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10/09/2007 : Evaluation of the Performance of Network Industries Providing Services of General Economic Interest

This workshop was jointly organised by the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee.

The objective of the workshop was to discuss the performance of network industries providing services of general economic interest, in the context of market opening to competition. It discussed the conclusions of an evaluation report on this subject produced by the European Commission, which was be presented at this occasion. The workshop also discussed methodological issues linked to the evaluation process itself, with the aim of developing and improving it further in the future."


Programme enpdf(81 kB) Choose translations of the previous link frpdf(81 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Morning sessions: Performance of network industries

9.30-9.40Welcome and opening remarks by Mr János Tóth, President of Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society, EESC
9.40-10.00Keynote speech: Mr Joaquín Almunia, Member of the European Commission

Session I: Commission report
Chair: Ms Evelyn PICHENOT (President of the Permanent Study Group on Services of general Interest, EESC)

10.00-10.40Presentation of the report “Evaluation of the Performance of Network Industries Providing Services of General Economic Interest – 2006 Report” (European Commission)

Developments of the legislative framework: Mr Marcel Haag
Industry performance and market integrationpdf(193 kB): Mr Christian Buelens
Distributive effects, access and qualitypdf(114 kB): Mr Rod Meiklejohn
Consumer satisfaction of network industry servicespdf(129 kB): Mr Akis Kyriacou

10.40-10.50 Discussant Apdf(271 kB): Mr David Hall (University of Greenwich, Public Services International Research Unit, PSIRU)
10.50-11.00 Discussant Bpdf(25 kB): Mr Francis McGowan (University of Sussex)
11.00-11.15Coffee break

Session II: Subjective and objective assessment of the impact of reforms in network industries
Chair: Stéphane Buffetaut (EESC)

11.15-11.40Presentation of the project " Subjective and objective assessment of the impact of reforms in network industriespdf(566 kB)": Mr Massimo Florio (University of Milan)
11.40-11.50 Discussant A: Ms Sophie in't Veld (Member of European Parliament)
11.50-12.00 Discussant Bpdf(221 kB): Mr Joost Verlinden (Federal Planning Bureau)
12.00-12.30 Open discussion and questions on the morning sessions
12.30-14.00Lunch buffet

Afternoon sessions: Evaluation of the methodology and needs for horizontal monitoring

Session III: Evaluation of the Commission's methodology
Chair: Mr Raymond Hencks (EESC)

14.00-14.20 Motivation and methodology of the horizontal evaluationpdf(195 kB): Ms Fabienne Ilzkovitz (European Commission)
14.20-15.00Presentation of a report on the methodology used to assess the performance of network industries providing services of general economic interestpdf(504 kB): Mr Dominique Spaey (Van Dijk Management Consultants)

Session IV: The future of the horizontal evaluations
Chair: Werner Stengg (European Commission)

15.00-16.00Round table discussion
  • Mr Levi Nietveltpdf(211 kB) (The European Consumers' Organisation, BEUC)
  • Mr Pierre Bauby (European Liaison Committee on Services of General Interest, CELSIG)
  • Ms Penny Clarke (European Federation of Public Services Unions, EPSU)
  • Ms Sian Jones (European Anti Poverty Network, EAPN)
  • Mr Hugues Vérité (BUSINESSEUROPE)
  • Mr Davide Gallino (European Regulators Groups, ERG)
16.00-16.30Open discussion and questions on the afternoon sessions
16.30-16.45Closing remarks by Mr Marco Buti (European Commission) and Mr Raymond Hencks (EESC)



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