for workers of both sexes, the retired, the unemployed, etc. In this specific case, they are signatories to collective work contracts through trade federations. At the same time, the trade union confederations sign agreements with the government and management on income policies, aspects of the welfare state such as social security, taxation policies, health policies, etc.
The CGIL-CISL-UIL trade union organisations also deal with matters relating to schools, training and employment policies.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
SCALZO ANGELO 0112417179 ................................. Project contact for UIL

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top

Unione Sindacale Territoriale - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori

(U.S.T. CISL Torino)
10122 TORINO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Trade Union
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 50-250
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

Text available in

The organisation represents the general interests of workers and, in particular: the defence of rights, protection and representation in the labour market and in social policies. Together with the other two trade unions, CIGL operates in the workplace and in social activities. They exercise a contractual function for workers of both sexes, the retired, the unemployed, etc. In this specific case, they are signatories to collective work contracts through trade federations. At the same time, the trade union confederations sign agreements with the government and management on income policies, aspects of the welfare state such as social security, taxation policies, health policies, etc.
The CGIL-CISL-UIL trade union organisations also deal with matters relating to schools, training and employment policies.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
AGLIODO FRANCO 011/53.71.93 Project contact

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top



Warning! This section is not meant to be read directly, but rather be navigated through from the main page above.

Da Donna a Donna


Text available in

Il problema è individuato nell`intreccio di discriminazioni - attive e passive - che le donne affrontano nell`accesso, nella permanenza e nella crescita sul mercato del lavoro.Il tasso di attività femminile in Italia è del 44,3%, in Europa del 58,1; la differenza tra tasso di attività maschile e femminile in Italia è di +28, in Europa di +19 (dati eurostat). Dai dati emerge che l`Italia si conferma fanalino di coda nella presenza femminile nel mondo del lavoro e che questa presenza precipita quando le donne affrontano impegni familiari; mentre negli altri paesi le oscillazioni sono molto più contenute. Singolare l`esempio della Francia, dove addirittura il numero di donne occupate dopo il matrimonio subisce un piccolo aumento.In altri termini, le donne italiane faticano a entrare e a permanere sul mercato del lavoro molto più degli uomini e se scelgono di affrontare un progetto familiare il costo professionale è alto. Per molte diventa meno oneroso (in termini di energie e di denaro) rinunciare al lavoro. Il modello familiare italiano in cui la figura femminile e materna provvede alle incombenze di cura, è però entrato in crisi negli ultimi anni. Le giovani donne non sono più disposte a reiterare il modello delle loro madri. Un dato questo che traspare dai comportamenti demografici, per cui oggi l`Italia denuncia un tasso di natalità tra i più bassi di Europa, nonostante il matrimonio rimanga uno dei momenti forti del ciclo di vita delle donne.Alla radice del fenomeno, che potremmo definire sottoutilizzo quantitativo e qualitativo della risorsa femminile, esistono cause che definiremo `oggettive`, e altre che qualificheremo di `implicite` in quanto legate a sistemi di rappresentazione sociali e culturali del ruolo delle donne.Tra le cause oggettive si annoverano i seguenti fattori:
· I titoli di studio delle donne risultano poco spendibili. La tendenza a formarsi in campi tradizionali, la scarsa propensione verso percorsi di tipo tecnico o informatico penalizzano le donne in un contesto geografico dove i settori trainanti sono la metalmeccanica e le nuove tecnologie;
· La divisione dei carichi extralavorativi (in senso esteso: cura dei bambini, degli anziani, dei malati, dei portatori di handicap presenti in famiglia; organizzazione domestica; pratiche sanitarie, scolastiche, ecc.) tra uomini e donne è ancora profondamente ineguale, con evidente sovraccarico delle seconde.
· La difficoltà a conciliare vita domestica e lavorativa per inadeguatezza dei servizi; difficoltà che si coniuga con la resistenza delle imprese a ripensare i modelli dominanti di organizzazione del lavoro, improntandoli a una maggiore flessibilità dei tempi ed orari.
· La scarsa propensione a creare `lobby` femminili, ovvero gruppi di sostegno e di auto-promozione, e tendenza a sostenersi sulle proprie forze (l`esperienza maschile insegna che le alleanze facilitano la permanenza sul mercato del lavoro).
All`incrocio tra fattori oggettivi e impliciti, si trova il nodo problematico dell`impegno di cura che ricade pesantemente sulle donne e sfocia nella cosiddetta doppia giornata delle lavoratrici, composta da impegno professionale ed extra-professionale.
Sulla strada di una maggiore consapevolezza maschile, un grosso aiuto può venire dai servizi del territorio. L`esperienza segnala però uno scarto tra domanda e offerta, perché:
· La mappa dei servizi disponibili riguarda prevalentemente l`assistenza all`infanzia, mentre altri impegni di cura non usufruiscono di analoghe strutture (assistenza a anziani, cura parentale, lavoro e organizzazione domestica, ecc.).
· Numericamente, i servizi sono insufficienti. A titolo esemplificativo, per quanto riguarda gli asili nido della Città di Torino, si evidenzia che nel 2000, le domande di inserimento al nido da parte di famiglie torinesi corrispondevano a 4.444 unità. Di queste, 1.720 sono rimaste inevase per indisponibilità di posti. I servizi pubblici seguono, inoltre, una logica di apertura inconciliabile le esigenze dell`utenza. In questo caso, la mancata soddisfazione non rientra nelle statistiche.
· Orari, modalità di erogazione e distribuzione geografica non rispondono alle crescenti esigenze di flessibilità. Le prestazioni lavorative si allontanano da standard universali e condivisi, secondo dinamiche variamente articolate. Si rende necessario, perciò, evolvere da una flessibilità subita a una flessibilità agita.
· In particolare, gli studi territoriali effettuati dalla Città di Torino su tempi ed orari della Città mettono in rilievo come il pendolarismo da lavoro si accompagna a una maggiore domanda di servizi cittadini privati. La frattura tra luogo di lavoro e luogo di residenza non è sufficientemente presa in considerazione nell`offerta di servizi alla persona o alla famiglia, obbligando chi ha il carico delle responsabilità di cura a difficili strategie di conciliazione.
Seppure meno prepotente rispetto al passato, l`aspettativa di cura verso le donne è vincolante. Un lavoratore maschio è immune da pressioni simili e gode di una maggiore libertà - reale e mentale - nel disporre di sé e delle proprie risorse. L`implicita richiesta di cura genera sensi di colpa e di inadeguatezza, pregiudicanti una serena conciliazione dei diversi aspetti di vita, fatto di cui è importante tenere conto nello sviluppo di politiche per l`occupazione femminile.
Questa disparità tra donne e uomini ha radici storiche. Il lavoro di cura è tradizionalmente invisibile perché non retribuito: la `contabilità` del lavoro ha sempre riguardato le prestazioni fuori casa, quindi maschili.Il superamento di questi ostacoli oggettivi non è sufficiente, di per sé, a una soddisfacente occupazione femminile, se si vogliono coniugare aspetti quantitativi (quante donne al lavoro) e qualitativi (che tipo di lavoro). Esistono importanti fattori socio-culturali che ostacolano il progresso delle donne sul lavoro. Stereotipi che affondano le radici in un simbolico ormai inattuale (l`ambito domestico, interno, delle donne; l`ambito sociale, esterno, degli uomini), rafforzati dal timore verso una nuova forza femminile che rivendica spazi fino a ieri solo maschili. Possiamo parlare di un vero e proprio deficit culturale del mondo del lavoro verso la valorizzazione del contributo femminile.Tra i pregiudizi più comuni:
· il lavoro femminile considerato come marginale e/o complementare a quello maschile (il reddito familiare più importante è quello maschile, la donna lavora per arrotondare; in caso di incompatibilità con la vita familiare, è più frequente che sia la donna ad abbandonare il lavoro e non viceversa);
· l`associazione di alcune attività lavorative all`universo maschile (nella città dell`automobile è decisamente significativo);
· le lavoratrici percepite come meno affidabili degli uomini, emotive, poco ambiziose e competitive;
· la declinazione linguistica del lavoro al maschile che, oltre a essere spia di un pregiudizio è, a sua volta, elemento discriminante (recentemente la Consigliera di Parità di Torino ha imposto l`uso del doppio genere negli annunci di lavoro). Viene così rafforzata l`identificazione del soggetto maschile con l`ambito lavorativo e l`esclusione del soggetto femminile.
· la cultura del lavoro, dalla rivoluzione industriale fino ad oggi in Europa, ed in particolare a Torino, è stata declinata secondo un modello fordista rigido, che ha generato un sistema organizzativo largamente condiviso che elude le specificità della componente femminile. Per entrare sul mercato del lavoro le donne hanno dovuto e devono ancora seguire un modello di comportamento al maschile, quasi impermeabile alle responsabilità sociali di riproduzione.Non solo la partecipazione al lavoro è penalizzata, ma anche i percorsi professionali femminili sono segnati da circostanze sfavorevoli. Le donne di tutta Europa condividono lo stesso handicap: la difficoltà per raggiungere e mantenere posizioni decisionali e di responsabilità. Anche in un Paese come la Francia, esemplare per tassi di occupazione femminile e offerta di servizi di cura, il cosiddetto soffitto di cristallo resta un problema aperto.
Resistenze di matrici culturali associano con riluttanza soggetti femminili a ruoli di visibilità e dirigenza. La scarsità di modelli femminili cui ispirarsi, implica che le donne lavoratrici progrediscano in assenza di riferimenti comportamentali (il che richiede uno sforzo supplementare, mentre gli uomini fanno riferimento a codici consolidati e condivisi) o che si uniformino a un`organizzazione del lavoro androcentrica, alimentando così uno status quo che le penalizza. L`esiguità di posizioni femminili di rilievo rallenta il processo di parità: il mondo istituzionale ed economico può farsi rappresentativo delle donne solo se al suo interno le donne stesse hanno facoltà di decisione e gestione. L`organizzazione del lavoro sottovaluta il fattore donna anche in altri modi. Le donne vengono considerate un costo aziendale per il `rischio` maternità, uno degli stereotipi più duri a morire. La scelta di avere figli può penalizzare a diversi livelli: scoraggia l`assunzione da parte delle aziende;ostacola i loro percorsi professionali; emargina le eo-mamme che, dopo i mesi di interruzione, faticano a reinserirsi nell`ambiente di lavoro. L`uso incontrollato degli stessi strumenti di flessibilità può ritorcersi verso le lavoratrici. Studi dimostrano che i lavori flessibili o atipici agevolano l`entrata delle donne sul mercato del lavoro ma non il loro vanzamento.Spesso è il prezzo da pagare per una qualità migliore dei tempi: il lavoro atipico permette di curare la vita familiare ma sbarra la strada ad un ercorso professionale qualificante. Anche in questo caso un modello maschile di cultura del lavoro soffoca la specificità femminile. Occorre usare molta cautela, quindi, verso le nuove formule di lavoro: se correttamente interpretate sono una risorsa, altrimenti rischiano di essere uno strumento di discriminazione.

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L`obiettivo generale dell`intervento proposto consiste nel sostenere l`inserimento delle donne nel mercato del lavoro e la loro progressione di carriera, favorendo una nuova articolazione dei tempi e promuovendo il cambiamento della cultura del lavoro.
Il perseguimento dell`obiettivo generale si articolò in diversi punti.

La conciliazione dei tempi.
Il progetto intese studiare e sperimentare soluzioni per conciliare i tempi di vita e di lavoro. La questione interessa in modo puntuale le donne con carichi familiari, ma interpreta anche le attese e le esigenze di un target più vasto, composto da coloro che desiderano orari (privati e pubblici) compatibili con la qualità della vita. Il progetto intende agire, da un lato, responsabilizzando gli uomini sul loro ruolo rispetto alle attività di cura, dall`altro, ideando nuove forme di servizi, oggi insufficienti sul territorio urbano, e ottimizzando quelli già esistenti.
Il progetto cercherà di dare rilievo agli aspetti collaterali legati alla conciliazione dei tempi, come la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro, l`innovazione di contenuti e modalità di erogazione nei servizi e un rapporto interattivo col pubblico.

Inoltre, attraverso un`azione di sistema tesa a coinvolgere tutti quegli attori (dal mondo delle imprese, al sistema di trasporto fino ai servizi sociali e di assistenza) che oggi non interagiscono sufficientemente nel sistema di costruzione dei tempi sociali e nella strutturazione del territorio, il progetto mira alla presa in carico delle attività e degli impegni extra-lavorativi non solo da parte degli individui, ma anche da parte dei soggetti istituzionali.

Il valore del contributo femminile, nel lavoro e nella società.
La forza persuasiva delle politiche di pari opportunità sta nel dimostrare che lo sviluppo delle competenze femminili si trasforma in output positivi, i cui benefici vanno oltre le dirette destinatarie. La ricerca e la messa in atto di soluzioni per le donne che abbiano ricadute positive sull`intera organizzazione sociale ed economica aiuta a superare una tradizione di assistenza e tutela ormai, in buona misura, anacronistica. Una società vivibile per gli uomini non lo è sempre per le donne, mentre una società vivibile per le donne lo è certamente anche per gli uomini. Gli stereotipi sessuali agiscono negativamente anche sulla popolazione maschile, invitata a performances di successo, lavoro e produttività capaci di annientare le altre componenti della vita.
Il progetto vuole quindi porre in evidenza:
· I vantaggi per il mondo economico: nuova forza lavoro per i settori che la richiedono; apporto di competenze professionali alternative; innovazione nei metodi, nell`organizzazione e nelle relazioni sul lavoro; introduzione di nuovi servizi; migliore e più ampia applicazione della legislazione del lavoro (cfr legge 53/2000);
· I vantaggi a livello sociale: livellamento dei tassi di disoccupazione maschile e femminile; miglioramento dei redditi familiari; più equa suddivisione dei carichi tra donne e uomini; evoluzione e maggiore dinamicità dei modelli maschili e femminili.

L`introduzione della cultura di genere sul lavoro.
Attraverso uno studio sulla conciliazione dei tempi, l`intervento intende portare un contributo sull`organizzazione del lavoro e sul ruolo dei due generi al suo interno. E` indiscutibile che il modello dell`economia e della produzione industriale e di massa si sia forgiato su sistemi simbolici maschili, ed in particolare su quello militare (cfr Foucault), favorendo un`organizzazione rigida dei ruoli e delle funzioni all`interno della macchina produttiva. All`interno dell`economia industriale, le lavoratrici hanno rappresentato un fenomeno marginale, oppure eccezionale (durante le guerre, quando l`impegno al fronte richiedeva manodopera alternativa). Numerosi studi storici, relativi all`ingresso delle donne sul mercato del lavoro durante il XIX e XX secolo, dimostrano come i settori maggiormente investiti dalle donne (tessile, istruzione, sanità) non solo perdono il prestigio sociale loro attribuito finché declinati al maschile, ma non generano nessuna forma di organizzazione rispetto alle specificità della manodopera, se non il dimostrato calo degli stipendi. Modelli di organizzazione del lavoro affrancati dal sistema simbolico militare (Elton Mayo) hanno dimostrato la loro efficienza sia dal punto di vista della produzione, sia dal punto di vista della valorizzazione delle specificità della manodopera femminile. Il progetto ambisce a superare alcuni stereotipi legati a forme di organizzazione tayloristica del lavoro, particolarmente forti in una città dominata fino a pochi anni fa dal settore automobilistico, e a produrre modelli più adeguati alle donne ed alla terziarizzazione dell`economia del territorio torinese.

Il concetto di un lavoro femminile autonomo, fuori dalla sfera domestica e soggetto/oggetto di diritto, quindi, è piuttosto recente. Nelle democrazie occidentali le garanzie fondamentali sono rispettate, tuttavia le donne faticano a riconoscersi in modelli e strategie professionali modellate su un altro genere. Spesso lavorare e costruirsi percorsi professionali qualificanti comporta per le donne costi morali ed emotivi elevati, perché l`unica via sembra essere il mutuare comportamenti, linguaggi e atteggiamenti estranei. Studi sulle differenze cognitive, intellettive, organizzative tra donne e uomini, applicati a contesti lavorativi, sostengono invece che la diversità dei contributi rappresenta un valore aggiunto per le imprese. Il progetto vuole definire e applicare strategie perché le donne possano esprimere liberamente la loro appartenenza di genere (nelle sue innumerevoli varianti soggettive). La valorizzazione di alcune specificità femminili (la propensione a lavorare in network piuttosto che in strutture piramidali; la capacità di empatia e di relazione; l`intelligenza associativa; la creatività e l`inventiva; l`orientamento all`obiettivo piuttosto che alla gratificazione personale) e la loro integrazione nelle metodologie di lavoro corrente appare una scommessa interessante, che richiede l`impegno congiunto dei partner.

Il superamento del soffitto di cristallo.
Il progetto è orientato al superamento del soffitto di cristallo, ovvero dell`invisibile barriera che ostacola le donne nel raggiungimento e nella copertura di posizioni apicali. Se la presenza femminile sul mercato del lavoro - in termini numerici - si sta facendo sempre più massiccia, manca però una sua adeguata rappresentanza nelle posizioni di vertice. L`inversione di tendenza è inevitabile ed è già cominciata, ma va sostenuta perché possa avvenire in tempi rapidi e senza gravare pesantemente sulle singole donne. Si devono perciò mettere in atto strategie - a livello di organizzazione del lavoro, di avviamento di nuovi servizi e di momenti di comunicazione istituzionali - che incoraggino le donne ad assumere ruoli direttivi, che le sostengano in questa scelta e che introducano culturalmente l`idea della leadership femminile presso l`opinione pubblica. L`entrata e la permanenza delle donne nella stanza dei bottoni è, infine, un deterrente contro rischi involutivi; favorisce meccanismi di emulazione, quindi la candidatura di altre donne; impartisce cambiamenti qualitativi alle strutture dal loro interno.

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Il termine laboratorio impiegato per definire l`intervento, si fonda sulla volontà di realizzare un`esperienza realmente innovativa, il cui successo possa fare da volano ad altri progetti di promozione della risorsa femminile nel mondo dell lavoro.
Gli elementi di innovazione su cui richiamiamo l`attenzione sono:

· la messa in causa della cultura del lavoro (all`interno delle aziende, dei sindacati, nella gestione delle risorse umane) come portatrice di elementi discriminanti verso le donne. Questo approccio si richiama a componenti sociali, antropologiche e di costume che, insieme al fatto economico, condizionano i modelli di lavoro e che spesso non sono visibili. La riuscita di questa operazione e il richiamo verso il mondo economico per un`autodisciplina in chiave di genere, consente di incidere più profondamente con le azioni successive;
· la conversione da un concetto `problematico` di femminilità sul lavoro a un`accezione positiva. Sono le inadeguate condizioni del lavoro che determinano una `questione femminile`, non l`identità e la professionalità delle donne. Le lavoratrici hanno già messo in atto strategie di adattamento e ottimizzazione delle proprie risorse: ora è la volta delle organizzazioni;
· la creazione di un tavolo di lavoro realmente rappresentativo di tutte le componenti del contesto locale e la concertazione di un modello di intervento con obiettivi condivisi e strategie diversificate;
· dare centralità al soggetto femminile (le donne facenti parte del target di riferimento) nella progettazione e nell`orientamento delle azioni;
· attivare sinergie tra situazioni di svantaggio, producendo un risultato di sviluppo. Le difficoltà delle donne impegnate nella crescita professionale a gestire la vita extra-lavorativa, si combinano con la necessità di lavoro di altre donne che, attraverso cooperative, piccole imprese, iniziativa autonome, possono erogare i servizi di cura carenti sul territorio. Due categorie di donne, quindi, con diversa qualificazione, possono intrecciare le loro esigenze in un movimento da donna a donna.
· attivare una riflessione comune tra i vari attori del territorio (istituzioni, imprese, donne lavoratrici, personale politico, erogatori di servizi) sul tema della conciliazione dei tempi al fine di costruire insieme soluzioni favorevoli ad una migliore strutturazione del territorio urbano in termine di servizi, e quindi aumentarne l`attrattività e la vivibilità.

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Agreement Summary

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Le responsabilità di indirizzo e di gestione della partnership è attribuita alla Città di Torino, che assicura il perseguimento delle finalità pubbliche e sociali che sono alla base del progetto.Alla Città fanno capo le funzioni di coordinamento e di controllo sulla realizzazione delle azioni per quanto attiene gli effetti del progetto sulla realtà locale e la partnership transnazionale . La Città intende operare al fine di stabilire relazioni tra la partnership di sviluppo e altre strutture impegnate in analoghe attività nell`ambito dell`Iniziativa Comunitaria Equal. Le funzioni di indirizzo, di coordinamento e di controllo della Città di Torino si esplicano anche attraverso il Project manager individuato dalla Città. Il Project-manager assume per conto della Città, il coordinamento e la direzione generale del progetto, ponendo in atto le indicazioni definite con la PS durante l`attività 1. Utilizza strumenti e meccanismi idonei ad assicurare una condivisione dei vari stati avanzamento lavoro con i membri della P.S e a garantire a ciascuno la possibilità di partecipare a pieno titolo alla realizzazione del progetto. Il Project manager garantisce une circolazione dell`informazione all`interno della P.S sia attraverso riunioni di lavoro formali previste all`interno di ogni fase, focus-group e seminari sia attraverso momenti di incontro informale. Durante l`attività 1, la PS ha deciso di adottare un`organizzazione del lavoro che, pur prevedendo la distribuzione dei compiti tra i vari partner in ragione delle specifiche competenze di ognuno, si fonda sul modello della task force. Tale scelta consente: il coinvolgimento di coloro che svolgono un`attività, o parte di attività, all`interno della fase; di apportare un notevole valore aggiunto al progetto in quanto favorisce sinergie effettive tra i vari componenti della PS e privilegia la costruzione di soluzioni comuni ai vari attori ed operatori;di assicurare a tutti una visione d`insieme dello stato avanzamento lavoro;
Richiede alcuni strumenti di gestione per assicurare un sereno lavoro di gruppo quali: suddivisione delle responsabilità per l`esecuzione materiale del programma di lavoro approvato: Tutti i soggetti che svolgono un`attività, all`interno di una fase sono considerati responsabili di quanto a loro attribuito sulla base di quanto previsto nel progetto esecutivo. Momenti di comunicazione formale ed informale: Riunione di lavoro all`interno di ogni fase; Coordinamento all`interno di ogni singola fase: la scelta di operare sul modello della task-force ha richiesto di prevedere la figura di un coordinatore di fase , ruolo assicurato dalla città di Torino, a garanzia del conseguimento dei risultati della fase;Monitoraggio sui risultati conseguiti rispetto agli obiettivi mirati
Alla fine di ogni fase sono previsti seminari informativi ai quali parteciperanno tutti i partner della rete. Essi sono svolti sotto la supervisione del Comitato Tecnico scientifico, e consentono al Comitato operativo di controllare quanto realizzato e di formulare suggerimenti ai responsabili di quelle attività e al Project manager. Nell`ambito di tali seminari è illustrato lo stato di avanzamento del progetto.
La P.S si è dotato di due organi: il Comitato operativo e il Comitato scientifico. Il Comitato Operativo, costituito dai rappresentanti nominati da tutti i partner che svolgono un`attività nel progetto esecutivo, collabora all`attuazione del progetto e all`implementazione delle attività previste, e sostiene l`attività di ciascuno . Il Comitato Operativo svolge altresì funzioni di controllo nei confronti del mandatario ed è presieduto dal Project Manager. I membri del Comitato Operativo partecipano alle riunioni di validazione dei risultati conseguenti allo svolgimento di attività, in modo da assicurare a tutti una visione d`insieme sul complesso delle attività del progetto, e garantire una realizzazione più consapevole e compiuta di quanto di competenza di ognuno. Il Comitato Operativo diviene, dunque, luogo di confronto e di discussione sulle criticità che sorgono nella realizzazione del progetto e rappresenta uno strumento per la risoluzione dei problemi e per lo scambio di idee. Il Comitato tecnico scientifico, costituito da tutti partner della P.S che non hanno un ruolo operativo nelle vari fasi, da soggetti rappresentativi del tessuto socio-economico e culturale torinese, è presieduto dalla Città di Torino.Il Comitato tecnico scientifico effettua la supervisione dei seminari conclusivi di ogni fase ai quali parteciperanno tutti i partner della rete. Durante questi momenti di incontro é illustrato lo stato di avanzamento del progetto e sono presentati i risultati della fase conclusasi. Il Comitato Tecnico scientifico conferisce il suo apporto in termini di contenuti e metodologie di lavoro, e consente al Comitato operativo di controllare quanto realizzato e di formulare suggerimenti e/o osservazioni ai responsabili di quelle attività e al Project manager. Il coordinamento transnazionale è assunto dalla Città di Torino, in qualità di soggetto promotore del progetto; Essa coinvolge i partner nelle attività transnazionali che possono rappresentare momenti di arricchimento del progetto nazionale.
La gestione dei rapporti con le Amministrazioni referenti è svolta da C.S.E.A. SCPA, capofila della A.T.I. delle Agenzie Formative Torinesi aderenti ad AFPA, in qualità di mandataria dell`ATS formata dalla partnership di sviluppo del progetto. L`organizzazione delle modalità di gestione dei rapporti con le Amministrazioni referenti è improntata al principio della trasparenza, e verrà effettuata secondo le disposizioni che sono impartite dalle amministrazioni stesse. E` assicurato un flusso di informazioni costante tra la rete e le Amministrazioni referenti e all`interno della rete stessa sulle questioni relative alla gestione amministrativa e finanziaria.
La gestione e controllo delle risorse finanziarie fanno capo alla Società C.S.E.A. SCPA, essendo essa dotata di un`organizzazione in grado di gestire fondi pubblici, con un`adeguata esperienza nell`ambito della gestione e rendicontazione dei programmi comunitari, con la necessaria capacità in termini di strutture, risorse umane e strumentali. La gestione amministrativa e finanziaria riguarda sia la partnership nazionale che transnazionale.
Tutti i partner assicurano di adottare un sistema contabile distinto o una codificazione contabile appropriata per un controllo delle spese e delle attività inerente al progetto che consenta di definire in ogni momento le disponibilità relative ad ogni singola voce di costo (Regolamento (CE) N. 1260/99, art. 34, punto 1, lettera e). Tale sistema consente, altresì, di poter dimostrare la congrua ripartizione dei costi indiretti di progetto e di funzionamento tra le diverse attività svolte.
La Società C.S.E.A. SCPA, è altresì incaricata di svolgere le attività di rendicontazione. Per quanto riguarda le modalità di gestione dei contributi finanziari, soprattutto con riferimento alla contabilizzazione e certificazione delle spese la Società C.S.E.A. SCPA, provvede prima di tutto ad impostare gli strumenti necessari ai partner della rete per la rilevazione dei costi dal punto di vista amministrativo-finanziario e per la registrazione delle attività svolte a dimostrazione delle ore effettivamente utilizzate (giornali di bordo per tutte le persone che svolgono attività, fogli firme, registri riunioni, verbali, ecc a). Tali strumenti sono discussi con la rete al fine di trovare soluzioni di facile uso. C.S.E.A. si occupa altresì della redazione di una guida relativa ai costi ammissibili e rendicontabili e alle modalità e tempi di rilevazione dei costi e dati amministrativi, che aiuti i partner ad assolvere i compiti loro attribuiti di compilazione e consegna della documentazione necessaria per la rendicontazione. Tale raccolta è effettuata da C.S.E.A., che si occupa di sollecitare i partner in caso di mancata consegna nei tempi prestabiliti, della verifica dei dati e del loro inoltro all`ente finanziatore mediante la modulistica predisposta. La verifica dei dati riguarda l`ammissibilità dei costi, l`idoneità della documentazione prodotta, la coerenza dei dati di rendicontazione con le attività effettivamente svolte. Tale ultima verifica mira all`individuazione di eventuali criticità o incoerenze tra il dichiarato e quanto effettivamente realizzato, e fornisce ulteriori dati all`attività di monitoraggio interno.C.S.E.A si occupa altresì della redazione dei report finanziari di stato avanzamento lavoro richiesti secondo le tempistiche previste dalle amministrazioni concedenti il finanziamento. C.S.E.A. mette a disposizione il personale e le strutture necessarie all`assolvimento dei compiti e delle funzioni della segreteria operativa, che supporta il funzionamento del Comitato operativo e del Comitato Tecnico scientifico e le svolgimento delle funzioni del Project Manager.
L`attività di monitoraggio e di autovalutazione fa capo alla Città di Torino che assicura un compiuto svolgimento di esse attraverso il supporto di esperti esterni. Il monitoraggio interno consente di tenere sotto controllo lo svolgimento del progetto e di valutare il grado di raggiungimento degli obiettivi intermedi, in rapporto alle previsioni iniziali e in relazione agli obiettivo prefissati. Il monitoraggio permette di far emergere criticità e problematiche legate a fattori esterni alla rete (rapporto con gli utenti potenziali, donne e imprese, con istituzioni esterne alla rete, e, in generale con la collettività) e/o ad elementi interni alla rete (l`organizzazione del lavoro, le metodologie, gli strumenti adottati ecc.), al fine di apportare le opportune modifiche che assicurino efficacia ed efficienza al progetto.
La piena realizzazione al principio di mainstreaming è assicurato dal Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, che sovrintende l`attuazione del progetto, apportando un contributo in termini di contenuti.

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 With beneficiaries

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Le prime beneficiarie del progetto sono le donne impegnate in percorsi di professionali che si trovano a mediare tra carichi lavorativi e di cura, e le donne in cerca di un`occupazione. Questo target è fonte insostituibile di indirizzi e valutazioni per lo svolgimento delle azioni, il laboratorio che si propone, infatti,vuole avviare un processo concertato con tutte le forze e i soggetti interessati. Il coinvolgimento attivo del donne, è assicurato come segue:
· attività generale di promozione e sensibilizzazione rispetto alle tematiche promosse da Equal e al centro del progetto ;
· attività dei partner per il coinvolgimento del target di riferimento all`interno di realtà specifiche (aziende per settore, cooperative, rappresentanze datoriali, sindacali e femminili, comparti delle istituzioni partner, ecc.). Il contatto è volto a individuare le donne e/o i gruppi di donne oggetto della ricerca-azione sulle tematiche della segregazione verticale e della domanda di servizi;
· sensibilizzazione dei centri per l`impiego e di tutti i servizi rivolti al pubblico in cerca di occupazione eriqualificazione;
· coinvolgimento dei target di riferimento in attività propedeutiche alla sperimentazione (fase 1 di identificazione e fase 2 di ideazione) mediante
- questionari distribuiti presso l`utenza dei servizi esistenti; interviste qualitative di approfondimento rivolte a un campione selezionato che consenta di ricoprire tutte le tipologie di donne occupate e disoccupate; partecipazione a focus group di discussione sulle proposte di sperimentazione
· Coinvolgimento nelle attività di sperimentazione di percorsi formativi innovativi, dei modelli di servizi e di organizzazione aziendale individuati.
Beneficiari del progetto sono, anche le aziende. Queste sono coinvolte attraverso le loro associazioni di categoria, i servizi pubblici di Città e Provincia ai quali si rivolgono abitualmente. Il coinvolgimento di questo target avviene principalmente attraverso:
· raccolta di informazioni presso il mondo economico per capire quale cultura del lavoro segna il rapporto tra i generi e le opportunità delle donne in particolare;
· raccolta di in-put per la costruzione di modelli alternativi di organizzazione del lavoro e di servizi;
· sperimentazione guidata di alcune iniziative pilota di organizzazione del lavoro (orari flessibili; diverse forme di reclutamento e di avanzamento professionale; accompagnamento per il rientro dalla maternità e dai congedi; centri interaziendali per l`offerta dei servizi di cura).
· coinvolgimento delle imprese in attività propedeutiche alla sperimentazione (fase 1 di identificazione e fase 2 di ideazione) mediante: indagini sul campo; interviste;partecipazione a focus group di discussione sulle proposte di sperimentazione.
· Coinvolgimento nelle attività di sperimentazione dei modelli di servizi e di organizzazione aziendale individuati.
Mediante le attività previste si intende coinvolgere direttamente1 00 imprese e 500 donne.

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Il coinvolgimento di tutti i partner nell`ambito dei processi decisionali è garantito mediante la previsione di attività di focus group di validazione dei risultati conseguiti in seguito allo svolgimento di una o più attività. Ciò consente ai partner di intervenire nel merito dell`esecuzione di tutte le attività, anche di quelle di non diretta competenza, apportando un notevole valore aggiunto, e di acquisire una visione di insieme. Il focus group rappresenta un importante momento decisionale nell`ambito dell`esecuzione del progetto.
E` inoltre prevista la costituzione di un Comitato Operativo formato da tutti i partner che svolgono un`attività nell`ambito del progetto, che rappresenta un supporto costante all`esecuzione, un luogo di confronto e di discussione, di scambio di idee e di arricchimento.
I membri della PS che non partecipano alle attività di focus group o del Comitato Operativo fanno parte del Comitato Tecnico scientifico. Tale partecipazione consente un loro coinvolgimento in rapporto ai contenuti del progetto, alle metodologie e agli strumenti di lavoro. Attraverso il Comitato Tecnico scientifico essi svolgono un`attività di supervisione generale del progetto, formulano osservazioni e suggerimenti ai soggetti attuatori e al Project manager, contribuiscono alla rilevazione delle criticità e dei nodi problematici e all`individuazione delle relative soluzioni.
Il coinvolgimento di tutti i partner è inoltre garantito dal Project manager che mette in atto strumenti e meccanismi idonei ad assicurare la collaborazione di tutti i partner e a garantire a ciascuno la possibilità di partecipare a pieno titolo alla realizzazione del progetto e al raggiungimento degli obiettivi fissati.

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