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15/12/2011 : Country Workshop: The Dutch Current Account – the story behind the surplus

With debts and deficits very much at the centre of attention at the current economic juncture, it is worth not losing sight of the surpluses at the other side of the equation. The Netherlands, having recorded a current account surplus for the past 30 years, forms an interesting case study. What are the driving forces behind this surplus and what are the returns on the money invested?

The workshop will comprise two sessions of presentations and discussion, followed by a policy panel discussion.

Concluding remarks would follow the panel discussion.

The workshop is scheduled to start at 10:00 and finish at 17:00. Please note that Chatham House rules apply.


The venue for this event will be
Commission's Charlemagne building,
Alcide de Gasperi Room (level 2),
Wetstraat 170 Rue de la Loi
1000 Brussels



For further information use the workshop mailbox to contact us.

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