DP Search

Search Results: 90 records found, page 2 of 2

Title Theme Year DP Id.
PROMENIO Third Sector Labour Professionals 1B 2005 FI-56
How to initiate into multiculturalism in a working place, Petmo 1B 2004 FI-58
MANU - Vocational training and competence based qualifications for immigrants 1B 2004 FI-59
Joensuu Region EQUAL project 1A 2002 FI-6
Open doors for life-long learning and occupational future for Roma 1B 2005 FI-60
Monita - Artists from Many Cultures 1B 2004 FI-61
OPT IN TO WORK - Employment in the Joensuu Region EQUAL 2D 2004 FI-62
The PULSE of Tampere region -Developing Social Enterprises within Tampere Region 2D 2004 FI-63
Sytrim - Developing social entrepreneurship in the field of recycling 2D 2005 FI-64
Ostrobothnian Social Entreprising (SocEntre) 2D 2005 FI-65
SOFIRM - Social firms as a strengthness of local area (SOSVOIMA) 2D 2004 FI-66
SENET - Services and employment through social economy networks 2D 2004 FI-67
RAKET-Equal 2D 2004 FI-68
Netco - Networking small-sized cooperatives 2D 2005 FI-69
Appelsiinipuu- Equal-projekti maahanmuuttajanaisille 1B 2002 FI-7
Akseli 2D 2004 FI-70
HOT - To create new jobs in the assisting tasks of care services 2D 2004 FI-71
3Points - development patnership 2D 2004 FI-72
Response 2D 2004 FI-73
Sustainable Employment in Social Firms(SESF) 2D 2004 FI-74
The Route of the Professional Shipyardworker in the Baltic Sea 3F 2004 FI-75
Virtaa firmaan - voimaa verkostoista (Power Added) 3F 2004 FI-76
SOMA - Regional networking - opportunity of adjustment 3F 2004 FI-77
OR-BITS - Empowerment in Fragmented Enterprises 3F 2004 FI-78
Social Capital - a Competitive Resource for Small and Middle Sized Enterprises 3F 2004 FI-79
Southeast Beacon - Model for immigrant work and employment in small localities 1B 2002 FI-8
Muutos voimaksi - Making a change a chance 3F 2005 FI-80
Wellness at Work (Hyvinvointia nääs) 3F 2004 FI-81
LOIMU 3F 2004 FI-82
ArtCraftMetal 3F 2004 FI-84
IT Coaching for Micro Firms (Mikrotie) 3F 2004 FI-85
MONIKKO - gender equality and diversity in work organizations 4H 2004 FI-86
Women at Work - Naisten tukeminen työelämässä 4H 2005 FI-87
Reaktioketju (Chain Reaction) 4H 2004 FI-88
Equality Trail (Tasa-arvorata) 4H 2005 FI-89
Multicultural Recruiting and Learning - MORO 1B 2002 FI-9
Female energy to transport and logistics (Naisenergiaa kulj. ja logist.) 4H 2004 FI-90
WomEqual 4H 2004 FI-91
Using Learning Networks to Build Work-Family Balance 4H 2004 FI-92
Becoming More Visible 5 2004 FI-93


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