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Don Farrell

Minister for Trade and Tourism, Australia
Don Farrell

Don Farrell was born in Murray Bridge, South Australia, and is a fourth generation South Australian.

He was elected to the Australian Senate in 2008, and served as Minister for Science and Research, Minister for Sport, Minister Assisting on Tourism, and Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water during his six-year term in the Rudd and Gillard governments.

Don again nominated for the Senate and was re-elected in 2016, serving as the Shadow Special Minister of State, Shadow Minister for Sport and Tourism, Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.

Following the election of the Albanese Government in 2022, Senator Farrell was appointed Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate.
Minister Farrell is focussed on strengthening international trade and investment partnerships which will be critical in seizing the economic opportunities presented by the global clean energy transformation.