Calendario de actos

Workshop - presentation and public debate of the studies concerning the employment and social inclusion status in the commune Hiliseu-Horia, Botosani county and in the town Negresti, Vaslui county

From 29/10 to 29/10

Workshop - prezentarea şi dezbaterea publică a studiilor privind ocuparea şi incluziunea socială în comuna Hilişeu Horia, judeţul Botoşani şi oraşul Negreşti, judeţul Vaslui

Work Meeting of the members of the Regional Pact for Employment and Social Inclusion, North-East Region.

Organised by: Tehnical Permanenent Secretariat of the Teritorial Pact for Employment Social Inclusion, North-East Region.

Location: Iasi, Romania

Associated links