BEF 2016 in the media

The Brussels Economic Forum 2016 was a great media success. Among the 895 participants, 116 members of the press attended the high-level conference on 9 June in Flagey, Brussels. Among them were six broadcasters, more than a dozen news agencies, and more than 30 important daily economic and political newspapers from a wide range of EU Member States. Several hundred wires, articles, and reports were published.

Euronews, the official media partner of the BEF 2016, devoted his European affairs magazine "State of the Union" to the BEF, featuring interviews with Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Minister of Finance of Latvia, ECON chair Roberto Gualtieri MEP, and EIB President Werner Hoyer. In its "Global Conversation" series, Euronews aired interviews with the Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, and ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling.

Bloomberg TV reported live from the Brussels Economic Forum and aired interviews with Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis; Vice-President Jyrki Katainen; Commissioner Pierre Moscovici (two more interviews with Commissioner Moscovici on the UK Referendum and popular Europe); Harris Georgiades, Finance Minister of Cyprus; the Director-General of DG ECFIN, Marco Buti; the Financial Adviser to the Commission President, Paulina Dejmek-Hack; EIB President Werner Hoyer; Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Ministry of Finance, Jens Spahn; and Guntram Wolff, the Director of the Bruegel think tank in Brussels.

The Brussels Economic Forum was covered, among others, by the Financial Times, Reuters, MNI, EFE (and here), ANSA, Bloomberg, Irish broadcaster RTE (and here), the Irish Examiner, the Irish Independent, Portuguese broadcaster RTP, Publico, El Pais, Expansion, el economista, Les Echos, La Repubblica, la gazzetta del mezziogiorno, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Het Financieele Dagblad, De Standaard,  Äripäev, Postimees, and Kathimerini.

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