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Initiatives changing people’s lives

“Sustainability is not enough. We need to go further. We need to expand our vision to regenerative systems, regenerative industries, and regenerative policies”.

Carmen Hijosa, PhD – the Founder of Ananas Anam, shared the story of how she developed Piñatex, a plant-based leather-like mesh made out of Pineaple leave fibres – a sustainable vegan leather alternative.

Initiatives changing people’s lives

“It all started in the ‘90s”, Hijosa explained: “I was in the Philippines working as a consultant in the fashion accessories market, when I was confronted with the truth of the unsustainability of the leather production process”. The solution was found in nature itself: in the tropical trees, fruit and plant fibres that surrounded her. Hijosa observed that during the pineapple harvest, the long leaves of the plant were discarded as waste. But these waste leaves could be reused and weaved to produce a sustainable vegan leather alternative – Piñatex.

Over the past 12 years, Hijosa fought to convince others the value of her idea and turn it into a viable commercial product. Along the way, she completed a PhD and raised funds to finance research and development. After much effort and teamwork – Piñatex was born. Although the path was not always easy, Hijosa recalled, “what spurred me on was the positive impact this material could have on people’s lives, the environment and the fashion industry. Today, Piñatex is the most sustainable plant-based material commercially available at scale. (…) It is being used in over 80 countries in the footwear, accessories, interiors, and soon, the automotive industry”.

Sustainability and social impact are at the core of what Ananas Anam aims to achieve. By using waste leaves instead of traditional leather production methods, Piñatex saves 8 kilograms of Co2 equivalents per square metre of material. In addition, as the material is produced locally in the Philippines, it also creates life-changing jobs in the local rural communities. Since the final stages of production take place in Spain, this allows for the creation of skilled jobs, traceability and a smaller carbon footprint. This has already had tangible and measurable effects: “between 2018 and 2020, we reduced our carbon footprint by 42%, fossil resources by 30% and water usage by 74%”, the Ananas Anam Founder noted.

“But we will not rest on our laurels”, assured Hijosa. The Ananas Anam team behind Piñatex continues its research and development, expand and scale up its business and to continue to create innovative and sustainable products and technology. “And because operating in Europe gives us access to cleaner energy and reduces our transportation miles, we are confident we can honour our pledge to reduce our carbon footprint by a further 15% by October 2022”.

Sustainability and a human dimension are key. “We must only create initiatives, systems and products with a humane agenda and a deep connection with the natural world and its preservation”. It is up to us all “to envision this bold future in which the world turns on regenerative principles”, concluded Hijosa.

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