
Ending homelessness is possible!

housing © European Commission

FEANTSA launched the ‘Ending homelessness is possible! campaign on 14th April in the European Parliament.

The hearing was attended by Lázló Andor (Commissioner responsible for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion), Philippe Courard (Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and the Fight Against Poverty), René Kneip (FEANTSA president), representatives of cross-party alliance of MEPs and others.

Commissioner Andor stated that "We are working hard on the problem of homelessness and housing exclusion. We understand the problem better, we will soon have much better data, and we have developed a shared determination to tackle homelessness and housing exclusion." 

The “Ending Homelessness is possible” campaign is a call to action for the development of integrated housing exclusion and homelessness strategies, the goals are:

  • No one sleeping rough
  • No one living in emergency accommodation longer than is an ‘emergency’
  • No one living in transitional accommodation longer than is required for successful move-on
  • No one leaving an institution without housing options
  • No young people becoming homeless as a result of the transition to independent living