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Mark Bowman

Vice President for Policy and Partnerships, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Mark Bowman

Mark Bowman is the Vice President for Policy and Partnerships at EBRD. Prior to joining EBRD, he was Director General, International Finance at HM Treasury with responsibility for advancing the UK’s economic and financial interests internationally. He led HM Treasury’s work with foreign finance ministries, central banks and international institutions; and was the UK’s Finance Deputy at the G7 and G20. Mark was also a member of the Treasury’s Executive Management Board.

Mark re-joined the Treasury in November 2013 from the Department for International Development (DFID) where he spent two years as Director General, Humanitarian, Security and International Finance, which included oversight of DFID’s humanitarian programmes, its work in the Middle East region and relations with the World Bank.

Immediately prior to joining DFID, Mark was Director, Strategy, Planning and Budget at HM Treasury and a member of the Executive Management Board. Mark initially joined the Treasury in 1995 as an economist and has done a number of jobs including Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (2001 to 2004), Director International Finance (2006 to 2008) and Director Budget and Tax (2008-10). He started his career as an Overseas Development Institute Fellow working in the Mozambican Ministry of Planning and Finance.