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Shalini Bharat

Vice Chancellor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Shalini Bharat

Professor Shalini Bharat is Vice Chancellor of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. She works on gender, equity and access issues with special reference to reproductive health, adolescent and women’s health; social determinants of HIV and tuberculosis (TB), including stigma, and discrimination; mental health and family studies.

Professor Bharat also leads a Global Fund sub-recipient grant for developing and implementing psycho-social counselling and social linkages for drug resistant TB patients in four Indian states.

She teaches qualitative research methodology for public health students and her past teaching includes courses on health ethics, family in India, correctional psychology, and child socialisation, among others.

Professor Bharat serves as member on several national scientific advisory committees and boards. She has published widely including a 4-Volume Series Parsis of India: Continuing at the Crossroads from Sage and Health and Wellbeing of India’s Young People from Springer.

She has a doctoral degree in Psychology from Allahabad University, India.