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Eurogroup and ECOFIN ministers meetings of 4 and 5 May

Among other points, Ministers discussed the economic situation and financial market developments on the basis of the spring forecasts.

5 May 2009.


Eurogroup ministers met at 17:00 hrs on Monday 4 May. Joaquín Almunia, Commissioner responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs will attend as will European Central Bank Governor Jean-Claude Trichet.


Ministers discussed the economic situation and financial market developments, on the basis of the Spring forecasts.


The Council of Economics and Finance Ministers started at 10.00 hrs on 5 May.  The ECOFIN meeting was  attended by Commissioner Joaquín Almunia, Internal Market and Services Commissioner Charlie McCreevy and Taxation and Customs Union Commissioner Laszlo Kovacs.  

The Council approved an increase to € 50 billion of the lending ceiling for the EU support facility for non-euro area Member States in financial difficulty. Among other points, Ministers also discussed the quality of public finances in relation to age-related expenditures projections and the economic situation and financial market developments on the basis of the spring forecasts.
>> Detailed Eurogroup and ECOFIN agenda Choose translations of the previous link 
>> Council conclusions


  • Ministerial dialogue with candidate countries
  • Current economic and financial situation
  • Medium-term financial assistance for MS's balances of payments
  • Quality and sustainability of public finances
  • Five years of an enlarged EU
  • Preparation of the Employment Summit
  • Dialogue with third countries
  • Taxation - reduced VAT rates, good governance, tobacco taxation
  • EU Budget - Preliminary draft budget for 2010
  • Financial Services regulation - credit rating agencies, cross-border payments in Euro, Solvency II, - E-money