PROGETTO ACROBATE ascii version


Other national partners : CENTRO DI INIZIATIVA EUROPEA
EQUAL theme :Equal opportunities - Reducing gender gaps and desegregation 
Type of DP :Geographical - Urban area - VARESE, MILANO 
DP Legal status :Association without legal form 
DP identification :IT-IT-G-LOM-005 
Application phase :Project ended 
Selection date :13-05-2002 
Last update :06-05-2002 
Monitoring: 2003  2004   


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The greater participation rate and the reduction of female unemployed documented by the Istat (Central Statistics Office) Report of 2000 show an overall recovery of the Italian labour market over the last few years. The results of this trend are presented also in the territorial area considered in the project. However, the improved employment situation cannot be considered separately from certain factors that still imply at least a part of the role of women on the labour market:
In particular, the phenomenon of `employment segregation` remains, that is the concentration of women in some sectors or in some roles of the employment structure and, on the other hand, their exclusion from those positions which are predominantly male oriented. Vertical segregation involves the position of men and women at various hierarchical levels, while horizontal segregation concerns the female concentration in different professions and sectors.
Although the participation of women in the labour market in recent years has increased (+4,35% from 1997 to 1999), there is still a strong gender inequality. In 2000, in Lombardy, there was a female employment rate of less than 40% compared to 62/62% among males; female unemployment in its turn has decreased compared to the national average, although remaining higher than male unemployment. In line with the regional trends are also the figures relating to the local territory. More specifically, they show that the improved economic situation has positively affected employment demand, in which the female component has also benefited. In fact, a reduction in the number of unemployed can be observed (from 12.964 in 1998 to 9.288 in 2000) and an increase in new job entries (from 7.422 in 1998 to 12.040 in 2000), while unemployed women have moved from 7.172 in 1998 to 6.233 in 2000 and the number of women who have entered the labour market for the first time has increased from 3.117 in 1998 to 3.722 in 2000. Despite this positive trend, some signs of weakness relating to the female component can be inferred from the unemployment trend and the new entries, where the trend seems to be due to a hierarchical relation compared to men.
In fact, if the last three years are considered, against an overall decrease in the number of unemployed across the entire territory under consideration, we see a systematic delay of the positive spin-off on the female rate, for which remarkable results are observed only starting from the 1999-2000 period, which can be quantified as a reduction of 867 unemployed women (-12,2%). Even the trend recorded in new entries into the labour market shows a slower increase in terms of both percentage rate (the variation from 1998 to 2000 is 19,4% for women, against 93,2% for men) and in absolute terms (in the same period there was an increase of 605 new entries into the labour market for women and 4.013 for men). From these trends it can be inferred that the growth in employment demand was stronger in the second part of 2000 and is therefore addressed progressively also towards the less central segments of manpower, which are frequently used with contracts that are not very stable. However, these employees risk being inserted in weak jobs within the manufacturing organisation. As regards the first aspect, first of all the contribution provided by the increase in aggregate demand should be pointed out and, in particular, in services, a sector where women are largely employed. In the province of Milan about 76,1% of employed women work in the services sector, against 23,7% in industries and only 0,2% in agriculture.
A further point to notice is the widespread dissemination of atypical contracts which have led to more flexible work relations (especially as regards working hours) thanks to which women are able to better reconcile their family and working lives. However, the Istat survey shows that these forms of work are used mainly to fill posts for less qualified professions often moving the risk of the employer onto the worker, who therefore has a more unstable and uncertain work relation due to the possible interruption of income and lack of accumulation of employment rights and social security protection. Furthermore, other factors should not be ignored in the female participation in the labour market. Firstly, there is a positive correlation between the increase of single-component households and, although to a lesser extent, of those with two components, with an increase in female employment especially for unmarried women. It should also be observed that the propensity for work is in some way restrained by the number of children. If one observes the rate of female employment per age group in the province of Milan, it is interesting to note that the highest potential is in the 25 to 29 age bracket (72,5%), dropping considerably in the next age group (30-64 years) to 50,8%. Therefore, women have difficulty in finding a job and, what`s more, in keeping it, because the child-bearing period and that in which women are involved in raising children coincides with their exit from the labour market and many of them are unable to re-enter the market due to the new family responsibilities and the need to take care of their home. A further consideration on this is linked to the role of women that could explain certain aspects of vertical integration.
In fact, careers continue to require considerable investments both in terms of time (limitless working hours, commitments without forewarning, etc.) and availability, especially in transfers which can hardly be reconciled with family commitments.
These figures indicate that the weakness in the female component is not due so much to the lack of jobs, rather than to structural problems on which it is necessary to intervene through precise interventions, equal opportunity policies and employment. In fact, only in this way is it possible to increase the participation of women in the labour market, to reduce female unemployment, to improve the quality of work, especially in terms of non segregation, and to implement actions aimed at reconciling professional and family lives.

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The development partnership, coherently with the aims pursued by Equal project-axis four, has intended to elaborate a strategy directed to guarantee the assertion, inside the area, of a favourable environment for equal-opportunity, for the development of female employment and for a better settlement of the services placed in the area. Through the adoption of an integrated approach, the Acrobate project wants to fight and reduce all those factors that determine the permanence of forms of employment segregation among and inside the sectors of activity, developing, at the same time, a difficult action of sensitisation towards the theme able to create positive repercussions in the long period. The big difficulty of women entering and remaining in the labour market, the concentration of them in some sectors or in some employment roles, their exclusion from sectors in which there is a prevalence of men, are the result of various complicated mechanisms. First the project foresees a preliminary phase of study and research, aimed at the acquisition of information and data, not only provincial, that allow the real local dimension of the phenomenon to be seen, learning the characteristics that will enable the problem to be examined with better efficacy and strength. The data normally available with regards to female participation in the labour market shows a series of elements of difficulty. First women are more frequently than men employed with few stable contracts and in feeble positions of the organisation framework of production. This requires an intervention capable of exploiting the women characteristics and competences, through the accomplishment of development plans of female resources, other than the application of measures of support, motivation and orientation aimed at the self-valuation and personal empowerment. It is noted that there are more obstacles for women than men to have high profile careers because of the heavy investments in time and availability, factors of supply and other reasons, like territorial mobility. The project has as its priority:
1) the development and the strengthening of relation and contractual clauses more suited to female jobs, encouraging the experiment and the diffusion of regulated working flexibility models;
2) the implementation in the territory of all those services of assistance to people in order to facilitate the reconcilement between domestic and business engagements.
The territorial basin considered, for what concerns this specific aspect of services to people, suffers of a general lack; the third sector and in particular the one that is more developed, is in fact much under represented in the area. This is an evident handicap for the opportunities of local insertion of female jobs, if it is considered that, at the provincial level, the percentage of employed women in the third sector is equal to 76,1% of women who work. Then the partnership, using the specific internal competences available, will operate also for female entrepreneurs, paying particular attention to all innovative initiatives regarding the ambit of services. These actions pursue the aim of ensuring to the users and their families a better quality of life, offering them an easy access to a bigger range of services (baby sitter, cleaner, kindergartens). The aim of this project is to create a stable partnership in the territory, made by different kinds of subjects, capable of weighing positively on female conditions in the labour world, maturing at local level concepts and methodologies aimed at fight forms of horizontal and vertical segregations. Then, also using alternative informative channels to the traditional ones, it will be able to guarantee a more branching spread of realised experiences and treated themes.

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Nature of the experimental activities to be implemented Rating
Guidance, counselling ****
Training **
Work placement ****
Job rotation and job sharing **
Employment aids (+ for self-employment) ***
Integrated measures (pathway to integration) ***
Employment creation and support ****
Improvement of employment services, Recruitment structures ****
Anticipation of technical changes *
Work organisation, improvement of access to work places ****
Awareness raising, information, publicity ****
Studies and analysis of discrimination features ****

Type of innovation Rating
Process-oriented ***
Goal-oriented **
Context oriented ****

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The Acrobate project highlighted various innovative aspects in terms of processes, objectives and context. Firstly, it should be said that during the research phase those territory players who for different reasons possess information on the issues under examination will be involved in order to enhance as much as possible the existing data and to promote the various channels to favour the development of a local information system within a gender context, even for those aspects which until now have been considered `neutral`.
In fact, the experimentation intervention is innovative for the Italian market and is in line with the guidelines of the European Commission on the need to ensure integration of gender equality in all strategies, policies and organisation practices.
The experimentation will modify the conditions of the system, both in the field of human resources management and in the specific field of flexibility/reconciling work and personal lives.
The creation of a network of companies in the chosen area with the aim of creating both the appropriate organisational and cultural conditions for starting experimentation actions will be very important.
The objective of improving career paths and professional development of female employees will be addressed through actions able to permanently influence human resource management and organisational culture.
The actions will be planned and developed via a process that on the one hand will allow partners to `learn` from success stories and on the other they will be able to consider the system of constraints and opportunities present in the single organisational context.
The project also foresees specific actions for the ongoing involvement of key players in the area of change, both at local level and in the single enterprises in which the experiments will be carried out in order to create the appropriate conditions for building a cultural context in line with the equal opportunities principle. Finally, an examination and a systemisation of the entire experimentation path will provide precious material to promote the transferability of experiences to other organisational contexts.

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Budget Action 2

1 500 000 – 2 000 000 €

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Assistance to persons 
Unemployed  0.0%  30.0% 
Employed  10.0%  60.0% 
Others (without status, social beneficiaries...)  0.0%  0.0% 
Migrants, ethnic minorities, …  0.0%  5.0% 
Asylum seekers  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not migrant and not asylum seeker  10.0%  85.0% 
Physical Impairment  0.0%  3.0% 
Mental Impairment  0.0%  0.0% 
Mental Illness  0.0%  0.0% 
Population not suffering from a disability  10.0%  87.0% 
Substance abusers 0.0%  0.0% 
Homeless  0.0%  0.0% 
(Ex-)prisoners  0.0%  0.0% 
Other discriminated (religion, sexual orientation)  0.0%  0.0% 
Without such specific discriminations  10.0%  90.0% 
< 25 year  0.0%  0.0% 
25 - 50 year  9.0%  85.0% 
> 50 year  1.0%  5.0% 

Assistance to structures and systems and accompanying measures Rating
Gender discrimination ****
Support to entrepreneurship **
Discrimination and inequality in employment ***
Disabilities *
Low qualification **
Racial discrimination *
Unemployment *

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 With beneficiaries

Developing collective responsibility and capacity for action
Participation in the project design
Participation in running and evaluating activities
Changing attitudes and behavior of key actors

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The intervention strategy aimed at contrasting a dual dimension - both vertical and horizontal segregation - will use several kinds of instruments to favour the participation of a wide range of beneficiaries (employed women, employed men, women re-entering the labour market) which will be involved in the initiative. In the research phase the modalities of gathering the data and information will be refined (grilles, questionnaires, interviews) involving both the local players and the end beneficiaries of the project.
During the course of the experiment we will focus on establishing agreements with trade associations and trade unions in the area of co-operation aimed at facilitating contacts and dialogue with enterprises operating on the territory.
The involvement of the users will also be favoured by the portal devoted to the initiative through which it will be possible to disseminate information of various kinds relating to the project, providing visibility to the actions under way, to the results achieved, to the package of services for people present in the area, to training, guidance and professional retraining opportunities provided by the project. With the intention of reaching also women who are far from the traditional information circuits, it is intended to experiment placing information totems on the territory, connected via internet to the portal, to be placed in high female traffic places which will allow an easy and immediate access to news relating to the project.
Another way of involving the users will be by organising special meetings and seminars aimed at presenting to possible beneficiaries the contents of the initiative and to carry out an awareness building action on the issue of equal opportunities. To this end, local bodies, trade associations, entrepreneurs as well as their families will be invited to attend the meetings in order to stimulate, also within this framework, taking responsibility for sharing and being aware of the problem of reconciling work and family life.


 Between national partners

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The Acrobate project foresees a series of ways of involving partners, aimed at ensuring a constant, long-term commitment of individuals who participate and will participate in the initiative, guaranteeing possible contacts, updates and the exchange of material during the course of the project.
- Participation and widespread responsibility. Each partner has actively collaborated in the first draft and elaboration of the project, aimed at filling in the candidate form, giving their positive contribution according to their experiences and specific skills. This has led to attributing specific responsibilities, roles and duties to each partner.
- Pilot Committee. The project will avail itself of a pilot committee, composed of all the partners, which, through meetings will have a liaison role to verify and guide the initiatives to be carried out. The Committee will take decisions and compare the various partners, also ensuring a constant updating of the same as regards activities carried out by each one. Thanks to this instrument it will be possible to define on a continuous basis the medium-term objectives to be achieved.
- Technical Scientific Committee. A Technical Scientific Committee is foreseen - to be chaired by Mr. Giovanni Geroldi, an expert at European level on welfare policies - which is composed of experts present within the development partnership. The Committee, which meet at regular intervals, will carry out the function of methodological guidance within the project, using the data that have emerged from the monitoring activity by elaborating and evaluating the appropriate performance indicators.
- Management Committee. Composed by Work Package Leaders, it acts as the unit more operative for the management of the project
- An ad hoc communication system. Among the instruments of technological communication that will be used to facilitate dialogue among the partners, the realisation of an ad hoc portal is foreseen, inside which each party forming part of the partnership will have its own space, that can be accessed via a password. This will ensure that the partners will update the site with information on the initiatives they have carried out, allowing the sharing of ideas, best practices and the exchange of documents.

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 Linguistic skills

  • English
  • español (castellano)
  • français
  • italiano

 Percentage of the budget for transnational activities

  • 11.1%

 Transnational Co-operation Partnerships

Transnational Co-operation Agreement DPs involved
FR NAT-2001-10433

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 Involvment in previous EU programmes

  • Two and more partners involved in A&E

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National Partners

Partner To be contacted for
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership

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Agreement Summary

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a), b), iii) The following bodies have been built:
- Steering committee: composed by a represent and a subsidiary for each subject participants to the development partnership, for the address and direction of the project.
- Management committee: composed by the operators mentioned by the participants as responsible for each macro phase, participants that manage the project.
- Scientific and Technical Committee: composed by six experts identified in the Steering committee, for the `scientific` valuation of the project coherences.
- Secretariat: divided into technical, administrative, transnational and computer components

b) The participants engage themselves to agree on the ways, the time plan and what related to the management and realization of the Acrobate project, also in relation with the rules of each partner, engaging themselves to sign a copy of the Formulary concerning Action 2 and a copy of the TCA, which will be sent by the referent to the concerned authorities.
As explained in the Annex 1 of the cooperation agreement, the responsibilities are divided as follows:

- Euroimpresa Legnano: the referent; Leader of the Work Packages `Self entrepreneurship and Project Management`; Technical and Administrative Secretariat (Euroimpresa manage the relationship with referent Administrations, and manage and control the financial sources)
- Euroimpresa engage itself to ensure an efficient management of public funds. Euroimpresa preside the Scientific and Technical Committee, the management of the travel agency, and is member of the Management Committee
- Provincia di Milano: Leader of WP `Services`, member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, member of the Management Committee
- Provincia di Varese: Leader of WP `Occupation`, member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, member of the Management Committee
- CdIE: Leader of WPs `Dissemination and mainstreaming` and `Transnational activities`, CdIE manage the Transnational Secretariat, and is member of the Management Committee;
- Consiel: Leader of Work Package `Results`, computer secretariat, member of Management Committee
- Fondazione Seveso: Leader of WP Enterprises culture innovation`, member of Management Committee and member of the Scientific and Technical Committee
- Gender: Leader of WP `Research`, member of Management Commitee; member the Scientific and Technical Committee
- SDA Bocconi: member of the Scientific and Technical Committee

a); c) The Referent (Euroimpresa Legnano) is the only interlocutor of the contracting authorities, who receives the fund and co-ordinates the address activities and manages the development partnership. Engages itself to develop, in favor of the partnership, every kind of activity useful to the best writing of all the acts necessary to the complete financing and to co-ordinate also the current administrative ad legal aspects.
The referent co-ordinate the relationship with Regione Lombardia and the other subjects will have a rule in the management, monitoring and evaluation activities of the Equal projects.

d) The participants who manage share of the fund must use these share as established in enclosure B of the cooperation agreement and within the regulation of FSE, Structural Fund and other disposition specifically drawn from the body concerned.
The participants who manage share of the grant must moreover book and certify all the expenses and elaborate the reports concerning their activities, according to the actual regulation and following the time plan and the ways which will be supplied by the Referent.

d); i) The Referent is a subject with skills in public funds management.
The Referent manage the relationship with Regione Lombardia, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Community Institutions and the other subjects will have a rule in the monitoring and evaluation activities of the Equal projects.
The management of administrative performance, during the project realization, is committed to the Referent, who will settle suitable procedures to guarantee, to the participants, the administrative exploitation (report, financial statement).

ii) iv) The Participants agree that the results of the Acrobate Project activities (products, instruments, methodologies …) will be diffused and published. The organizative agreement will establish, with specific clauses, the form of diffusion and visibility of middle and final products.

iii) The present act will enter in force at the date of its signature and will stop every effect at the extinction of all the obligation shouldered for the realization of the Acrobate project, included those related Action 3, in the case of the Labour and Social Policy Ministry will require them, establishing that the above mentioned obligation will be financially covered by additional resources.

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(Euroimpresa Legnano)


Responsibility in the DP: Co-ordination of experimental activities
Design of the project
DP managing organisation
Monitoring, data collection
Transnational partnership
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Euroimpresa Legnano, a limited liability consortium company founded on 26 July 1996, is a no-profit company with a public-held majority shareholding (70%) whose shareholders are: the province of Milan, the municipality of Legnano, the Milan Chamber of Commerce, entrepreneurial and trade union associations, 19 municipalities of the Upper Milanese area and other private shareholders among which are the Banca di Legnano and three certification bodies. In April 1997 Europimpresa was recognised by the European Union as being a European Business Innovation Centre (EC BIC).
Euroimpresa Legnano`s role is that of an agency for the development of an area as well as a business incubator, offering working space and support to potential entrepreneurs as well as innovation-related services to SMEs on the territory. The consortium company, thanks to the professional resources it uses is able to guarantee assistance, consultancy services to the local communities and SMEs of the area, while at the same time carrying out an important function i.e. that of stimulating the local manufacturing fabric by promoting the innovative potential (electromechanical) which the area possesses, as well as its manufacturing diversification and requalification (information technology).
Euroimpresa`s mission is to activate and combine endogenous resources, promoting the elaboration and concrete realisation of development projects that can be supported by using resources from various expense centres (EU, national, regional, provincial). In five years the company has conducted and completed a wide range of interventions, including the professional improvement and certification of SMEs, training of employees, involving companies in innovation and research programmes for internationalising SMEs in the area.
In the Upper Milanese Tecnocity, a hi-tech citadel, there are certification bodies, laboratories and other institutions supporting entrepreneurship, and there are also nine start-up companies as well as approximately twenty firms which are being extended and developed. The company has progressively consolidated its presence and role versus the twenty-three municipalities in the Upper Milanese area and other territorial bodies (province, region and other municipalities), carrying out the role of technical secretariat of the territorial pact of the Upper Milanese area, the main instrument of negotiated programming operating in the area. Euroimpresa is the implementer of a three-year development programme, subsidised with a sum of 8.241 million lire, according to law no. 236/93, article 1, third paragraph, in agreement with the Ministry of Labour. On the Equal opportunities issue, Euroimpresa operates as a monitor on women`s issues, and since 1999 it has been formally recognised by the Ministry for equal opportunities.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
CECCARELLI FERRUCCIO 0331/487210 Responsible of the coordination activity of the project

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


20129 MILANO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Other
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Centro di Iniziativa Europea (CdIE) is a no-profit association founded in Milan in 1990. In order to carry out its activities CdIE uses about ten collaborators, distributed between the Milan headquarters and the Brussels office which has been operating since 1997. The main areas of intervention, within which the centre carries out its functions are: assistance to local bodies, social enterprises, associations and other bodies within the framework of European projects and the use of structural funds; the promotion of local development initiatives; enhancing human resources; mainstreaming and equal opportunities; citizen rights; the integration of immigrant citizens; information for young people. Within the CdIE strategies, which include supporting local development initiatives and enhancing human resources, the association also participates in realising resource centres on the territory, aimed, in particular, at favouring the growth of employment (with particular focus on creating enterprises) and the fine tuning of the local 2000 agenda. An example is the resource centre for social enterprise, founded in 1988 in Cinisello Balsamo, upon the initiative of the Agenzia Sviluppo Nord Milano (Development Agency for Northern Milan), Centro di Iniziativa Europea and Lavorint - a consortium of social enterprises in Milan and the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo. Also within the framework of mainstreaming actions and the promotion of equal opportunities, CdIE besides offering a package of services including planning, training, information and accompaniment into the labour market, has been involved in planning resource centres for the development of equal opportunities at local and regional level, with particular emphasis on the creation of a territorial network of centres and desks. In 1998/99, in Milan, the regional resource centre addressed to women was founded thanks to the EU programme RECITE, in which the Lombardy Region is one of the body members and CdIE is the managing body and associated partner. The centre offers consultancy and promotion services thanks to which an active network was established on the territory of local centres of equal opportunities with the objective of promoting local development projects that favour the entry of women into economic and social life. The centre has also promoted the establishment of the European Association of Resource Centres addressed to women Win (Women in Net) and it has promoted and realised several EU projects (NOW, L.I.S.A. and E.R.E.DA. projects). Finally, CdIE has managed other projects - always part of EU initiatives - and a Leonardo project.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
CATASTA ANNA 02/ Responsible for co-ordinating transnational and Mainstreaming activities

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top




Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employment services
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese (Upper Milanese Employment Centre) offers its services in order to help match the requirements of employers and employees in the field of job search. To this end the Upper Milanese Employment Centre gathers, analyses, elaborates and disseminates, on a provincial network, all the information available on employees and work opportunities proposed by companies, using technologies that favour the cross-examination of data and the reduction of lead times that until now have affected both parties. For people seeking employment the Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese also offers personalised information and consultancy in order to carry out an accurate analysis of the real needs of the person looking for a job and to guarantee an awareness of the training/employment opportunities available on the territory and of the labour market legislation. Moreover, based on the knowledge of the local labour market, of specific needs in population areas and by collaborating with public bodies and local entrepreneurs, the Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese proposes itself as a point of reference for planning and realising active employment policies aimed at identifying employment opportunities, primarily for those who face greater difficulties in entering or re-entering the employment market and aimed at putting in place support and accompaniment measures for people looking for a job. In particular, in the past the Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese has planned and managed group paths addressed to women who were interested in entering/re-entering the labour market and which aimed to favour their personal assessment, to measure their level of empowerment, providing information on the employment market and favouring the task of searching for a job after having elaborated a professional project.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
FERRARESE ROLANDO 0331/455347 Collaborates in Work Package Occupation (WP 2)

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via Meravigli 12/14
20123 Milano


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Consiel, part of the Telecom Italia-Finsiel group, is the biggest Italian-owned management consultancy and training company. Operating since 1993 in the management consultancy, training and management fields, Consiel works with companies as well as public and private institutions, planning and realising interventions in strategic, organisational, management and technical-manufacturing fields. As it belongs to the Telecom Italia/Finsiel group it characterises its interventions by relying heavily on technology. Consiel is in fact able to work together with its customers, both public and private ones, in taking decisions relating to a fast changing market and, in particular, in promoting a better use of the goals of information and communication technology. Consiel has gained significant experience in human resources development and in fact it is involved in identifying the most appropriate solutions, tools and methodologies for enhancing the patrimony of skills and abilities present in an organisation or in a territorial context. Along these lines, Consiel, also thanks to the integration of the company Main Management e Innovazione, which boasts a consolidated experience on the subject of equal opportunities, has developed an intervention sector focused specifically on enhancing female resources in single organisational contexts, planning and realising appropriate positive actions. On these issues Main and Consiel have collaborated with the Chamber of Commerce of Varese to reorganise the Chamber`s working hours (1995/1996). Moreover the project Armonia, addressed to defining a company protocol for experimenting teleworking as a tool for reconciling caretaking work and professional work, was also realised. As regards the competencies within the ITC area, the following experiences should be highlighted, due to the interrelation of the issues covered in the project: study of organisational and managerial impacts of integrated information systems, platforms and telematic networks, managing e-learning interventions; realising and managing portals for the development and promotion of professional communities; developing FAD methodologies and online courses on issues regarding local development; building of thematic, georeferenced monitors (for instance, monitoring services for children and teenagers in the municipality of Rome).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ravaioli Patrizia 055/42887433 Responsible for the Work Package Results

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via XX Settembre 30
20025 Legnano


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Employment services
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Eurolavoro was founded in November 2001 by local actors (the Province of Milan, Euroimpresa Legnano, Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese and Centro Lavoro Magentino - Abbiatense) interested in the development and in the growth of the territory. Eurolavoro is a partner of Centro Lavoro Altomilanese - founded on 1998 - and is progressively taking up all its activities and human resources employed. Thanks to the knowledge and the experience of Centro Lavoro Alto Milanese and of Centro Lavoro Magentino - Abbiatense, Eurolavoro can effectually operate in the field of labour active policies, contributing to favour the matching between labour demand and supply in a geographical context which comprehends the Province of Milan and, more precisely, inside it, the areas of Alto Milanese and Magentino - Abbiatense. First of all, Eurolavoro provides services, such as welcome and orienting activities, in addition to other employment services, turned to unemployed people. Then, from companies` point of view, this organisation analyses their needs in terms of personnel and thus contributes to labour demand and supply interaction. Each of these measures is intended to be developed in a specific way: i) As far as companies are concerned, the main task is the understanding and analysis of the company`s specific needs by a skilled operator, who, then, is able to define a job profile.ii) From the Centre`s users point of view, services consist of writing a curriculum vitae (CV), with particular care to all that aspects dealing with personal abilities, knowledge, skills and professional experience which are reconstructed thanks to individual pre-selection interviews and the following insertion of personal information in a database.iii) Skilled operators, with the support of a specific database, bring into contact potential workers with businesses. Furthermore, it is possible for companies to make free conventions with Eurolavoro in order to recruit and insert personnel using stages. These instruments can help young people, usually without any past work experience, to find a stable job. Besides its many activities, Eurolavoro deals also with education and professional orientation with approaches tailored both for a single person and for groups. Educational needs are deeply studied, suggesting, if necessary, ways to increase individual`s professional qualifications. In detail, the Centre projects and organises special path in order to help the candidate to learn how to apply for a job and to define his individual Job Profile and, if necessary, to build a Competence Balance. Eurolavoro is specialised in projecting and developing actions to prevent long term unemployment and to support women participation to labour market, even after years of absence from it. Other services offered to companies consist of consulting activities regarding laws, contracts, ways and kinds of engagement and unemployment offices` procedures.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Ferrarese Rolando 0331/455347 Collaborates in WP: Occupation, Innovation of enterprise culture, Mainstreaming

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(Fondazione Seveso)
Viale Vittorio Veneto 24
20124 Milano


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The foundation is an institute for research, training and documentation on work-related issues created thanks to the joint action of a group of trade union officials and experts in various subjects (economists, sociologists, jurists, historians, educators) with the aim of promoting a systematic but operational monitoring of key issues in the labour market, able to link itself, although within an autonomy of cultural elaborations, with the reality of the trade union movement. Its research is focused in particular on the subject of `work that changes`, providing the social players and institutions with knowledge and discussion materials, as well as the tools and methods for monitoring/evaluating the impact of change, managing it in an active manner and even anticipating it. The projects carried out can be grouped into five different areas: employment (problems, policies and intervention tools), vocational training, public and private social security, conditions, organisation of work, social players (which includes: industrial relations, compensation policies, innovative forms of organising work and work conditions, organising work and professionalism), gender equality. The activities in the former area were developed around five main sections: research, intervention research, training, conferences, consultancy. Research analysed the effects of new technologies and excess staff on female work, studying the attitudes of women towards new forms of working hours. The most recent research `Gender equality in the workplace` analysed company experiences of gender equality both as regards Italy and by comparing 7 other European countries. The intervention and consultancy research are two key activities for planning and developing organisational interventions and positive actions within organisations. Training, addressed to social players and managers, is proposed to increase awareness and provide know-how and tools in order to realise equal opportunity policies. The seminar and conference activity aims to propose to key players innovative approaches to equal opportunities and to promote opportunities for exchanges at national and European level. The multidisciplinary approach, the ability to combine research with planning and development of organisational interventions, operating in networks have created the conditions for developing tools to favour the firm commitment of social and institutional players. To this end various tools have been realised such as a software that can be used to conduct an assessment of equal opportunities and to plan positive actions, a manual to plan innovative forms of working hours to favour the reconciliation of work and family, a CD-ROM on European policies and experiences on equal opportunity.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Olgiati Rosa Maria 02/29013198 Leader of the Work Package: Innovation of enterprise culture

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


Via Lamarmora 44
20122 Milano


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff < 10
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Gender is a co-operative, founded in Milan at the end of 1986 with the aim of implementing interventions of research, training, consultancy and organisational development in the areas of employment, family, services, focusing attention on gender differences and boosting the enhancement of female resources besides overcoming possible disparities in opportunities. Since a couple of years Gender also carries out interventions involving positive actions, evaluating the impact of active polices on work, identifying good practices with a view to mainstreaming and paying particular attention to recent trends in diversity management. Among the main areas of intervention, Gender is involved in: equal opportunities between genders, by monitoring possible segregation/discriminatory processes, besides identifying forms of flexibility which are favourable to the male and female employees and also companies aimed at reconciling working hours with other times in life. Gender also follows employment and opportunities for professional development with particular focus on the modifications underway linked to socio-economic changes (technological innovations, outsourcing of production, developing a new economy, globalisation of markets, etc.). Another field of intervention is: services for people, as a field which is favourable both for the development of female employment and the reconciliation between work and family of women who work here, but also of those who work in other sectors. Finally, Gender also deals with actions addressed to the development of female entrepreneurship, as an employment opportunity, but also as a professional promotion for women. Gender uses the multidisciplinary expertise (sociology, economics, psychology) and carries out its own activities mainly by itself but also in collaboration with other parties (among which: Fondazione P. Seveso, Soc. Apotema in Milan). Gender`s main customers are public bodies (among which: the Ministry of Labour, the Regions of Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Sardinia, Valle D`Aosta, Veneto - the University of Ca` Foscari of Venice and the Department of Social Sciences of Turin), private companies (banks, companies of the engineering industry, agencies involved in training and multimedia production), vocational guidance and training (among which: national ENAIP, ECAP of Emilia Romagna, Centro Orientamento Lavoro of Milan). Gender has also realised training projects financed by EU funds (ESF, NOW).

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Biadene Maria Luigia 02/5456280 Leader of the Work Package Research (WP1)

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(PSTL S.p.A.)
Vicolo Molino 2
21052 Busto Arsizio


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Enterprise
Legal status:Private
Size:Staff 10-50
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The Polo Scientifico Tecnologico Lombardo has been active in the territory of the province of Varese since 1996. The fundamental mission consists of promoting the transfer of innovative competencies to small and medium sized industrial and crafts enterprises. The shareholders are: the province of Varese, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Crafts of Varese and Milan, trade associations, trade unions, five municipalities of the province of Varese and some private shareholders. Since 1997 the European Union has entrusted to PSTL the function of a business innovation centre (Centro Europeo di Impresa ed Innovazione), with the name of BIC Varese: this has allowed PSTL to be inserted in a European network aimed at favouring the technological and commercial internationalisation of companies belonging to member states of the European Union. Besides offering on the territory of Varese its own services of the business innovation centre such as: support in creating innovative SMEs, support in modernising and extending existing companies, consultancy for realising innovation-linked projects, PSTL offers an incubator service to companies. The objective of the incubator is to favour the setting up of new companies and to sustain their development in the first few years of activity. In this way the new entrepreneur is inserted in a European network and attention can be focused on the company`s `core business`. PSTL has direct expertise: the network consortium of PSTL, comprising the Milan Polytechnic, the University of Insubria as well as the technological laboratories of Aermacchi SpA and Agusta SpA. PSTL carries out on the territory a promotion activity, split into two interrelated areas: the project area which has the objective of identifying and realising projects of a socio-economic nature by applying a cluster methodology (groups of enterprises of the same sector having a common growth factor and development objective); the services area addressed to innovative SMEs through the supply of services in support of competitiveness of the enterprises themselves.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Raffaldi Giancarlo 0331/324600 Collaborates in Work Packages: Self entrepreneurship and Mainstreaming

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(Provincia di Milano)
Via Vivaio n. 1
20122 Milano


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The Province is a body acting as an intermediary between the muncipalities and the region, in the dual aspect of the territorial dimension and its own role of carrying out intermediation between the peripheral and central sectors. With the reform of local autonomous governments initiated in 1990 and still under way, the province has created a role for itself, enriching its competencies and outlining more clearly its role as an intermediary, within an overall context of increased autonomy, in the sectors of environment, culture, employment, economic activities, education, social policies, sport and tourism, the territory and parks, transport and road systems. In the government programme of the province of Milan the activities addressed to women are high up on the priority list. The tools used are of an institutional kind i.e. delegating the female policies to the councillor for human resources and organisation, the lawyer Ada Grecchi, and establishing a committee for the development of equal opportunity policies. Moreover, within the body the committee for equal opportunities governed by the general workers` contract was appointed. The first initiative carried out by the councillorship within the gender framework was to start a provincial monitor to promote services for women, which allows a direct dialogue with women residing in the province of Milan.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Cusanno Maria Pia 02/77402483 Leader of the Work Package Services

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


(Provincia di Varese)
21100 Varese


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:Public authority (national, regional, local)
Legal status:Public organisation
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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The sector of active policies for employment and vocational training is involved in managing interventions in support of a local employment development policy with the objective of: favouring the match between the requirements of employers and employees in the area of job search; offering information and guaranteeing a vocational guidance activity; increasing employment and territorial mobility; supporting weaker individuals, through a package of initiatives including a focused insertion, improved professionalism, support during job search; carrying out monitoring/forecasting activities of employment market trends; promoting employment in all its forms. The area of active employment policies, in order to better respond to the requirements of the territory, has defined the new organisation of services, bearing in mind the experience gained on the subject of services for employment from its own structure: the Centro Servizi Lavoro (CSL) (Employment Centre Services). Since 1992 the Centro Servizi Lavoro provides free services of information, guidance and training to people seeking employment, a pre-selection service and an information service for companies seeking personnel. The province of Varese has started a process that will soon lead to the transfer to the employment centres (which following the reform are managed by the province) of the know-how and tools developed by the CSL. There is also another operational unit involved in active employment policies: the provincial co-ordination of Youth Information Centres, which plans and realises guidance interventions on specific uses and makes available data bases on various subjects of interest for youth. Within this framework the co-ordinating structure has managed, from 1994 to 2000, guidance projects for young women seeking employment. More specifically, the operational unit for equal opportunities in these years has promoted special projects devoted to women, both in the field of tourism (RECIFE project and the Multi-regional Tourism Accommodation Project within family environments, i.e. Bed & Breakfast) which refers to social entrepreneurship. Within RECIFE the Varese project has been identified as an experimentation area because of the attention shown in gender-related issues, while the Bed & Breakfast project has been addressed to unemployed or unoccupied women with the aim of favouring, through a focused action of vocational and management training, female entrepreneurship in the sector of tourist accommodation within families. All these actions can be followed by training and reinforcing information initiatives in order to extend their effects (for instance `women and tourism` and `women in the Mediterranean`). Finally, the province of Varese has received financings within the employment initiative and other ESF financings.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Vanoni Susanna 0332/252719 Leader of the Work Package Occupation

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top




Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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LIUC, which was established thanks to an initiative of the Industrial Union of the Province of Varese in promoting the development of corporate culture and training company professionals, has three faculties: economics since 1991, with a degree course in business economics, engineering with a degree course in engineering management, law with a degree course in law. There are also courses for research doctorates and masters. LIUC university also carries out training activities mainly through internal research and training centres. Each centre focuses on a specific sector; among these are public administration, small and medium sized enterprises, economy and information technology and communication, transport management, environmental and industrial districts economy. Among their activities the centres organise courses, seminars and workshops on issues of key interest in the respective sectors. Among these, the course for Human Resources Management of public administrations and control and assessment systems in public administrations. Within the framework of law no. 42/94 there have been two editions (1998-99 and 1999-2000) of the training course for experts in relations between companies and public administrations. Within the framework of the experimentation IFTS 1998-99, pilot courses, in 2000 project 27 was initiated, which will terminated in September 2001.

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
BUONANNO GIACOMO 0331/572323 Collaborates in Work Packages: Self entrepreneurship and Services

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top


20136 MILANO


Responsibility in the DP:
Type of organisation:University / Research organisation
Legal status:Private
Date of joining / leaving:27-08-2001 /

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Founded in 1971, SDA is the business school of the Bocconi University, an institutional leader in Italy and one of the top international universities in developing and disseminating managerial culture. With a faculty comprising more than 500 professors and researchers every year SDA promotes training initiatives in Italy and abroad. The research activity followed by the research division encompasses the school`s various fields of activities and has a strong international inclination. It is a partner in the Equal Project and the Armonia monitor, conducted within the research division, and carries out studies and draws comparisons on data on gender differences

Contact person(s)

Name First name Phone E-mail Responsibility
Bombelli Cristina 02/5836 Collaborates in WP: Research, Innovation of enterprise culture and Mainstreaming

Last update: 06-05-2002 dot Top



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Il maggiore tasso di partecipazione e la riduzione della disoccupazione femminile documentati dal rapporto ISTAT del 2000 segnalano la globale ripresa del mercato del lavoro italiano avvenuta in questi ultimi anni. I riflessi di tale tendenza sono presenti anche nel bacino territoriale considerato nel progetto. Tuttavia, il miglioramento della situazione occupazionale non può essere considerato separatamente da alcuni fattori che, pur non facili da quantificare a causa della mancanza di dati puntuali e tantomeno di serie storiche, sono una spia di aspetti complessi che tutt`ora connotano almeno in parte il ruolo delle donne nel mercato del lavoro. Uno di questi aspetti riguarda il permanere della `segregazione occupazionale`, cioè della concentrazione delle donne in alcuni settori o in alcuni ruoli della struttura occupazionale e, per contro, della loro esclusione da quelli a predominanza maschile. Sui meccanismi che determinano la permanenza della segregazione occupazionale tra e dentro ai settori di attività, che sono stati anche oggetto di alcune precedenti analisi empiriche, e sui problemi ad essa ricollegabili si sviluppano le azioni descritte nel presente progetto. Innanzi tutto, occorre premettere che sia l`evidenza che le cause del fenomeno sono piuttosto complessi, anche se è possibile distinguere tra una dimensione di tipo verticale e una orizzontale. Il primo tipo di segregazione riguarda la posizione di uomini e donne nei vari livelli gerarchici, mentre il secondo coglie la concentrazione in professioni e settori differenti. Le difficoltà a misurare i due tipi di segregazione, oltre alla varietà di forme presenti nella struttura occupazionale, nasce dall`avere come riferimento territoriale un`area, i cui confini non coincidono con quelli regionali o provinciali. Vi è, infatti, una notevole carenza informativa dovuta all`assenza di strumenti di rilevazione statistica nei bacini territoriali di livello sub-regionale che, spesso, porta a dovere utilizzare dati provinciali per approssimare le informazioni necessarie. Da ciò derivano però distorsioni piuttosto forti e un`oggettiva difficoltà a focalizzare le caratteristiche del fenomeno all`interno della struttura produttiva locale. In proposito, è sufficiente ricordare che in province come quella di milano, il capoluogo e l`area metropolitana immediatamente adiacente - la cui struttura occupazionale è fortemente terziarizzata e presenta caratteristiche occupazionali peculiari - ricoprono un peso talmente rilevante da influenzare ogni dato quantitativo sulla distribuzione degli addetti nei vari settori di attività economica. Oltre a questo, va sottolineato che le principali rilevazioni statistiche consentono di cogliere quasi solo il problema della segregazione orizzontale e che anche i dati sulle professioni non sono aggiornati. Per una più accurata valutazione del fenomeno e, di conseguenza, per poter attuare azioni ad hoc, sarebbe perciò necessario disporre di un sistema di monitoraggio permanente che permetta di cogliere la dimensione locale nelle sue peculiarità. Al momento, volendo inquadrare la situazione regionale si nota che, pur in presenza di andamenti positivi, rimane una considerevole distanza dagli obiettivi della strategia occupazionale europea definiti lo scorso anno a lisbona e, in particolare, dal tasso di occupazione femminile del 60% da raggiungere entro il 2010. Sebbene la partecipazione delle donne al lavoro negli ultimi anni sia aumentata (+ 4,35% dal 1997 al 1999), persiste infatti un forte squilibrio di genere. Nel 2000, in Lombardia, si è registrato un tasso di occupazione femminile inferiore al 40%, contro il 62 / 63% di quello maschile; la disoccupazione per le donne, a sua volta, è diminuita rispetto alla media nazionale, pur rimanendo sensibilmente più elevata di quella maschile. In linea con gli andamenti regionali, anche i dati che riguardano in modo più specifico il territorio locale, rivelano che il miglioramento della situazione economica ha avuto effetti positivi sulla domanda di lavoro di cui ha beneficiato anche la componente femminile. Prescindendo dai limiti qualitativi dei dati del collocamento, nei comuni dove gli stessi sono disponibili, si può infatti notare una riduzione del numero dei disoccupati (da 12.964 nel 1998 a 9.288 nel 2000) e un aumento degli avviamenti (da 7.422 nel 1998 a 12.040 nel 2000), mentre le donne disoccupate sono passate dalle 7.172 del 1998 a 6.233 del 2000 e il numero di avviate è cresciuto da 3.117 nel 1998 a 3.722 del 2000. Nonostante questa evoluzione positiva, alcuni segnali di debolezza relativa della componente femminile sono desumibili dall`andamento della disoccupazione e degli avviamenti, dove la dinamica appare connotata da un rapporto gerarchico rispetto agli uomini. Infatti, se si considerano gli ultimi tre anni, a fronte del complessivo calo del numero dei disoccupati in tutto il territorio considerato, si riscontra un sistematico ritardo della ricaduta positiva sulla quota femminile, per la quale si osservano risultati apprezzabili solo a partire dal periodo 1999-2000, quantificabili in una riduzione pari a 867 disoccupate (-12,2%). Anche l`evoluzione registrata dagli avviamenti testimonia un incremento più lento in termini sia di quota percentuale (la variazione dal 1998 al 2000 è del 19,4% per le donne, contro il 93,2% per gli uomini) sia di valori assoluti (nello stesso periodo vi è un aumento pari a 605 avviamenti per le donne e 4.013 per gli uomini). Da questi andamenti sembra potersi dedurre che la crescita della domanda di lavoro si sia irrobustita nella seconda parte del 2000 e si sia quindi rivolta progressivamente anche verso fasce meno `centrali` di mano d`opera, che sono frequentemente impiegate con rapporti contrattuali poco stabili e che, comunque, rischiano di essere inserite in posizioni deboli dell`organizzazione produttiva. Questo processo di maggiore partecipazione delle donne nel mercato del lavoro è stato spiegato da numerosi studiosi come la risultante di una serie di fattori che non si limitano a considerare accadimenti di tipo economico, ma che ineriscono anche le trasformazioni in corso nella nostra società e che, se valutati attentamente, contengono interessanti spunti per meglio capire la segregazione in ambito locale. Per quanto riguarda i primi aspetti, innanzi tutto, va segnalato il contributo fornito dall`aumento della domanda aggregata e, in modo particolare, da quella di servizi, settore nel quale trova spazio gran parte dell`occupazione femminile. Nella Provincia di Milano circa il 76,1% delle donne occupate lavora in queste attività, contro il 23,7% nell`industria e solo lo 0,2% nell`agricoltura. In realtà, come già accennato in precedenza, il dato va letto con cautela, tenendo conto del fatto che, pur rispecchiando questa tendenza di fondo, il terziario e, in particolare, i comparti avanzati, pur avendo avuto un notevole sviluppo, sono ancora sottorappresentati. Un ulteriore elemento su cui riflettere è la diffusione di forme contrattuali atipiche che hanno consentito l`introduzione di elementi di flessibilità nel rapporto lavorativo (soprattutto per quanto attiene l`orario) grazie ai quali le donne riescono a conciliare meglio la vita familiare con quella lavorativa. Tuttavia, l`indagine Istat, testimonia come il ricorso a queste forme abbia contribuito soprattutto per le professioni a bassa qualifica e va precisato come l`effetto sia spesso quello di spostare il rischio dal datore di lavoro al lavoratore, per il quale si configura così una maggiore instabilità e incertezza legate alla possibile interruzione del reddito e al mancato accumulo di diritti per prestazioni differite di protezione sociale. Nella partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro non vanno, poi, trascurati altri ordini di fattori. In primo luogo, si nota una correlazione positiva tra l`aumento delle famiglie monocomponenti e, seppure in misura minore, di quelle con due componenti, con la crescita dell`occupazione femminile, specialmente per le donne non coniugate. Si osserva, inoltre, come la propensione al lavoro sia in una qualche misura frenata dal numero dei figli. Se si osserva il tasso di occupazione femminile per età nella Provincia di Milano è interessante notare che la percentuale più alta è nella fascia dai 25 ai 29 anni (72,5%), per poi scendere considerevolmente nella fascia successiva (30-64 anni) al 50,8%. Le donne, quindi, faticano a trovare un`occupazione e ancor più a mantenerla, poiché l`età della maternità e della crescita dei figli coincide proprio con l`uscita dal mercato del lavoro e per molte di esse con un mancato reingresso causato proprio dall`assunzione delle responsabilità familiari e della cura della casa. Su ciò si innesta una riflessione legata al ruolo della donna che permetterebbe di spiegare alcuni aspetti della segregazione verticale. Pur non disponendo di informazioni sui percorsi di carriera di uomini e donne, probabilmente, il `fare carriera` potrebbe, per queste ultime, risultare addirittura più difficoltoso del fatto di essere assunte. Le carriere, infatti, continuano a richiedere notevoli investimenti sia in termini di tempo (orari senza limite, impegni senza preavviso ecc.) Sia di disponibilità, specialmente negli spostamenti, che faticano a conciliarsi con gli impegni familiari. Questi dati indicano che la debolezza della componente femminile non sta tanto nella mancanza di posti di lavoro, bensì in problemi strutturali su cui è necessario intervenire con precisi interventi, politiche di pari opportunità e di occupazione. Solo così, infatti, è possibile aumentare la partecipazione delle donne al mercato del lavoro, ridurre la disoccupazione femminile, migliorare la qualità del lavoro, soprattutto contro la segregazione, e implementare azioni volte a conciliare la vita professionale con quella familiare.

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La partnership di sviluppo, in stretta coerenza con le finalità perseguite dal progetto Equal - asse 4, ha inteso elaborare una strategia volta a garantire l`affermarsi, entro l`area, di un clima favorevole alle pari opportunità, allo sviluppo dell`occupazione femminile e ad un migliore assetto complessivo dei servizi presenti sul territorio. Mediante l`adozione di un approccio integrato, il progetto Acrobate si pone come obiettivo quello di contrastare e ridurre l`insieme di quei fattori che determinano il permanere di forme di segregazione occupazionale tra e dentro i settori di attività, svolgendo al contempo una complessa azione di sensibilizzazione sul tema, in grado di creare ripercussioni positive a lungo termine. La maggiore difficoltà delle donne ad accedere e permanere nel mondo del lavoro, la concentrazione delle stesse in alcuni settori o ruoli occupazionali, la loro esclusione da settori a predominanza maschile, costituiscono la risultante di una serie di meccanismi complessi e di varia natura. Una corretta quantificazione di tali meccanismi, di carattere culturale, organizzativo, nonché strettamente legati all`insieme dei servizi e delle infrastrutture presenti sul territorio, non risulta attualmente facile da realizzare, a causa della carenza di dati puntuali e serie storiche. `Il progetto prevede perciò in primo luogo una fase preliminare di studio e ricerca, indirizzata all`acquisizione di informazioni e dati, al di là di quelli provinciali, che permettano di cogliere la reale dimensione locale del fenomeno, rilevandone le peculiarità per poter operare sul problema con maggiore efficacia ed incisività. I dati normalmente disponibili in merito alla partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro, evidenziano, in ogni caso, una serie di elementi di difficoltà. `Le donne risultano, innanzitutto, più frequentemente degli uomini, impiegate con rapporti contrattuali poco stabili ed in posizioni deboli dell`organigramma produttivo. Ciò richiede in primo luogo un intervento in grado di valorizzare le specificità e le competenze delle donne, mediante l`attuazione di piani di sviluppo delle risorse femminili, oltre che l`applicazione di misure ad hoc di sostegno, motivazione ed orientamento volti all`autovalutazione e all`empowerment personale. `Si constata inoltre l`esistenza di maggiori ostacoli che le donne incontrino, rispetto agli uomini, nel `fare carriera`, per via dei gravosi investimenti in termini di tempo e disponibilità, per fattori di domanda e per altri fattori specifici fra i quali gli spostamenti territoriali. Il progetto pone quindi fra le proprie priorità, da un lato, lo sviluppo ed il consolidamento di rapporti e clausole contrattuali più adatti al lavoro femminile, incentivando la sperimentazione e la diffusione di modelli di flessibilità lavorativa regolata, dall`altro l`implementazione sul territorio, di tutti quei servizi di assistenza alla persona in grado di agevolare la conciliazione fra impegni familiari e lavorativi. Il bacino territoriale di riferimento, per quel che attiene questo specifico aspetto dei servizi alla persona soffre di una generale carenza; il terziario, ed in particolare il comparto avanzato risulta, infatti notevolmente sotto rappresentato nell`area. Ciò costituisce un evidente handicap sulle opportunità d`inserimento locale del lavoro femminile, se si considera che a livello provinciale la percentuale di donne impiegate nel settore terziario è pari al 76,1% delle donne occupate. `La partnership, avvalendosi delle competenze specifiche presenti al suo interno, opererà perciò anche a sostegno dell`imprenditorialità femminile, prestando particolare attenzione a tutte le iniziative, di carattere innovativo, riguardanti l`ambito dei servizi. Azioni di questo genere perseguono la finalità di assicurare una migliore qualità di vita agli utenti ed alle famiglie, offrendo loro facile accesso a una più ampia gamma di servizi (baby sitting, colf, asili nidi …). In sostanza, applicando misure ad hoc, a seconda degli specifici problemi trattati, si intende coniugare qualità dei risultati per le imprese e qualità del lavoro e della vita per chi lavora. Obiettivo di questo progetto è creare un partenariato stabile sul territorio, capace di incidere positivamente sulla condizione femminile nel mondo del lavoro, portando ad una maturazione, in ambito locale, di concetti e metodologie volte a contrastare forme di segregazione orizzontale e verticale. `La maturazione di tali metodologie costituisce, infatti, il primo passo verso la formulazione e presentazione di vere e proprie proposte di modifica di carattere normativo, contrattuale, e delle prassi consolidate, a livello locale, regionale, nazionale e comunitario, mediante la realizzazione di incontri volti a sensibilizzazione su tali temi attori socioeconomici e decisori legislativi. Avvalendosi inoltre dell`utilizzo di canali informativi alternativi a quelli tradizionali, sara` possibile garantire una piu` ramificata divulgazione delle esperienze realizzate e dei temi trattati.

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Il progetto Acrobate presenta diversi aspetti di innovatività, in termini di: processi, obiettivi e contesto. Va innanzitutto rilevato come durante la fase di ricerca saranno attivamente coinvolti gli attori del territorio, che a diverso titolo sono in possesso di informazioni sugli aspetti indagati, in modo da valorizzare al massimo i dati esistenti ed attivare canali di comunicazione tra le diverse fonti per favorire lo sviluppo di un sistema informativo locale in un`ottica di genere, anche per quegli aspetti finora considerati `neutri`, sensibilizzando il contesto sulle diverse tematiche oggetto di ricerca e sulle metodologie operative. L`intervento di sperimentazione presenta, a sua volta, caratteri di innovatività rispetto al panorama italiano, e di coerenza con l`indicazione della Commissione Europea circa la necessità di assicurare l`integrazione dell`eguaglianza di genere in tutte le strategie, le politiche e le prassi delle organizzazioni. In particolare, la sperimentazione avrà luogo in seguito alla costruzione di condizioni di sistema per realizzare azioni di tipo innovativo sia nel campo della gestione delle risorse umane sia in quello specifico della flessibilità/conciliazione tra lavoro e vita personale. Notevole rilevanza assumerà la creazione di un network di imprese nell`area prescelta, finalizzato a creare le condizioni sia organizzative sia culturali per la messa in cantiere di azioni di sperimentazione. L`obiettivo di miglioramento dei percorsi di carriera e sviluppo professionale delle lavoratrici verrà realizzato attraverso azioni capaci di incidere in modo durevole nei confronti della gestione delle risorse umane e della cultura organizzativa. Le azioni saranno progettate e sviluppate attraverso un processo che da un lato permetta di `imparare` da esperienze di successo e dall`altro sia in grado di tenere nel giusto conto il sistema di vincoli e opportunità presente nel singolo contesto organizzativo. Il progetto prevede inoltre azioni specifiche mirate al coinvolgimento costante degli attori chiave del cambiamento sia a livello locale sia nelle singole imprese in cui verrà realizzata la sperimentazione, al fine di creare le condizioni per la costruzione di un contesto culturale coerente al principio delle pari opportunità. In ultimo la riflessione e la sistematizzazione dell`intero percorso di sperimentazione fornirà materiali preziosi per promuovere la trasferibilità delle esperienze in altri contesti organizzativi.`

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Agreement Summary

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Si riportano in estratto alcune parti relative all`Accordo di Cooperazione con riferimento alle lettere sopra indicate, per la sintesi delle modalità organizzative adottate.

a), b), iii)
Si istituiscono i seguenti organismi:
- Comitato di Pilotaggio: composto da un rappresentante e un supplente per ogni soggetto partecipante alla PS, cui spetta la funzione di indirizzo e governo del progetto.
- Comitato di Management: composto dagli operatori indicati dai partecipanti quali responsabili di ciascuna delle macrofasi, cui spetta la gestione del progetto.
- Comitato Tecnico Scientifico: composto da sei esperti individuati dal Comitato di Pilotaggio, cui spetta la funzione di validazione scientifica delle coerenze del progetto
- Segreteria: articolata nelle componenti tecniche, amministrative, transnazionali e informatiche, come da allegato A1, cui spetta la gestione operativa del coordinamento.

I PARTECIPANTI si obbligano a concordare le modalità, la tempistica e quanto connesso alla gestione e realizzazione del Progetto Acrobate, anche in relazione ai compiti spettanti a ciascun PARTECIPANTE, obbligandosi a sottoscrivere copia del formulario relativo all`azione 2 e copia del formulario relativo alla cooperazione transnazionale, che saranno inviati dal referente all`Amministrazione Concedente.

Come evidenziato nell`allegato A1 dell`Accordo di Cooperazione, la suddivisione delle responsabilità per l`esecuzione del programma di lavoro sono suddivise secondo le seguenti modalità:
Euroimpresa Legnano: soggetto referente; Leader WP4 e WP7, Segreteria Tecnica e Segreteria Amministrativa (gestione dei rapporti con le Amministrazioni referenti, gestione e controllo delle risorse finanziarie) - Euroimpresa Legnano si impegna ad assicurare una gestione efficace dei fondi pubblici avvalendosi dell`esperienza maturata (vedi item 2.2.9); Presiede Comitato Tecnico Scientifico; Gestione Agenzia Viaggi (WP9), membro Comitato di Management,
Provincia di Milano: Leader WP5; membro Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, membro Comitato di Management
Provincia di Varese: Leader WP3; membro Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, membro Comitato di Management
CdIE: Leader WP8 e WP9, Gestione della Segreteria Transnazionale, membro Comitato di Management
Consiel: Leader WP 6, Segreteria Informatica (WP7), membro Comitato di Management
Fondazione Seveso: Leader WP2, membro Comitato di Management e membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico
Gender: Leader WP1, membro Comitato di Management, membro Comitato Tecnico Scientifico
SDA Bocconi: membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico

a); c)
Il soggetto REFERENTE ( Euroimpresa Legnano S.c.r.l.) è l`unico interlocutore delle amministrazioni concedenti, il percettore del contributo ed il coordinatore delle attività di indirizzo e gestione della Partnership di Sviluppo.
Esso si impegna a svolgere in favore della PARTNERSHIP qualsiasi attività occorrente per la migliore redazione di tutti gli atti necessari al perfezionamento della concessione del finanziamento, nonché a coordinare:
- gli aspetti amministrativi e legali correnti;
- i rapporti con la Regione Lombardia e gli altri Soggetti che avranno un ruolo nella gestione, monitoraggio e valutazione dei progetti Equal.

I PARTECIPANTI che gestiscono quote del finanziamento, secondo quanto stabilito nell`Allegato B dell`accordo di cooperazione, sono tenuti, nell`utilizzo di tali quote, al rispetto dei regolamenti del FSE e dei Fondi Strutturali e di altre eventuali disposizioni specificamente emesse dagli Enti competenti.
I PARTECIPANTI che gestiscono quote del finanziamento sono inoltre tenuti alla contabilizzazione e certificazione di tutte le spese ed all`elaborazione dei rendiconti relativi alle attività loro affidate, nel rispetto della normativa vigente e secondo la tempistica e le modalità che saranno fornite dal REFERENTE.

d); i)
Il REFERENTE è un soggetto con esperienze pregresse in materia di gestione dei fondi pubblici.
Il REFERENTE gestisce i rapporti con la Regione Lombardia, il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, le Istituzioni Comunitarie e gli altri organismi che avranno un ruolo nel monitoraggio e valutazione del PROGETTO ACROBATE.
Il coordinamento degli adempimenti amministrativi, durante la realizzazione del progetto, è demandato al REFERENTE che definirà procedure appropriate per consentire ai PARTECIPANTI di espletare le parti amministrative a loro carico (rendicontazione, certificazioni, ecc.).
In particolare il REFERENTE assume:
1. la sottoscrizione degli atti necessari per la realizzazione del PROGETTO ACROBATE;
2. il coordinamento dei rapporti finanziari con l`Amministrazione Concedente, provvedendo ad incassare le somme dovute sia in acconto che a saldo;
3. il coordinamento amministrativo e segretariale del PROGETTO ACROBATE, compreso:
- il versamento degli importi di competenza ai PARTECIPANTI che gestiscono quote del finanziamento, così come definito nell`Allegato B e nell`Allegato C dell`accordo di cooperazione,
- assicurare il tempestivo recupero delle somme anticipate ai partecipanti a fronte di spese ritenute non eleggibili dall`Amministrazione Concedente;
4. il coordinamento della rendicontazione e certificazione delle attività finanziate svolte fino alla data di scadenza del PROGETTO ACROBATE;
5. il coordinamento della predisposizione della relazione finale.

ii), iv)
I PARTECIPANTI accettano che i risultati delle attività del PROGETTO ACROBATE (prodotti, strumenti, metodologie, ecc.) siano diffusi, pubblicizzati e resi di dominio pubblico. L`accordo organizzativo definirà, con specifiche clausole, le modalità di diffusione e visibilità dei prodotti intermedi e finali.

Il presente atto entra in vigore alla data della sua firma e cesserà ogni effetto alla data di estinzione di tutte le obbligazioni assunte per la realizzazione del PROGETTO ACROBATE, ivi incluse quelle relative all`Azione 3 qualora vengano richieste dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, dandosi atto che queste ultime saranno coperte da risorse aggiuntive.

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 With beneficiaries

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La strategia d`intervento, descritta negli item precedenti, volta a contrastare la duplice dimensione, verticale ed orizzontale, del problema di segregazione, si avvarrà di strumenti di vario genere per favorire la partecipazione di un`ampia gamma di beneficiari (donne occupate, uomini occupati, donne in reingresso nel mondo del lavoro) che saranno coinvolti nell`iniziativa. Nella fase di ricerca verranno messi a punto modalità di rilevazione di dati ed informazioni, sia in forma diretta che in forma indiretta, mediante l`elaborazione di griglie, questionari, interviste, tesi a supportare alcuni aspetti dell`azione di approfondimento nei confronti del mercato del lavoro locale. Nel corso della concreta attuazione della strategia operativa, individuata entro il progetto, si punterà all`instaurazione con le associazioni di categoria ed i lavoratori dell`area, di accordi di cooperazione, finalizzati ad agevolare il contatto ed il dialogo con le imprese operanti sul territorio. Strumento fondamentale per il coinvolgimento dell`utenza sarà rappresentato dal portale dedicato all`iniziativa, attraverso il quale sarà possibile divulgare informazioni di vario genere in merito al progetto, dando visibilità alle azioni in corso, ai risultati conseguiti, all`insieme dei servizi alla persona presenti nell`area, alle opportunità orientative e di qualificazione professionale che il progetto offre. Nell`intento di raggiungere anche donne lontane dai tradizionali circuiti d`informazione, si intende sperimentare sul territorio l`utilizzo di totem informativi, collegati via internet al portale, da collocare in luoghi ad elevata frequentazione femminile, i quali permetteranno un facile ed immediato accesso alle notizie riguardanti il progetto. Un`ulteriore modalità di coinvolgimento dell`utenza sarà costituita dall`organizzazione di appositi incontri e seminari, volti a presentare a possibili beneficiari i contenuti dell`iniziativa e svolgere un`azione di sensibilizzazione sul tema della pari opportunità. A tale proposito, verranno invitati ad assistere agli incontri enti locali, associazioni di categoria, imprenditori, e le stesse famiglie, al fine di stimolare, anche in tale ambito, una responsabilizzazione alla condivisione del problema di conciliazione.

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 Between national partners

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Il progetto Acrobate prevede al suo interno una serie di modalità di coinvolgimento dei propri partners, finalizzate ad assicurare un impegno costante, a lunga scadenza, dei soggetti che partecipano e parteciperanno all`iniziativa, garantendo possibilità di contatto, aggiornamento e scambio di materiale fra gli stessi, nel corso di tutta la durata del progetto.
- Partecipazione e responsabilizzazione diffusa.
Ogni partner ha collaborato attivamente all`attività di prima stesura ed elaborazione del progetto, finalizzate alla compilazione del formulario di candidatura, dando il proprio apporto positivo sulla base sia delle esperienze maturate, sia delle competenze specifiche di ciascun soggetto. Ciò ha condotto all`attribuzione, in capo ad ogni partner, di una serie di responsabilità, mediante l`assegnazione di ruoli e compiti ben precisi. Questo approccio teso a garantire una responsabilizzazione diffusa fra tutti i membri della partnership rappresenta già di per sé un fattore di grande vantaggio per il conseguimento dei risultati che si intende raggiungere.
- Comitato di Pilotaggio. Il progetto si avvarrà dell`attività svolta da un Comitato di Pilotaggio, composto da tutti i partner proponenti, il quale, attraverso incontri e riunioni svolgerà un ruolo di raccordo, verifica ed indirizzo nei confronti delle iniziative da porre in essere. Il Comitato diverrà sede di decisione e di confronto fra i vari partner, assicurando inoltre un costante aggiornamento degli stessi in merito alle attività condotte da ciascuno. Grazie a questo strumento, sarà possibile definire di volta in volta gli obiettivi di medio termine da raggiungere.
- Comitato tecnico scientifico. A fianco del Comitato di Pilotaggio, è stato costituito un altro Comitato, molto più ristretto e dotato di una connotazione ben più tecnica e specialistica. Si tratta del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico, il quale è presieduto da Giovanni Geroldi, esperto a livello europeo delle politiche di welfare, al quale prenderanno parte risorse tecnico-scientifiche presenti entro la partnership di sviluppo. Il comitato, riunito a cadenza regolare, svolgerà una funzione di indirizzo, di controllo di coerenza all`interno del progetto, avvalendosi dei dati emersi dall`attività di auto valutazione prevista nell`ambito di ciascuna macrofase (WP)
- Comitato di Management. Composto dai responsabili di ogni macrofase, rappresenta la struttura più operativa di gestione del progetto
- Sistema di comunicazione dedicato. Fra gli strumenti di comunicazione tecnologica di cui ci si avvarrà per agevolare il dialogo fra i partner, è prevista la realizzazione di un portale dedicato, all`interno del quale ogni soggetto aderente alla partnership avrà un proprio spazio, al quale potra` accedere mediante password. Ciò garantira` l`aggiornamento di tutti i partner, in merito alle iniziative realizzate, consentendo la condivisione di idee, best practice e lo scambio di documenti.

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