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EU Sustainable Investment Summit

The EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2021 was the first annual event of the European Commission on sustainable investment, following the launch of the European Green Deal, which sets the objective for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

As part of this new growth strategy, the EU adopted the European Green Deal Investment Plan. The EU’s plan for recovery and resilience after the Covid-19 crisis (NextGenerationEU) should also foster a strong increase of green investment across EU Member States.

On 7 October 2021 the Summit featured a line-up of inspiring leaders, including: Ursula von der Leyen, Bill Gates, António Guterres, Kristalina Georgieva, and many more high-level speakers that you can check here. The EU Sustainable Investment Summit raised awareness, brought forward new perspectives and inspired daring and trailblazing initiatives in Europe and globally. The theme of the launch edition was ‘Make it sustainable: investing together in our future’.

If you missed the Summit live, you can catch up with the individual sessions or main highlights.

The EU Sustainable Investment Summit is part of a broader initiative, the Conference on the Future of Europe, which enables people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future. If you’re not already part of the EU Sustainable Investment Summit community, sign up to the mailing list to receive the updates on the 2022 edition.

Investing together in our future! #InvestGreenEU

EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2021 highlights