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28/11/2016 : Annual Research Conference

DG ECFIN's Annual Research Conference took place on November 28 in Brussels. The conference brought together leading figures from academia and economic policy-making circles, altogether forming an audience of about 80 invited participants.

The conference has been the flagship event in the context of DG ECFIN's Fellowship Initiative 2016-2017 with the theme "Moving closer rather than drifting apart: Challenges to economic integration at the global and European level". Maurice Obstfeld, Chief Economist at the IMF, delivered the DG ECFIN Distinguished Lecture 2016. Prominent panellists discussed the current challenges to European economic integration, and dedicated sessions looked into:

  1. Diverging trends and perceptions of global and European integration;
  2. Economic policy strategies revisited;
  3. The labour market and social welfare compact in EMU; and
  4. Integrating financial markets, Banking Union and Capital Market Union.

Programmepdf(308 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

ECFIN Distinguished Lecture heading

Diverging trends and perceptions of global and European integration 

Break-out session 1: Economic policy strategies revisited

Break-out session 2: The labour market and social welfare compact in EMU

Break-out session 3: Integrating financial markets, Banking Union and Capital Market Union

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