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23/11/2015 : Annual Research Conference 2015 - Fiscal policy after the crisis

DG ECFIN's Annual Research Conference (in cooperation with CEPR), scheduled for November 23 in Brussels, is hosted by Pierre Moscovici, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, and brings together leading figures from academia and economic policy-making circles, altogether forming an audience of about 80 invited participants.

For this year's conference we have chosen the theme "Fiscal policy after the crisis". We are asking eminent scholars and top economic policy makers to explore old and new challenges to fiscal policy making, featuring keynote addresses by Commissioner Pierre Moscovici and Vitor Gaspar (IMF); dedicated sessions with distinguished speakers and discussants will be devoted to

  1. Stabilisation policies and growth in a low interest rate environment;
  2. The economics of high public debt reconsidered;
  3. Fiscal federalism revisited; and
  4. Fiscal rules, fiscal institutions, or both: political economy considerations. Please see the conference programme in attachment.

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